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New Swift SDK Seamless

AshishPayU edited this page Sep 19, 2018 · 26 revisions

Initial set up

1).Drag & drop PayU_coreSDK_Swift.framework into your project from here.

2).Go to project settings, Build phases -> link Binaries with Libraries & make sure PayU_CoreSDK_Swift.framework is added (add in another case)

3).Go to General tab -> Embedded Binaries & add PayU_CoreSDK_Swift.Framework

Calling APIs for invoking SDK

 import PayU_coreSDK_Swift 

Now, set paymentParams as below :

let paymentParams = PayUModelPaymentParams() 
paymentParams.key = "gtKFFx" 
paymentParams.txnId = “abcdef20171009” 
paymentParams.amount = "10" 
paymentParams.productInfo = "iPhone" 
paymentParams.firstName = "Ashish" = "[email protected]" 
paymentParams.environment = ENVIRONMENT_TEST 
paymentParams.surl = “your success URL here“ 
paymentParams.furl = “your failure URL here“ 

// optional params for payment

paymentParams.udf1 = "u1" 
paymentParams.udf2 = "u2" 
paymentParams.udf3 = "u3" 
paymentParams.udf4 = "u4" 
paymentParams.udf5 = "u5" 

pass offer key if some offer is enabled for your account

paymentParams.offerKey = "yourOfferKey" 

if you want to save some card for specific user, then

paymentParams.userCredentials = “gtKFFx:[email protected]" 

Note: Hash Generation : For every transaction request you make to PayU server requires a hash generated from your own server, refer this link from here.

to call fetchPayUPaymentOptions API, set below hash

self.paymentParams.hashes.paymentRelatedDetailsHash =“b4acc0c8ffeeaa9df5864c30b4830560a9eb3ee59e2e4963960ab7ac144d46c4e8cb25f3e5cc1e746f803fd7d6f93b053368bbeb9e6b152edef8c5cbf35595e4” 

to delete saved card, set below hash

self.paymentParams.hashes.deleteUserCardHash = “eb27383c17a57ce730261a351bd044fef763687b1fdb07626e363f147105adb664442467a30443f4518bcd51dbc687b6363a92a2e6f23ee6d5acdf8a0229f918” 

set below hash if you have some offer

self.paymentParams.hashes.offerHash  = “85eba4048b0c10e403338a29a13733db259f6d31f4cadc141c6282f7a1a2da3b9e60c260a3eeba60d937ad7a4276ee73836bf5fb02912f999e8b24d358023acd” 

For calling getVASStatus API set below hash,

self.paymentParams.hashes.VASForMobileSDKHash = “a9153e030149651114be4aa1228bef557ebd9d48ff862c39851dce31acea14b351114911a5ab6d0cc972961b0a4946e6aa4b2842465ee3f65f0b249d0f6d0ad9” 

for making a payment, set payment hash

self.paymentParams.hashes.paymentHash = “e2490bb3228d84ced094d2266e65d6df75eba9b86f22d49f09e4fbdf8accf8241969fd140cba68d0960bb0fc205f1fbb18a825c020005c781c81adcae6fbcaee” 

A).fetchPayUPaymentOptions API : This API gives you all the available payment options for your account while you signed up with PayU : so, to call this API, just make an object for it & in closure block, you will get available details in array for your account:

let webService = PayUWebService() 
webService.fetchPayUPaymentOptions(paymentParamsToFetchPaymentOptions: self.paymentParams) { (array, error) in

if (error == "")
print (error)

Below are the data you will get while calling this API,

a) array. availablePaymentOptions ( your available payment types )
b) array.availableNetBanking
c) array.availableSavedCards
and so on…

Forced payment options : It gives you all those options which you can opt later on or if you wish to make your own UIs for every checkout separately :


B).getVASStatus API

This API gives the status in case if some bank is down, e.g.

webService.callVAS(paymentParamsforVas: self.paymentParams)

webService.getVASStatus(bankCodeOrCardBin: AXIB) { (status, error) in 
// if error is nil, the status will give you message if some bank is down 
if (error == "")
// status will have the info about whether a card is down or not
print (error)


C).getOfferStatus API: This offer gives you the status of what offer is available for your offer key, you need to pass offer key in post params for this

paymentParams.offerKey = “myOffer123” 

webService.getOfferStatus(paymentParamsForOfferAPI: paymentParams) {  
(offerStatus, error) in 

// offerStatus gives you what offer is available against any bank 
if (error == "")
// offer status will have the info about your particular offer running
print (error)

