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Michael Bond edited this page Feb 18, 2016 · 1 revision

Object locking is a way to help preserve data integrity.

Without Object Locking it is possible for multiple people to open the same Object, at the same time, for editing. If everyone that has the file for editing open makes and saves changes, the LAST person to make changes will over write everyone else's edits.

If they made edits to the same field(s) the latest edit would be the one saved to the current version of the file. If they make changes to different fields the original data (before any edits) would be saved to the current version in the fields that user didn't edit.

Object Locking is a way to help prevent this problem.

If you edit an object that someone else is already editing you will receive a warning page that that states "Object is locked by another User". The page will tell you the username of WHO is editing the object as well as the date that the lock was put in place.

It is possible that YOU will be the user that has the object locked. if this is the case it is likely that you have the object open in another window or refreshed the current window and the lock was not removed.

If it is locked by another person you should consult that person before editing the object.

In both cases the warning page provides a link at the bottom of the page to "Unlock this object". clicking that link will remove the lock on the object, load the editor page for you, and lock the object with your username. This will prevent any other webpage that has the object open from performing an edit to the object.

To cancel editing and unlock the object click the "Cancel Edit & Unlock Object" link in the upper right corner of the edit window.

In most cases simply navigating away from the edit screen should unlock the object. But clicking on the Cancel link will guarantee the lock be removed.

Viewing vs. Editing

If you only want to view the data of an object, and not edit the object, it is recommended to use the "View" link. The View link will not place a lock on the object and allow other people to manipulate it if need be.

Forms and Projects with a single editor

We understand that for Forms and/or Projects which have only a only a single editor Object Locking may be a minor inconvenience, and occasionally require a single extra click. However, the benefits that object locking have for Forms/Projects with multiple editors far out weights the occasional extra step. Implementing Object Locks on a "per form" basis would not be practical.

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