A collection of code snippets, cheatsheets, mini blog posts, and ❤
- Cheatsheet
- Daily standup command
- Emoji
- Force rebase
- Git FTP
- Git Flow
- Line endings
- lolcommits
- Patch
- Stash
- Sync branches
- Tidy commits
- Versioning
- Workflow
- AirBNB style guide
- Debounce / throttle / pause
- Escape key event
- ESDoc
- Event target vs current target
- Input events
- jspm
- Modules
- Moment.js
- npm
- Package managers
- Redraw
- Redux
- RequireJS
- Sleep
- Stampit
- Stop event behaviour
- Velocity.js
- Zone.js
- Animations
- Attribute directives
- Bindings overview
- Component styles
- Dependency injection
- Modules
- Overview
- Routing
- Template syntax
- accordion.coffee
- columns.coffee
- match-size.coffee
- placeholder.js
- scroll-detect.coffee
- scroll-to.js
- sticky-header-knockout.coffee
- YouTube autoplay
- Array merge vs +
- Date parsing
- Escape variables
- Exception to string
- Normalize new lines
- PDF libraries
- PHPDoc
- Singleton scaffold
- Animations
- Bootstrap
- Bourbon
- Cheatsheet
- Flexbox
- Helvetica Neue font family
- Maintain image aspect ratio responsively
- Mobile nav
- Style guide generators
- Susy
- Icomoon to scss variables
- Import CSS
- Placeholder problem
- PSD letter spacing
- Stagger transition delay
- Variable scope
- Bash Options
- Compression
- Disk usage
- Encryption
- Environment variables
- Number of CPU processors
- Pipes
- Process hogging resources
- Recursively count files in directory
- Rsync
- Run command all subdirectories
- Search
- Storing scripts
- Top command
- vim
- Export
- External access
- Fixing hang
- Fixing name already exists
- Homestead SSL
- Sequel Pro
- Vagrantfile scaffold