Releases: ozonexo3/FAForeverMapEditor
Releases · ozonexo3/FAForeverMapEditor
- Decals - fixed flipped preview image
- Props - fixed crash on loading FAF props
- Preview - fixed preview image of 80km maps
- Lighting - Fixed specular Alpha value changed to 0 when doing undo
- Props - Fixed crash when pasting props when before we were placing decals
- Map - SaveAs will now also copy all files and folders from map folder and replace their file names and folder name in script.lua
- Editor - Redesigned how gamedata is loaded, now support custom *.scd and *.nx2 files from gamedata, faf gamedata and mods folders
- Markers - Fixed WeatherGenerator and WeatherDefinition markers values not being saved
- Markers - Copy/Pasting markers will now preserve their names but with higher number
- Markers - Added Effect marker type to create other marker list
- Units - Fixed crash on some units when loading textures with strange, unsupported DDS format
HotFix #1
- Resource browser - fixed wrong paths
- Water - Added Waves to Undo/Redo history
- Markers - Added support for creating and editing Weather Generator and Weather Definition markers
- Markers - Added option to display predefined ranges from Spawn Points (build range, PD t1, t2 & t3)
- Units - Editor now renders strategic icons
- Units - Wreckage strategic icons will render with light gray borders
- Units - Display warning when building is too close to the edge (< 2.5)
- Units - Double click will select all units inside this group (works with Shift to add to selection, and Ctrl to remove from selection)
- Units - Changed ranges renderer to keep the size of the dashed line constant
- Editor - Added Duplicate function (Ctrl + D)
- Editor - Added Copy, Paste and Duplicate under Edit menu
- Editor - Added UI Scale in preferences
- Water - Added waves renderer
- Water - Added waves generator
- Terrain - Added experimental Generate random heightmap
- Map - Fixed wrong map file version toggle when loading v56 maps
- TerrainType - Added support for symmetry
- TerrainType - Added export/import
- TerrainType - Fixed undo when painting multiple times
- Markers - Added symmetry support for adaptive tables
- Decals - Fixed crash when pasting without creating copy first
- Units - Fixed crash when pasting without creating copy first
- Units - Fixed bug where new unit name was not saved to save.lua
- Units - Added support for CodeName and Name in UnitsBrowser search field
- Debug - Fixed Slope Tool (thanks to Balthazar)
- UI - Fixed crash when copy/pasting objects when editing text field
- Preview - Now renders decals
- Preview - Hide unit ranges
- Preview - Hide selection boxes & gizmos
- Map: Updated AdaptiveMap script
- Map: Added optional credits fields for scenario: Author, Credit, Changelog, Tools, Url
- Heightmap: Added option in preferences for clamping heightmap brush to never exceed 50 distance between lowest and highest point
- Heightmap: When importing heightmap and when distance between lowest and highest point is greater than 50 editor will ask if you want to clamp bottom or top of heightmap
- Heightmap: Improvements in updating markers, props, decals and units when heightmap changed
- Heightmap: Fixed getting brush Min and Max from the terrain
- Water: Added clear button for water waves
- Stratum: On load editor will assign missing normal maps for lowest and 1-8 layers and remove normal map from top stratum
- Stratum: For new maps lower stratum and all 8 layers will have default normal map assigned
- Stratum: Fixed crash when performing undo on textures
- Stratum: Small bugfixes in loading stratum textures
- Stratum: Changed algorithm of clamp between lowest & highest point
- Lighting: Added missing values to undo register
- Markers: Editor now saves layer settings
- Markers: Editor will now display all marker chains when we are inside Chains tab
- Markers: Changed color and width of selected marker chain
- Markers: Added Copy/Paste
- Markers, Units, Decals, Props - Fixed update thread taking much longer than it should
- Decals: Fixed sorting of Albedo and NormalMap decals
- Decals: Added Copy/Paste
- Decals: Rewritten rendering for better order sorting
- Decals: Fixed bug in rendering preview placing decals
- Decals: Fixed some bugs in allocating memory for decals
- Decals: Copy/Paste now also copies CutOffLOD, NearCutOffLOD and OwnerArmy
- Props: Implemented Copy/Paste
- Props: Removing selected props now works
- Props: Fixed bug when performing undo/redo few times removes all props from map
- Props: Fixed bug when leaving props menu still allows for selecting props
- Props: Moved props will now snap to ground
- Units: Fixed tarmac decals not being displayed and saved as decals
- Units: Increased max vertex count for loaded unit from 32767 to 65535
- Units: Fixed crash when unit can't be found in gamedata
- Units: Double-click on UnitGroup (not on its title) will now select all units inside that group
- Units: In Units tab added Select group that will select group of first selected unit
- Units: Moved transform controls outside Units tab to be also available from Groups tab
- Units: Unit type is now saved lowercase in save.lua
- UI: Fixed error about tilled background on higher resolutions
- UI: Fixed crash in preload when game path is incorrect
- Files: Corrected path to the log file
- Files: Fixed crash when faf gamedata path exist but there are no *.nx2 files there
- Map: Mass and energy reclaim are now saved into lua file
- Armies: New created armies will now have Initial unit group
- Terrain: Fixed issue with lost of precision when saving map
- Terrain: Increased max brush size to 512 (from 256)
- Textures: Fixed missing MipMaps for default normal map texture
- Textures: Editor will now not throw error when texture is no longer in RAM
- Textures: Increased max brush size to 512 (from 256)
- Lighting: Fog is now clamped when updating light
- Decals: Improved rendering performance
- Decals: Fixed bug where when placing decals they were not rendered
- Props: Pros can now be selected and translated
