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Exercise types

Mika Tompuri edited this page Jan 11, 2023 · 18 revisions

This page explains the different exercise types available.



  • What: Student can check the box next to the statement (set by the course material creators) depending on whether the statement applies to them or not. Points are awarded for both unchecked and checked submissions.
  • When to use: Checkboxes are not useful for assessing learning, but are useful for asking a student to confirm that they agree to a code of conduct, for example.

Close-ended question


  • What: Student writes an answer that is a specific, predefined string of characters. The format of the answer is validated with regex (regular expression). Student cannot submit answers that do not meet the correct format. For example, if the regex demands numeral, the student cannot submit an answer consisting of non-numeral characters.
  • When to use: When you want the student to submit a short written answer. For example a single word or number.
  • Tip: Try out regex101 to formulate and test your regex rules.



  • What: Student writes a text of a certain length. You can set the minimum and maximum length of the answer while creating the exercise.
  • When to use: This exercise type works well for questions where students are meant to reflect or give opinions on a certain topic.
  • Tip: You can make students evaluate each other's answers through the peer-review feature. For example, you can provide statements ('Was the answer well argumented') and make students select a value on a scale from 1 to 5 (Full disagree - fully agree). The feature is enabled and configured in the exercise settings when you create an exercise.