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iOS SDK integration
NOTE : To download iOS SDK through cocoa pod,please go here first.
NOTE : To run our Sample app do the following:
- Download latest SDK version and unzip it
- Now unzip Release-Universal,now drag and drop the content of unzipped file into Sample App
To integrate with iOS SDK, download the latest SDK from Github using link : https://github.com/payu-intrepos/iOS-SDK/releases
Drag and drop the extracted content (two items - a folder and a static lib) into your project
To import our SDK just import
file as below#import "PayU_iOS_CoreSDK.h"
Get all the required parameters
Create an object of
and set all the parameter in it@property (strong, nonatomic) PayUModelPaymentParams *paymentParamForPassing; self.paymentParamForPassing = [PayUModelPaymentParams new]; self.paymentParamForPassing.key = @"0MQaQP"; self.paymentParamForPassing.transactionID = @"Ywism0Q9XC88qvy"; self.paymentParamForPassing.amount = @"10.0"; self.paymentParamForPassing.productInfo = @"Nokia"; self.paymentParamForPassing.firstName = @"Ram"; self.paymentParamForPassing.email = @"[email protected]"; self.paymentParamForPassing.userCredentials = @"ra:ra"; self.paymentParamForPassing.phoneNumber = @"1111111111"; self.paymentParamForPassing.SURL = @"https://payu.herokuapp.com/ios_success"; self.paymentParamForPassing.FURL = @"https://payu.herokuapp.com/ios_failure"; self.paymentParamForPassing.udf1 = @"u1"; self.paymentParamForPassing.udf2 = @"u2"; self.paymentParamForPassing.udf3 = @"u3"; self.paymentParamForPassing.udf4 = @"u4"; self.paymentParamForPassing.udf5 = @"u5"; self.paymentParamForPassing.environment= ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION; self.paymentParamForPassing.offerKey = @"offertest@1411";
You don't need to set udf1-5 in case you are not using them email and firstname can be empty strings "" if you don't want to use them For store user card feature you need to set userCredentials
self.paymentParamForPassing.userCredentials = @"ra:ra"
For offers you need to set
self.paymentParamForPassing.offerKey = @"offertest@1411"
For any other payment default param (like phone and others)
self.paymentParamForPassing.phoneNumber = @"1111111111";
Get the required hashes by using your own server. Set the hashes as below
self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.paymentHash = @"ade84bf6dd9da35d0aab50a5bf61d6272ab0fc488b361b65c66745054aacf1900e3c60b5022d2114bae7360174ebcb3cd7185a5d472e5c99701e5e7e1eccec34"; self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.paymentRelatedDetailsHash = @"915299224c80eff0eb2407b945a5087556292f58baca25fd05a0bceb6826aa9eb531810001dd4b4677dd928dd60d39eecf843b2189f213f9bb82c5a9483e3aac"; self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.VASForMobileSDKHash = @"5c0314c2781876f7e0a53676b0d08e1457dafe904d2d15d948626b57409538d51093eef4f15c792b1b9651be7b5659efdd45926e43a1145d68cea094687011ca"; self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.deleteUserCardHash = @"03e10e892005755f91061121036fb1b10f46202b4138d182f153c5de5c7fd44930ed94b32fac230e59bac1e4ca123aca3297e4b9d25024bf13237db9721fec1a"; self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.offerHash = @"1e99fdb59bd91c1a85624104c0fcfae34d7fcb850dd17a0b75e7efe49857d15fdefc47dd0d86ca34cbc3a8b580839aea6341a573e4e60dc1ddcf7ecc32bf9cae";
2. Calling Webservices
To get request, create an object of class PayUCreateRequest
as below. The callbacks give your URLRequest as well as post parameters (NSString format). You can use these post parameters to initialize Custom Browser Instance.
