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File metadata and controls

480 lines (294 loc) · 8.02 KB

Angular overview

Browser compatibility

IE6 & 7 = Angular 1.0 & 1.1 IE8 = Angular 1.2 IE9 = Angular 1.3+



Include the AngularJS javascript file, then;

var app = angular.module('app', []);

Creates a module, which is the container for all code in Angular

Now to create a 'main' controller;

app.controller('main', function($scope) {
  $scope.message = 'hello world';


<html ng-app="app">

The ng-app attribute is an Angular directive named ngApp

ng stands for 'Angular'

Angular considers this as the root element of the application

Allows you, if you prefer, to allow only a portion of the page to be Angular controlled


Modules contain many controllers

The name of this module is 'app'


Matches the controller name;

<body ng-controller="main">

Let's Angular know a controller we write will control that portion of the page

Binding expressions

Denoted by double curlies

Hello {{name}}

Efficient continuous updates whenever the result changes

Dollar signs

Parameters that begin with a dollar sign, eg: $scope are components / services provided by Angular


aka scope and $scope



  • 1 + 2
  • items[index]

vs javascript expressions

  • Context is evaluated against object scope, not global window scope
  • Forgiving to undefined and null
  • No if statements / conditions
  • No loops
  • No exceptions
  • No functions
  • No regular expressions
  • No commas or void
  • Attach a filter!

within HTML

The browser will render this and 404, until Angular comes along and fixes it up



If a binding expression doesn't work, don't throw an error, it'll blank it out


<div ng-controller="MainController"></div>

var MainController = function($scope) {
  $scope.message = "Hello!";

Angular invokes controller functions when it needs to create a controller to manage an area of a webpage

The controller assigns models to the scope object

Binding expressions move data from the scope into the view

Page often has multiple controllers, and controllers can even be nested

Digest cycle

Looks to see if any data being rendered on the page has changed

Compares old values to new values (dirty check)

Digest cycles may need to be manually invoked when used with 3rd party code or events triggered outside of Angular


99% of the time = too many bindings

  • Use less bindings
    • Remove bindings from things that aren't displayed all the time
    • Then add bindings when needed
  • One time bindings
    • Render model, then leave it as static
    • Eg: displaying catalogue of items to purchase - that stuff won't really ever change
  • Use React rendering engine
    • Not a trivial thing to do
    • May miss out on great Angular features by doing this


Changes variable names, which really confuses parameter name detection

Fix with;

var MainController = function($scope, $http) {

app.controller("MainController", ["$scope", "$http", MainController]);

Directive overview


Instead of

{{ whatever }}

Can do

<div ng-bind="whatever"></div>


Bind multiples

<div ng-bind-template="{{whatever1}} {{whatever2}}"></div>


Pass from the frontend to the controller model / $scope

<div ng-controller="MainController">
  <input type="text" ng-model="username" />

// controller



Attach a function, with parameters if you like;

<input type="submit" ng-click="search(username)" />


$ = function(username) {


A better way than the above example

<form ng-submit="search(username)">
  <input type="submit" />


A 'for' loop

<tr ng-repeat="repo in repos">
  <td>{{ repo.whateva }}</td>

ngShow & ngHide

<div ng-show="user"></div>

The div is only displayed if 'user' is truthy

Truthy values;

  • true
  • {}
  • []
  • number > 0
  • "non empty string"

Falsy values;

  • false
  • 0
  • ""
  • null
  • undefined
  • NaN


Hides the page until Angular has populated everything

Avoids flashes

<body ng-cloak>

Requires CSS, which can be fetched from Angular documentation, something like;

[ng-cloak] {
  display: none;


Pass in expression to evaluate against scope, which returns the filename to include

Or, pass in a string

<div ng-include="'filename.html'"></div>


Great for accessibility

Convert numbers, dates, and currency into local formats


var cache = $cacheFactory('cacheName');    
cache.put(key, val);


Processes directives

  var compiled = $compile(markup)($scope);


Turns an expression into a function

var getEventName = $parse('');
var eventName = getEventName(event);

getEventName.assign(event, 'New name');


Basic format:

{{ expression | filterName:parameter }}

Some examples;

  • Currency
  • Date
  • lowercase
  • uppercase
  • number
    • Format with local delimiter
  • json
    • Handy for dumping json into display
  • Filter
    • Yes, a filter filter!
    • Filter a collection based on criteria
  • limitTo
  • orderBy


In web development 'services' are usually connections to an API or web service

A service in Angular is a component that performs a specific job

I think of them as controller helpers

They are called in via controller parameters;

  function($scope, $service) {

Services are only instantiated once per application (singleton pattern)

Some examples

var myInterval = $interval(functionToRun, ms, intervalCount);


Build your own


  • Package reusable logic within the application
  • Store shared data
  • Improve maintainability


  .factory('exampleService', exampleService);
function exampleService() {
  return {
    publicApi: 'hello'

// controller.js

var controller = function(exampleService) {

Factory vs Service

Notice the above example uses factory(), this is the recommended way

You may see elsewhere, the .service('exampleService', exampleService) method

These services MUST be an object, as they are created with a new exampleService() by Angular

Whereas a factory is invoked with exampleService() and can be anything

It also allows code to be run before returning the object

Either way, they are both singletons


Each service should be a class. Attach to Angular using 'service', not 'factory'

Routes, views, and layouts

Depends on angular-route.js

Configure via $routeProvider

var app = app.module('appName', ["ngRoute"]);

app.config(function($routeProvider) {
    .when("/main", {
      templateUrl: 'example.html'
    .when("/user/:username", {
      redirectTo: "/main"


<div ng-view></div>


Can be specified within the router, alongside templateUrl

Or kept within the html file, eg: <div ng-controller="ControllerName">

Route params

// Config


// Controller

function($routeParams) {

Browser redirect

function($location) {