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iOS Custom Browser

AshishPayU edited this page Oct 9, 2015 · 5 revisions

9. Integrating CB with iOS SDK

  • Download iOS-CustomBrowserkit version 4.0 from here .

  • Drag and drop the extracted content (two items - a folder and a static lib) into your project

  • Add libz.dylib libraries into your project

  • Identify UIWebView implementation file (where implemented the logic for populating UIWebView during payment (e.g. resultWebViewController)

  • Make sure you have confirmed UIWebViewDelegate protocol in this file.

          @interface resultWebViewController () <UIWebViewDelegate>
  • Import a main CB header file on top of resultWebViewController.h

             #import "PayU_CB_SDK.h"
  • import WebKit.framwork into the app

  • Create a property of type CBConnection in resultWebViewController Class

             @property (strong, nonatomic) CBConnection *CBC;
  • Implement the code at the end of viewDidLoad method as follows:

             _CBC = [[CBConnection alloc]init:self.view webView:_resultWebView];
                 _CBC.isWKWebView = NO;
                 _CBC.cbServerID = CB_SERVER_ID;
             // in case if you do not have activity indicator in your App call payUActivityIndicator
                 [_CBC payUActivityIndicator];
                 [_CBC initialSetup];
  • Implement the code at the start of UIWebView Delegate methods as follows:

                 - (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView;
                     [_CBC payUwebViewDidFinishLoad:webView];
                 -(BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request         navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)naavigationType 
                     [_CBC payUwebView:webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:request];
  • In SDK, please add the below line in payuconstant.h class:

             #define CB_SERVER_ID 2
  • Now compile and run your project. You will be able to see Custom Browser.