- Ionic
- Framework
- http://ionicframework.com/
- For building interactive web apps
- Build with SASS and AngularJS
- Creator
- http://creator.ionic.io/
- Drag and drop interface with code export
- View
- http://view.ionic.io/
- Share Ionic and Cordova apps with clients and testers without the App Store
- Label
- http://lab.ionic.io/
- Create, build, test, and deploy Ionic apps
- Desktop app
- Market
- http://market.ionic.io/
- Plugins, starters, themes
- Learn
- http://learn.ionicframework.com/
- Screencasts and guides
In alpha, will eventually become a paid service
- Can be viewed instantly using the 'Ionic View' app (available on iOS and Android)
- Can send deploys to app users instantly ('Check for updates' and 'Download updates' and 'Update available' stuff)
- Push notifications to app users phones when criteria matches
- Like Google Analytics
Upload with;
ionic upload
Or assign settings yourself with;
ionic io init
Build native feeling apps with HTML, CSS, and JS
NOT a Phonegap replacement - focused on frontend style and UI interaction
Similar to Twitter Bootstrap
npm install -g cordova ionic
ionic start myApp tabs
ionic start myApp sidemenu
ionic start myApp blank
Start local dev server with live reload;
ionic serve [options]
Develop ios and android side by side in browser;
ionic serve --lab
Add platform target
ionic platform ios android
ionic build <PLATFORM>
ionic emulate <PLATFORM>
ionic run <PLATFORM>
ionic package <MODE> <PLATFORM>
Lots of things, most interestingly;
- Cards
- Form toggles switches
Adds classes to <body>
tag, eg;
- platform-ios
- platform-browser
- platform-android
- platform-ipad
- Action sheet
- Native overlay of options
- Backdrop
- Modal overlay style
- Scroll tweaks
- Gestures
- Long holds
- Swipes + directions
- Drags + directions
- Keyboard zoom to element on focus
- Slide menu
- Full carousel through pages
ionic setup sass