@property (nonatomic, strong) PayUCreateRequest *createRequest;
To Pay using CCDC, we need to set CCDC parameter as below:
self.paymentParamForPassing.cardNumber = @"5123456789012346";//cardNumber
self.paymentParamForPassing.nameOnCard = @"name";//Name on card
self.paymentParamForPassing.expYear = @"2018";//Expiry year
self.paymentParamForPassing.expMonth = @"11";//ExpiryMonth
self.paymentParamForPassing.CVV = @"123";//CVV
self.paymentParamForPassing.storeCardName = @"My TestCard";//If you want to save card then pass StoreCardName otherwise it will not save & make sure userCredentials are provided
After setting the above parameters, you can get the request by using createRequestWithPaymentParam method as below
self.createRequest = [PayUCreateRequest new];
[self.createRequest createRequestWithPaymentParam:self.paymentParamForPassing forPaymentType:PAYMENT_PG_CCDC withCompletionBlock:^(NSMutableURLRequest *request, NSString *postParam, NSString *error) {
if (error == nil) {
//It is good to go state. You can use request parameter in webview to open Payment Page
//Something went wrong with Parameter, error contains the error Message string
To Pay using StoredCard, we need to set StoredCard parameter as below:
PayUModelStoredCard *modelStoredCard = [self.paymentRelatedDetail.storedCardArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
self.paymentParamForPassing.cardToken = modelStoredCard.cardToken;
self.paymentParamForPassing.cardBin = modelStoredCard.cardBin;
self.paymentParamForPassing.CVV = @"123";//CVV
After setting the above parameters, you can get the request by using createRequestWithPaymentParam
method as below
self.createRequest = [PayUCreateRequest new];
[self.createRequest createRequestWithPaymentParam:self.paymentParamForPassing forPaymentType:PAYMENT_PG_STOREDCARD withCompletionBlock:^(NSMutableURLRequest *request, NSString *postParam, NSString *error) {
if (error == nil) {
//It is good to go state. You can use request parameter in webview to open Payment Page
//Something went wrong with Parameter, error contains the error Message string
To Pay using NetBanking, we need to set NetBanking parameter as below:
self.paymentParamForPassing.bankCode = @"AXIB";//BankCode
After setting the above parameters, you can get the request by using createRequestWithPaymentParam method as below
self.createRequest = [PayUCreateRequest new];
[self.createRequest createRequestWithPaymentParam:self.paymentParamForPassing forPaymentType:PAYMENT_PG_NET_BANKING withCompletionBlock:^(NSMutableURLRequest *request, NSString *postParam, NSString *error) {
if (error == nil) {
//It is good to go state. You can use request parameter in webview to open Payment Page
//Something went wrong with Parameter, error contains the error Message string
To Pay using CashCard, we need to set cashcard parameter as below:
self.paymentParamForPassing.bankCode = @"AXIB";//BankCode
After setting the above parameters, you can get the request by using createRequestWithPaymentParam
method as below
self.createRequest = [PayUCreateRequest new];
[self.createRequest createRequestWithPaymentParam:self.paymentParamForPassing
forPaymentType:PAYMENT_PG_CASHCARD withCompletionBlock:^(NSMutableURLRequest *request, NSString *postParam, NSString *error) {
if (error == nil) {
//It is good to go state. You can use request parameter in webview to open Payment Page
//Something went wrong with Parameter, error contains the error Message string
To Pay using EMI, we need to set EMI parameter as below:
self.paymentParamForPassing.bankCode = @"EMI03";//BankCode
self.paymentParamForPassing.expiryYear = @"2019";
self.paymentParamForPassing.expiryMonth = @"12";
self.paymentParamForPassing.nameOnCard = @"test";
self.paymentParamForPassing.cardNumber = @"5123456789012346";
self.paymentParamForPassing.CVV = @"123";
After setting the above parameters, you can get the request by using createRequestWithPaymentParam
method as below
self.createRequest = [PayUCreateRequest new];
[self.createRequest createRequestWithPaymentParam:self.paymentParamForPassing forPaymentType:PAYMENT_PG_EMI withCompletionBlock:^(NSMutableURLRequest *request, NSString *postParam, NSString *error) {
if (error == nil) {
//It is good to go state. You can use request parameter in webview to open Payment Page
//Something went wrong with Parameter, error contains the error Message string
To Pay using PayUMoney, we need to set only the mandatory payment param and we can get the request by using createRequestWithPaymentParam
method as below:
PayUCreateRequest *createRequest = [PayUCreateRequest new];
[createRequest createRequestWithPaymentParam:self.paymentParamForPassing forPaymentType:PAYMENT_PG_PAYU_MONEY withCompletionBlock:^(NSMutableURLRequest *request, NSString *postParam, NSString *error) {
if (error == nil) {
//It is good to go state. You can use request parameter in webview to open Payment Page
//Something went wrong with Parameter, error contains the error Message string
To Pay using Subvention EMI, we need to set subventionAmount parameter of paymentParams
self.paymentParamForPassing.bankCode = @"EMI03";//BankCode
self.paymentParamForPassing.expiryYear = @"2019";