D).deleteSavedCard API:

Call this API to delete the saved cards

webService.deleteSavedCard(paymentParamsForDeletingSavedCard: paymentParams) { (status, error) in
if (error == "")
// the status tells you about a particular card being deleted
print (error)

E).getCardDetails API:

Call this API to get card Details // Pass some card bin to payment params

params.cardBin = "512345"
webService.getCardTypeDetails(cardBin: params) { (cardDetails, error) in

if (error == "")
// the cardDetails tells you about a particular card details in Dictionary format
print (error)

Making payment through SDK:

// Create an object of PayUCreateRequest() class & then call method below:

let createRequest = PayUCreateRequest() 

1).Pay through Credit/Debit Card:

// set required params for paying through card

paymentParams.cardNumber = “5123456789012346” 
paymentParams.CVV = “123” 
params.expiryMonth = “05” 
paymentParams.expiryYear = “2020” 

// if you want to save a card then pass below 

paymentParams.storeCardName = “SaveThisCard”         

createRequest.createRequest(withPaymentParam: paymentParams, forPaymentType: PAYMENT_PG_CCDC) { (request,     error) in 

// if error is empty then all set to go forward 
// open the request on web view for any bank  
if (error == "")
    let strBrd = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
    let webViewVC = strBrd.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "yourWebViewController") as! yourWebViewController
    // req here is property created in yourWebViewController
    webViewVC.req = request
    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(webViewVC, animated: true)

2).Pay through NetBanking:

// set required bank code for paying through netBanking

paymentParams.bankCode = “AXIB” 

createRequest.createRequest(withPaymentParam: self.paymentParams, forPaymentType: PAYMENT_PG_NET_BANKING) {     (request, error) in 

// if error is empty then all set to go forward 
// open the request on web view for any bank 


3).Pay through Saved Cards & one tap card:

// to pay through saved card just set cardToken

paymentParams.cardToken = “523456fghewertqweree3456” 

// to pay through one Tap Card, set your dictionary with cardToken & Merchant Hash as below

paymentParams.OneTapTokenDictionary = “yourDictionary” 
webRequest.createRequest(withPaymentParam: paymentParams, forPaymentType: PAYMENT_PG_STOREDCARD) { (request,     error) in 

// if error is empty then all set to go forward 
// open the request on web view for any bank 

4).Pay through Cash Cards:

// set required bank code for paying through netBanking

paymentParams.bankCode = “OXICASH” 

createRequest.createRequest(withPaymentParam: paymentParams, forPaymentType: PAYMENT_PG_CASHCARD) { (request,     error) in 

// if error is empty then all set to go forward 
// open the request on web view for any bank 


5).Pay through EMI

// set required params for paying through EMI

paymentParams.cardNumber = “5123456789012346” 
paymentParams.CVV = “123” 
params.expiryMonth = “05” 
paymentParams.expiryYear = “2020” 

// set required bank code

paymentParams.bankCode = “EMIIC12” 
createRequest.createRequest(withPaymentParam: self.paymentParams, forPaymentType: PAYMENT_PG_EMI) { (request,     error) in 

// if error is empty then all set to go forward 
// open the request on web view for any bank 


6).Pay through PayU money :

createRequest.createRequest(withPaymentParam: paymentParams, forPaymentType: PAYMENT_PG_PAYU_MONEY) {         (request, error) in 

// if error is empty then all set to go forward 
// open the request on web view for any bank 


7).Pay through Sodexo :

createRequest.createRequest(withPaymentParam: paymentParams, forPaymentType: PAYMENT_PG_SODEXO) {         (request, error) in 

// if error is empty then all set to go forward 
// open the request on web view for any bank 


Sodexo Saved Card :

sodexo_sourceId This parameter represents saved Sodexo card token. When consumer lands on Sodexo’s platform and if he saves his card details, then card token gets generated and same is returned back to merchant against response parameter **field1 **

Merchant is supposed to map this card token against relevant consumer profile if received in the payment response of PayU against field1 and pass to PayU in next payment request.

paymentParams.sodexo_sourceId = "src_9312b472-d530-4f18-b091-4d8a0dfd071a"

8).Pay through UPI :

// pass VPA to payment params to pay through UPI
paymentParam.vpa = "yourVPA@someBank"
createRequest.createRequest(withPaymentParam: paymentParams, forPaymentType: PAYMENT_PG_UPI) {                 (request, error) in 

// if error is empty then all set to go forward 
// open the request on web view for any bank 


Releasing to App

Please go to the doc from here.