- Does not use jQuery animation stack, rolls its own
- Better syncing between DOM and tween stack to minimize layout thrashing
- Better cache system for DOM querying
- IE8+
- Android 2.3+
Below that, Velocity will not load, and commands alias to jQuery $.animate
- Browser support changes to IE9+
- Attached itself to window object (
) - Raw DOM elements passed into first parameter
- No 'queue' or 'delay' functions
- Delegate queued logic to Velocity's 'begin' and 'complete' callbacks
- Use 'delay' option
width: "500px",
property2: value2
Velocity default options shown
Can be overridden with $.Velocity.defaults
properties: {
width: "500px",
property2: value2
options: {
duration: 400,
easing: "swing",
queue: "",
begin: undefined,
progress: undefined,
complete: undefined,
display: undefined,
visibility: undefined,
loop: false,
delay: false,
mobileHA: true
elements: $element,
properties: {}
options: {}
Properties in any order:
$element.velocity(propertyMap [, duration] [, easing] [, complete])
$element.velocity({ width: "500px" }, 1000, "swing", function() { alert('done'); });
Or per property:
width: ["500px", "swing"],
height: ["100px", "spring"]
Do not prefix properties, Velocity calculates for you
Each property animates one numeric value only
Uses queuing system - each one fires when previous has completed;
.velocity({ width: 75 })
.velocity({ height: 0 });
Set the 'queue' option to 'false' to run in parallel
.velocity({ width: 75 })
.velocity({ height: 0 }, { queue: false });
- Except for back, bounce, and elastic
- These are achieved with 'spring' physics (see below)
- Except for back, bounce, and elastic
- CSS3 bezier curves
- Pass a four-item array of bezier points
- Spring physics
- Two item array:
[tension, friction]
- Tension (default 500). Higher = increase speed and bounciness
- Friction (default: 20). Lower = increases vibration speed
- Two item array:
- Step easing
- One item array
Callbacks are executed once per call, even if multiple elements are animated at once
begin: function(element) {}
complete: function(elements) {}
progress: function(elements, complete, remaining, start, tweenValue) {}
Set to a number, or true to loop indefinitely
- inline
- inline-block
- block
- flex
- '' (remove property)
- auto (divs to block, spans to inline, etc)
- none (set after animation has completed)
- hidden (set after animation has completed)
- visible
- collapse
- '' (remove property)
Scroll browser to element;
Scroll element inside containing element;
$element.velocity('scroll', { container: $('#container') })
Scroll 'Y' axis by default, to change;
$element.velocity('scroll', { axis: 'x' })
There is also an 'offet' option
Stop animation and proceed to next in queue
'complete' callback and 'display' toggles skipped
To clear all animations in queue;
$element.velocity('stop', true)
Jump to end of animation
- translateX
- translateY
- scaleX
- scaleY
- rotateZ
backgroundColor: "#ff0000", //Animate a color property to a hex value of red
backgroundColorAlpha: 0.5, //With 50% opacity
colorRed: "50%", //Animate the red RGB component to 50% (0.5 * 255)
colorBlue: "+=50", //Concurrently animate to a stronger blue
colorAlpha: 0.85 //Fade the text down to 85% opacity
To avoid 'layout thrashing', the DOM is not queried for the initial value before the property is animated
Start values are forcefed as the second or third items in an array of the property value
translateX: [ 500, 0 ],
opacity: [ 0, "easeInSine", 1 ]
translateX starts at 0, and opacity starts at 1
A 3kb pack with two main functions;
- RegisterEffect
- RunSequence
And quite a few pre-registered effects
Prevents horizontal code for running effects in sequence, eg:
$element1.velocity({ translateX: 100 }, 1000, function() {
$element2.velocity({ translateX: 200 }, 1000, function() {
$element3.velocity({ translateX: 300 }, 1000);
var mySequence = [
{ e: $element1, p: { translateX: 100 }, o: { duration: 1000 } },
{ e: $element2, p: { translateX: 200 }, o: { duration: 1000 } },
{ e: $element3, p: { translateX: 300 }, o: { duration: 1000 } }
Run items in parallel:
var mySequence = [
{ e: $element1, p: { translateX: 100 }, o: { duration: 1000 } },
/* The call below will run at the same time as the first call. */
{ e: $element2, p: { translateX: 200 }, o: { duration: 1000, sequenceQueue: false },
/* As normal, the call below will run once the second call is complete. */
{ e: $element3, p: { translateX: 300 }, o: { duration: 1000 }
This turned out to be quite limited
No ability to animate two properties at the same time with different options
Best part is 'stagger' and 'drag', but can be implemented yourself fairly easily
Combine multiple velocity calls into a single effect that can be referenced by name
Do NOT accept loop, easing, or progress options, nor used with queue: false
Better code organization and ability to package animations across projects
$.Velocity.RegisterEffect(name, {
defaultDuration: duration,
calls: [
[ { property: value }, durationPercentage, { options } ],
[ { property: value }, durationPercentage, { options } ]
reset: { property: value, property: value }
For effect names ending with 'In' or 'Out', the 'display' option is automatically to set to 'block' and 'none'
Percentage as decimal. Default = 1
- properties hash
- durationPercentage (as decimal, 0 to 1)
- options - accepts only 'easing' and 'delay'
Applied upon completion of effect
Useful if scaling element down to 0, and then can reset to scale of 1 once hidden (for next animation to use)
$element.velocity('effectName', { options });
Velocity($element, 'effectName', { options });
Options are regular culprits, plus a few extras;
Successive delay on each animation element
Eg: if targeting 3 elements, and stagger is '250';
- First element: immediate animation
- Second element: animate after 250
- Third element: animate after 500
Set to 'true' - successively increase animation duration