self.paymentParamForPassing.expiryMonth = @"12";
self.paymentParamForPassing.nameOnCard = @"test";
self.paymentParamForPassing.cardNumber = @"5123456789012346";
self.paymentParamForPassing.CVV = @"123";
self.paymentParamForPassing.subventionAmount = @"3000";
After setting the above parameters, you can get the request by using createRequestWithPaymentParam method as below:
self.createRequest = [PayUCreateRequest new];
[self.createRequest createRequestWithPaymentParam:self.paymentParamForPassing forPaymentType:PAYMENT_PG_EMI withCompletionBlock:^(NSMutableURLRequest *request, NSString *postParam, NSString *error) {
if (error == nil) {
//It is good to go state. You can use request parameter in webview to open Payment Page
//Something went wrong with Parameter, error contains the error Message string
If subventionAmount is passed than hash formula for payment hash will be
Otherwise it will remain same as earlier.
To Pay using LazyPay, we need to set the below parameters :
Notify Url – Callback URL of merchant where a notification of transaction status will be sent on completion of transaction. It should be HTTPS.
self.paymentParamForPassing.notifyURL= @"https://notifyURL.com";
After setting the above parameters, you can get the request by using createRequestWithPaymentParam method as below
self.createRequest = [PayUCreateRequest new];
[self.createRequest createRequestWithPaymentParam:self.paymentParamForPassing forPaymentType:PAYMENT_PG_LAZYPAY withCompletionBlock:^(NSMutableURLRequest *request, NSString *postParam, NSString *error) {
if (error == nil) {
//It is good to go. You can use request parameter in webview to open Payment Page
//Something went wrong with Parameter, error contains the error Message string
Before proceeding further, make sure you have read this document
- To integrate with iOS SDK,download latest sample app from github using link : https://github.com/payu-intrepos/iOS-SDK-Sample-App/releases
libraries into your project (Project->Build Phases->Link Binary With Libraries) -
in Other Linker Flags in Project Build Settings(Project->Build Settings->Other Linker Flags) -
To run the app on iOS9, please add the below code in info.plist
<key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key> <dict> <key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key> <true/> </dict>
Drag and drop PayU folder into your App.
In AppDelegate.h add the below property
@property (weak, nonatomic) UIViewController *paymentOptionVC;
Now come to checkout view controller of your app from where you want to start payment process.
1. Import the following file
#import "PUUIPaymentOptionVC.h"
2. On the Pay button set the paymentparam as below:
PayUModelPaymentParams *paymentParam = [[PayUModelPaymentParams alloc] init];
PayUModelHashes *hashes = [[PayUModelHashes alloc] init];// Set the hashes here
paymentParam.key = @"gtKFFx";
paymentParam.transactionID = @"txnID20170220";
paymentParam.amount = @"10";
paymentParam.productInfo = @"iPhone";
paymentParam.SURL = @"https://payu.herokuapp.com/success";
paymentParam.FURL = @"https://payu.herokuapp.com/failure";
paymentParam.firstName = @"Baalak";
paymentParam.email = @"[email protected]";
paymentParam.udf1 = @"";
paymentParam.udf2 = @"";
paymentParam.udf3 = @"";
paymentParam.udf4 = @"";
paymentParam.udf5 = @"";
paymentParam.hashes = hashes;
// Set this property if you want to get the stored cards:
paymentParam.userCredentials = @"gtKFFx:[email protected]";
// Set the environment according to merchant key ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION for Production &
// ENVIRONMENT_TEST for test environment:
paymentParam.environment = ENVIRONMENT_TEST;
// Set this property if you want to give offer:
paymentParam.offerKey = @"";
3. Now call **getPayUPaymentRelatedDetailForMobileSDK:paymentParam** method of **PayUWebServiceResponse** class to get the payment related details:
PayUWebServiceResponse *webServiceResponse =[[PayUWebServiceResponse alloc]init];
withCompletionBlock:^(PayUModelPaymentRelatedDetail *paymentRelatedDetails,
NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) {
if (!errorMessage) {
UIStoryboard *stryBrd = [UIStoryboard
storyboardWithName:@"PUUIMainStoryBoard" bundle:nil];
PUUIPaymentOptionVC * paymentOptionVC =
[stryBrd instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:VC_IDENTIFIER_PAYMENT_OPTION];
paymentOptionVC.paymentParam = paymentParam;
paymentOptionVC.paymentRelatedDetail = paymentRelatedDetails;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:paymentOptionVC animated:true];
// error occurred while creating the request
4. Once the payment gets success, fails, cancel or any stored card gets deleted SDKUI fires notification to any registered observers. Add observer as below:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver:self selector:@selector(responseReceived:)
name:kPUUINotiPaymentResponse object:nil];
-(void)responseReceived:(NSNotification *) notification{
NSString *strConvertedRespone = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",notification.object];
NSLog(@"Response Received %@",strConvertedRespone);
- Now PayUSDK is integrated.