- Props: Fixed painting props
- Props: Fixed wrong displayed number of reclaim after painting
- Props: Fixed memory leak and crash at adding props from resource browser
- Markers: Fixed crash when adding/removing markers when in other tab than Markers/Markers
- Markers: Added "All" toggle for marker layers, that allow to disable or enable all layers
- Markers: Changed default names for NavalArea, ExpansionArea, LargeExpansionArea, CombatZone and DefensivePoint
- Markers: Added button that allows to automatically fix AI marker names
- Units: Fixed crash on rendering termacs when placing units
- Units: Fixed rendering issues when switching units between groups
- Units: Added Import and Export of units
- Units: Editor will now display minimum and maximum weapon range for selected units
- Units: Added basic information about selected unit in Units tab
- Units: Added Copy/Paste
- Units: Fixed units wrong reclaim values
- Assets: Reduced memory usage from loaded models and textures
- Files: Added to editor version information if its a WIP release
- Resource browser: Fixed memory leak at loading decals in resource browser
- Resource browser: Fixed error when switching from Props tab
- Resource browser: Browser will now unload unused assets from memory, that should help with huge memory usage
- Resource browser: Browser now loads new FAF env resources
- Resource browser: Fixed crash at removing empty textures when switching category
- Render: Rendering map now works
- Debug: Added Ruler tool under Tools/Ruler
- Undo: Fixed desynch after performing redo and undo few times and then recording new undo
- General: Updated source code to Unity 2019.2
- General: Fixed unity bugs with UI toggles
- General: Some improvements in restoring last window settings
HotFix 1
- Decal: Fixed decal renderer not being updated after performing undo
- Decal: Fixed renderer not being cleared when there are no visible decals
- Textures: TTerrainXP (5-8) layers are now greyed out when TTerrainXP shader is disabled
- General: Changed implementation of mouse scrollwheel for camera zoom
[Delta from WIP8]
- General: Updated source code to Unity 2019.2
- Undo: Fixed desynch after performing redo and undo few times and then recording new undo
- Terrain: Increased max brush size to 512 (from 256)
- Textures: Increased max brush size to 512 (from 256)
- Props: Fixed wrong displayed number of reclaim after painting
- Props: Fixed memory leak and crash at adding props from resource browser
- Markers: Changed default names for NavalArea, ExpansionArea, LargeExpansionArea, CombatZone and DefensivePoint
- Markers: Added button that allows to automatically fix AI marker names
- Resource browser: Fixed crash at removing empty textures when switching category
- Terrain: Editor will now thrown an popup if imported heightmap RAW file is in wrong size
- Water: Fixed undo for water settings
- Water: Fixed wrong default path and file name when importing or exporting water settings
- Markers: SplittedAI markers into few categories
- Markers: Few new marker icons: Combat zone, Defense point, Protected experimental, expansion area
- Markers: Added 2D markers in Edit/Preferences, they sale with camera distance to be better visible.
- Markers: Added new layers: Combat, Defense, Expand, Protected Experimental
- Markers: Removed NavalRallyPoint layer and merged it with RallyPoint layer
- Markers: Added Objective marker
- Markers: Added hard fix for wrong syntax in marker values in save.lua
- Markers: Fixed marker rotations
- Markers: Added option to align camera marker to the current view
- Markers: Fixed undo for camera marker
- Units: Added field that displays group and army of selected unit
- Units: Added name field for changing unit names
- Units: Groups now update when re-parenting
- Units: Unity army color now update when re-parenting
- Units: Added unit tarmac textures
- Units: Fixed unit not reappearing after undoing removed group
- Unit Browser: Fixed wrong name of Seraphim faction
- Brush: Added new Noise brush [by Spy Emanciator]
- Input: Fixed crash on entering incorrect characters in int input fields
- Input: When entering incorrect value in float input fields they will show last good value instead of 0
- Files: Added support for scmap file formats older than v56 (they are converted to v56)
- Files: Blocked "save as new version" when map is not loaded
- Terrain: Added Tab, num1, num2, num3 and num4 shortcuts to switch between brush type
- Terrain: Fixed terrain control textures not updated in some cases when painting
- Textures: Editor now don't allow to assign normal maps as albedo, and albedo as normal
- Skybox: Fixed skybox not correctly updated when loading map
- Brush: Changed brush strength shortcut from M to V
- Brush: Added new shortcut for brush size: W
- Brush: Added new shortcut for brush strength: S
- Brush: Added Q or + and A or - shortcut for changing target value
- Props: Fixed crash on props without LOD levels
- Props: Force props scale to 1 when map is loaded
- Props: Fixed error at loading DevTest props
- Decals: Fixed occasional crash when hiding decals
- Units: Fixed crash when undoing placement, when these units are selected
- Units: Selection now shows real size of the unit
- Units: Selection box is now loaded from blueprint
- Selection: Added double click to select all objects of the same type
- Files: When selecting same folder in "Save as" as current loaded map, editor will now just save it
- Files: When selected folder for "Save as" is not empty, but contains map files, editor will ask if we want to override map
- Resource browser: After drag is finished, memory about dragged object is now cleared.
- Debug: Fixed build grid
- Debug: Improved Slope view
- Debug: Added General Distance grid, that shows kilometers
- Debug: Added AI Intel grid, that splits map into 16x16 grid
- Terrain, Textures: Blocked number hotkeys when inputting numbers in input fields
- Terrain: Fixed terrain normalmap not updated again after it was forced to stop