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daRabbit edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 5 revisions

Lucifer, the Doom, is a melee strength hero that is pretty strong before nullifier come into the game.

Difference to vanilla

  • Devour bonus gold buffed.
  • Scorched Earth cooldown reduced.


Q: Devour

Ability: Target Unit/Autocast
Affects: Enemy units
Damage Type: Pure (HP Removal)
40/50/60/70/120/170 mana || 70/60/50/40/40/40 cooldown

Consumes an enemy or neutral creep, acquiring any special abilities that it possessed and gaining health regeneration for the duration.

Cast Range: 300
Cast Point: 0.3
Gold Bonus: 125/250/500/750/1500/3000 (Talent 875/1000/1250/1500/2250/3750)
Health Regeneration: 10/20/30/40/70/100
Devour Duration: 80

  • Autocast enables Doom to acquire spells from the creep he eats instead of automatically eating creeps.
  • If the level 20 talent is taken, Devour can target ancient creeps.


W: Scorched Earth

Ability: No Target
Affects: Enemies/Self
Damage Type: Magical
Dispellable: No
60/65/70/75/100/125 mana || 40 cooldown

Carpets the nearby earth in flames which damage enemies and heal Doom, while also granting him increased movement speed.

Cast Point: 0
Radius: 600
Damage per Second: 20/30/40/50/90/130 (Talent 40/50/60/70/110/150)
Move Speed Bonus: 11%/12%/13%/14%/15%/16% (Talent 27%/28%/29%/30%/31%/32%)
Duration: 10/12/14/16/18/20


E: Infernal Blade

Ability: Target Unit/Autocast
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Magical
Pierces Spell Immunity: No

Doom swings his burning sword, igniting the enemy. Stuns for 0.6 seconds and applies a 4 second burn that deals 25 + 1.25%/2.5%/3.75%/5%/6.25%/7.5% of the target's Max HP as damage per second.

Cast Range: 175
Burn Base Damage: 25
Burn Max Health as Damage: 1.25%/2.5%/3.75%/5%/6.25%/7.5% (Talent 4.25%/5.5%/6.75%/8%/9.25%/10.5%)
Bash Duration: 0.6
Burn Duration: 4


R: Doom

Ability: Target Unit
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Pure
Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
Dispellable: No
150/200/250/500/750 mana || 145 cooldown

Inflicts a curse that prevents an enemy Hero from casting spells or using items, while taking damage over time.

Dispel Type: Basic Dispel

Cast Range: 550
Cast Point: 0.5
Damage per Second: 25/40/55/130/205 (Talent 65/80/95/170/245)
Duration Stop Radius: 0 (Aghanim's Scepter: 900)
Duration: 16

  • Aghanim's Scepter Effect: suspend doom's duration while doomed unit is within 900 range, applies basic dispel and break on target.


+130% Cleave


+3% Infernal Blade Damage
Devour Can Target Ancients


+40 Doom DPS
+750 Devour Bonus Gold


20% Evasion
+16% Scorched Earth
Movement Speed


+20 Scorched Earth


  • Currently none, for now.
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