Entire state of app is stored inside single store.
State is read only.
The only way to change state is to dispatch an action.
An action is a javascript object.
An action could be a network request, user interaction, etc.
import { createStore } from 'redux';
const store = createStore(counter);
store.subscribe(() => {
store.dispatch({ key: 'value' });
Pure functions
- Consistent and predictable.
- Return same data given the same parameters.
- Do not modify values passed to them.
** Impure functions**
- Has side effects (eg: updates database, changes DOM)
- Alters parameters passed into it
Reducer functions are used to modify state.
It is a pure function that takes the previous state and the action being dispatched, and returns the next state.
function reducerName(state = 'default state', action) {
// Check action and return modified state
// If action has no consequences, return state untouched;
return state;
function addCounter(list = [], action) {
// WRONG! Impure
return list;
// Pure
return list.concat([0]);
// ES6 way
return [...list, 0];
function removeCounter(list = [], action) {
// WRONG! Impure
delete list[action.index];
return list;
// Pure
return list
.slice(0, action.index)
.concat(list.slice(action.index + 1));
// ES6 way
return [
...list.slice(0, action.index),
...list.slice(action.index + 1)
function incrementCounter(list, action) {
return [
...list.slice(0, action.index),
list[action.index] + 1,
...list.slice(action.index + 1)
function toggleTodo(todo, action) {
return Object.assign(
completed: !todo.completed