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PayU PhonePe InApp SDK Integration

himgupta229 edited this page Nov 11, 2019 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the PayU-PhonePe wiki!

Gradle: implementation 'com.payu.phonepe:phonepe-intent:1.4'

Add below url in root project build.gradle like below:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""


1. Import gradle in your project or download the phonepe-intent-release.aar file from github.
2. In case integration with importing aar as a module please import below dependency also in your app build.gradle.
        compile ''
3. Call method checkForPaymentAvailability available in PhonePe to check if PhonePe payment is available or not on device.This method is called before showing PhonePe as a checkout option.


PhonePe.getInstance().checkForPaymentAvailability(Activity activity, PayUPhonePeCallback callback, String paymentOptionHash, String merchantKey, String user_credentials)
Input :
        PayUPhonePeCallback : the class to provide callbacks
        Activity : Activity
        paymentOptionHash : Payment Related Details hash
        merchantKey : PayU Merchant Key 
        user_credentials : Provide user credentials or use "default"


 To generate paymentoptionHash use below method
 where key     = Provide your merchant key here
       command = "payment_related_details_for_mobile_sdk"
       var1    = Provide user credentials or use "default"
       salt    = Provide your merchant salt here
5. Method makePayment()

After successful initialisation of PhonePe by calling checkForPaymentAvailability method call makePayment method to make payment.


PhonePe.getInstance().makePayment(PayUPhonePeCallback callback, Activity activity, String postData,boolean isUserCacheEnabled, View customDialogView);
        PayUPhonePeCallback : the class to provide callbacks
    	Activity : activity instance
        postData : PayU postdata
        isUserCacheEnabled : To Enable/Disable User Cache
        customDialogView : Provide your Custom Progress Dialog View(Optional)
Sample post data:

txnid=1524122818080&productinfo=product_info&user_credentials=default&key=*****&surl=**SUCCESS_URL**&furl=**FAILURE_URL&firstname=firstname&[email protected]&amount=10&udf1=udf1&udf2=udf2&udf3=udf3&udf4=udf4&udf5=udf5&pg=CASH&bankcode=PPINTENT&hash=***PAYMENT_HASH***


 To generate paymentHash use below method
 where key         = Provide merchant key
       txnid       = Provide transaction id
       amount      = Provide transaction amount
       productinfo = Provide product info
       firstname   = Provide customer firstname
       email       = Provide customer email
       udf1-udf5   = Used Defined values
       salt        = Provide merchant Salt
9. PayUPhonePeCallback

List of the callback function provided by PayU PhonePe:

  1. onPaymentOptionFailure (String payuResponse, String merchantResponse) - Calls when payment fails

  2. onPaymentOptionSuccess (String payuResponse, String merchantResponse) - Calls when payment succeeds

  3. onPaymentOptionInitialisationFailure (int errorCode,String description) - Called for PhonePe initialisation failure where,

    • errorCode : Error Code
    • description : Error Description

Following are error messages w.r.t. PhonePe initialisation failure

- ErrorCode        : Description 

- 1                : MERCHANT_KEY_NOT_REGISTER_FOR_PHONEPE        // Merchant is not registered for 
                                                                         PhonePe with PayU 
  1. onPaymentOptionInitialisationSuccess (boolean result) - Callback when PhonePe is successfully initialised.

10. Sample Code

// Callback for PhonePe 
 PayUPhonePeCallback payUPhonePeCallback = new PayUPhonePeCallback() {
                 public void onPaymentOptionFailure(String payuResponse, String merchantResponse) {
                    super.onPaymentOptionFailure(payuResponse, merchantResponse);
                    Intent intent = new Intent();
                    intent.putExtra("payu_response", payuResponse);
                    intent.putExtra("result", merchantResponse);
                    setResult(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, intent);

                public void onPaymentOptionInitialisationSuccess(boolean result) {
                   // Merchants are advised to show PhonePe option on their UI after this callback is called.

               public void onPaymentOptionSuccess(String payuResponse, String merchantResponse) {
                   super.onPaymentOptionSuccess(payuResponse, merchantResponse);
                   Intent intent = new Intent();
                   intent.putExtra("payu_response", payuResponse);
                   intent.putExtra("result", merchantResponse);
                   setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, intent);

                public void onPaymentOptionInitialisationFailure (int errorCode, String description) {
                  //Callback thrown in case PhonePe initialisation fails.

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