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Adding references to the course material

Henrik Nygren edited this page Aug 11, 2022 · 2 revisions

This page describes how course authors can add references to the bottom of material pages. With this feature, each material page will show a list of all references that are referred to in the current page.



  • The references are added from the manage course interface using the BibTeX-format.
  • You can copy the reference BibTex directly from Google Scholar or Scopus or Web of Science.
  • To refer to the reference in the text write the following to a parahgraph: \cite{bibtexidentifier}.
  • You can learn more about BibTex here:


This is an example on how to add a reference to the material using Google Scholar.

  1. You will need you reference in the BibTeX format. Open a browser tab. Open Google Scholar:
  2. Paste your reference information in the Google Scholar search.
  3. Under your source, click Cite.
  4. In the pop-up screen, click BibTeX.


  1. Copy the BibTex reference.
  2. Go to your course material in
  3. Manage your course (cog icon)


  1. Select the References tab
  2. Click the ‘Add new reference’ button.


  1. In the New reference window, paste the BibTex reference, you previously copied from Google Scholar.
  2. Click the Submit button.
  3. To add reference to certain pages within a source or to do other edit, click on the Edit reference button. Insert pages in this format (before the closing curly bracket): pages = {201--202},
  4. Click Save button to confirm changes. Now you have added the reference information in your course material’s list of references. Next, it is time to insert a reference to this source in the actual course material.
  5. Copy BibTeX identifier for your reference, which is the part of the reference before the first comma.


  1. Select the Pages tab.
  2. For the page you want to add the reference to, click the Edit page button.


  1. Find the part of the course material where you want to insert the reference.
  2. Insert the reference in this format: \cite{bibtexidentifier} (Replace the text within the curly brackets with the BibTex identifier you copied earlier.
    For example: \cite{berg2019polku2030} or \cite{x}.
  3. To confirm changes, click the Save button.