Note: Please calculate all the hashes and assign tostrEmail paymentOptionsVC.allHashDict.Please refer Server Side Document for calculating hash.Hashes are provided to
in Key-Value Pair as below:
"check_offer_status_hash" = 22e773e2079e9c2249c230b1ee096efcc2555b214fe291293d5a109e65030dda2cd355d4db97751d9c1f43c5e055b347e3d4e2939830bdc1f5f48845899e5bf1;
"delete_user_card_hash" = 793eed65afe4aaf1ddf89506093a57907a16fdd38e5c52050d7b5380e658c4300e221fa5f7da7b40ac213238b427e8d0dcc6a33bd5efe075d4261c01f143cb4e;
"edit_user_card_hash" = 20d3ea6b9bc964e8548c8fd3fc1a9e3daa948a0226511abdd3679d77c8c54131775b7f6d3dc3589389f47edaec2906b2381033d88c1aef1920204b4989f636c9;
"get_merchant_ibibo_codes_hash" = 307374123fb8d720d41361470984947f7f5c33ac4832598149bf1d108ea9b2ccefd7b46fe4ee4c021f67838a67f355a74f3c2d79bb37373d3b248a802c7159e2;
"get_user_cards_hash" = dfac3cd3fe9599ceba79efc9ddd48e28cbd8fd47ab2e4ae8a3b5f6f5be559e9dbbc8328298fb224a4e0769b1c328d1b87f59354bbec3c4eb101acc968fde0508;
"payment_hash" = 19c70354c7184da415a3a22c380235727e8d1e0aa3422e0b1cb6f40d9258e363a0dd37d611563e67fc8bd3be26960a54cba97de5b7588f323151f97c4f11dd06;
"payment_related_details_for_mobile_sdk_hash" = 633369f45e3b98c100871be3cb8f5c631132a5d06b83c2fc1e6a12302ab7386fc23ca53fb9f9182518b6affca6b6fe5dad170ae087b7716b11f8ddc07899590e;
"save_user_card_hash" = 09fb415be88e40de0d5c746f2ca4f7620dcf62eb2cf0da7cb0c2080eb36fed3290607b5b4bf890f2f8f5399bd72a41db18160c430c16079131272e7ce0c17a56;
"vas_for_mobile_sdk_hash" = 7da0f4fef5bab0e5034f37f9503bdcbede00cc2cd0cf6cbb4e43baa9d57f05680305885199e2b0d38e8cf12895fd06f4d3dd3fb422535feeb555adc58e2cf3cc;
- SDKs Overview
- Server Side
- Client Side
- Android SDK Integration
- Android Custom Browser
- Android Samsung Pay SDK integration
- Android PhonePe Intent SDK integration
- Android Google Pay™ SDK Integration
- Android PayU CheckoutPro SDK Integration
- IOS PayU CheckoutPro SDK Integration
- iOS integration with PayU Checkout UI
- iOS SDK integration
- iOS Custom Browser
- Mobile Releases
- FAQs
- Common Issues