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Releases: ozonexo3/FAForeverMapEditor


17 Feb 10:05
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  • Upgraded project to Unity 2018.1
  • Project is now builded as IL2CPP and it should improve performance
  • ResourceBrowser can now find files in map folder (add "env/[AssetType]" folders inside map folder)
  • Fixed UI bug in armies settings
  • Fixed UI bug in stratum layer settings
  • Editor now check on github if new version of editor is available
  • Editor can now load map from any folder, not only from map folder from preferences (but its still required as default path)
  • Fixed bug in rotating symmetry brush textures
  • Brush rotation symmetry now updates when we change rotation steps in symmetry window
  • Fixed droping props from resource browser to props paint list
  • Removed transparency from "NormalMappedTerrain" shader
  • Editor now remove rotation for all markers (without camera marker)
  • When creating new markers symmetry rotation is removed
  • Fixed wrong values in default skybox values
  • Added "FFA" team and 2 default armies for new maps (to help beginers configure armies)
  • Editor will not crash when wrong symmetry values are loaded from save
  • Fixed transform tool orientation not restarting when switching tools
  • Added proper default values by marker type
  • Fixed wrong display of decimal numbers in input fields for some systems
  • Fixed wrong format of symmetry tolerance input field
  • Fixed disabled AllowAtWater for props painting when water is disabled
  • Fixed lost of water elevation when saving/loading map with disabled water
  • Changed terrain height values range to lost less data when converting values between editor and scmap. Conversion is also done on 64bit floats
  • Fixed stratum brush Min and Max slope and Rotation values sometimes not updated when changing them
  • Camera is now clamped into area where there is no UI. It should improve performance and camera is now centered by render area and not entire window.
  • Fixed decals UI not fully cleaned when exiting decals tool
  • Added Specular settings in Lighting menu
  • Fixed bugs in Lighting menu
  • Editor displays proper specular and lighting for TTerrain and TTerrainXP shaders
  • Fixed normal maping in props shader
  • Fixed lighting in markers shader
  • Fixed mipmaps not being properly displayed for stratum textures
  • Grid and slope should now not be visible in preview image


30 Dec 08:01
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  • Found all data of Procedural Skybox. v60 scmap is now fully known
  • Editor displays skydome of skybox from map. If map is v56 then it displays default skybox
  • Removed XZ symmetry (it was the same as rotation with 2 steps)
  • Changed symmetry name "X + Z + XZ" to "X + Z"
  • "Diagonal + Diagonal" will now create 4 objects instead of 3 (same as "X + Z")
  • Added "OnStart(scenario)" to default script
  • PlayMap will now also run "ForgedAlliance.exe" (for non steam version)
  • Fixed "Set terrain height" heightmap function
  • Fixed "Export in size" heightmap function
  • UI now restarts when loading other map. Prevent from crash when some menus are open.
  • Blank marker, Mass and Hydro markers will now always snap to ground (not at water level)
  • Fixed UI bug in water settings
  • Editor now regenerate all maps when undoing heightmap change
  • Most of map textures are now regenerated in other threads
  • Slope is now updated while painting heightmap
  • Added map center lines in grid
  • Changed behavior of brush in heightmap painting
  • Flatten brush is now working (finds average height and moves everything to that height)
  • Added new heightmap brush value: target height. It's good for forcing terrain into certain height.
  • Removed path text field to textures in decals menu (no need for them, all will be supported by resource browser in future)
  • Added names of decal texture channels
  • Decal type settings now hide when no decal type selected
  • Fixed wrong rotation of symmetrical object when creating new ones (markers, decals)
  • Dragging and dropping decal into decals list will now create new decal type or select it if exist. If name contains "normal" then decal type will be set to Normal
  • Dragging and dropping decal into gameplay will now create new decal type (if don't exist) and place decal at that position.
  • Added specular to terrain shader (From TTerrain shader, still need to support TTerrainXP because its different)
  • New cursor icons for dragging decals and props from resource browser
  • Added "Keyboard shortcuts" to Help menu



v0.514-alpha: Merge pull request #3 from ozonexo3/workInProgress

21 Dec 18:35
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  • New feature: File/Play map. Starts game with loaded map (thanks to b2ag)
  • Editor now renders Preview image in *.scmap file
  • Fixed *.scmap textures not being fully initialized when creating new map
  • Editor recreates DDS header for every *.scmap texture when saving
  • Added faction select and FogOfWar option in Edit/Preferences
  • Changed decal textures wrap mode to Clamp
  • Fixed undo steps number not being updated in preferences
  • Improved performance of generating brush rotation
  • Fixed rescaling of bmp texture imported as stratum mask
  • New maps will now have added ".v0001" to folder name
  • Editor can now interpret some data of procedural skybox. It will change the skybox size depending on the size of the map.
  • Fixed toggles in Areas tool
  • Areas are now rendered on the water
  • Changed max rotation symmetry steps from 8 to 16
  • Fixed wrong path to decal texture when creating new decals


  • Fixed mirrored brush textures being empty



16 Dec 09:11
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v0.513-alpha Pre-release
  • Updated project to Unity 2017.3
  • UI Cleanup
  • New UI fonts: "Lato" and "Roboto"
  • UI is now controlled by unity UI layout system and everything is in prefabs
  • New UI elements: IntField, FloatField, IntRangeField, FloatRangeField, ColorField, Title, Label, Space
  • Added Resource browser in Tools menu (Tools/Resource Browser)
  • Added custom backup folder path in preferences (empty path will create backup files in map folder)
  • Added link to Wiki in Help menu (Help/Wiki)
  • Reworked brush size and strength shortcuts code ("B" and "M" key)
  • You can now scroll UI with mouse scroll or by dragging
  • Improved performance of long UI lists (markers, decals, resources)
  • Fixed crash on decals when saving map
  • Decal placing
  • Hide/Unhide decal by their type (hold alt + [V/H] button on decal type to toggle others, H on keyboard to hide selected decals, Shift + H to show selected decals)
  • Fixed some Decal rendering bugs
  • CutOffLOD and NearCutOffLOD values are now individual values for every decal instance
  • Added decals to undo history
  • Added marker values undo history
  • Added props paint to undo history
  • Fixed marker selection not being disabled when we exit markers with Chains, Layers or Adaptive tab open
  • Props paint chance now works
  • Added water settings export/import
  • Added lighting export/import
  • Added procedural skybox (FA skybox) export/import (in Lighting tab)
  • Fixed stratum template import
  • Brush will no longer paint when we start drag over UI
  • Changed order of position and orientation in save.lua for markers, because it causes issues when displaying preview of the map
  • Resource browser will now also load textures when the file format is capital letters
  • Resource browser will no longer load props again when they are already in memory
  • Transform tool will now only select symmetry objects that are the same type as selected object
  • Added FXAA
  • Camera smoothing changed
  • Removed rotation of move tool from transformation tools
  • Fixed some small bugs


  • Added missing file "unityplayer.dll"


  • Fixed map not saved as v60 when we select that option in map settings


  • Default maps backup path is now [exe path]/FAForeverMapEditor_Data/MapsBackup/
  • Fixed reset of backup path
  • Changed titles of folder browser when searching for instalation, maps and backup folder
  • Fixed map Name, Description and Version not loaded to UI
  • Importing heightmap or using global heightmap functions will now update heights of objects on map
  • Fixed wrong values in "Add height" function


  • Fixed wrong map size values when saving scmap file



30 Nov 15:07
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v0.512-alpha Pre-release
  • Decals menu
  • Decals now can be translated (move, rotate and scale)
  • Fixed some small bugs in decals rendering
  • Rotate and Scale tool
  • Added shortcuts for transformation tool same as in Unity (W - move, E - Rotate, R - Scale, T - Snap to grid)
  • Transformation tool will remember SnapToGrid setting for every tool instance
  • When creating new objects (Markers or Decals) hold/press E for rotation and R for Scale
  • Markers can now be rotated. Rotation only works for multiple markers.
  • Finished camera controls (but panning still needs fine-tuning)
  • Changed heightmap brush behavior
  • Changed stratum brush strength
  • Fixed wrong brush size
  • Fixed stratum layers not being reloaded after we change layer settings
  • Props will now use LOD render distances from blueprint file
  • For prop LOD with shader 'VertexNormal' editor will not try to load normal map texture
  • Changed font size from 14 to 12
  • Changed UI objects size from 26 to 22
  • Some small changed in UI to make it more compact
  • Some exmerimental changes to UI
  • Removed script file select from map settings
  • Editor will now create default script and default area when creating new map
  • Editor will now not create new maps that are not square. Instead it will add area that clip it to desired size



22 Nov 18:22
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v0.511-alpha Pre-release
  • Rewritten camera controls
  • Editor now render LOD1 and LOD2 levels of props
  • Editor don't load prop LOD texture if its the same as from previous LOD level
  • Reduced props render distance if there are more than 10 000 props
  • Fixed render distances of decals
  • Increased performance of decals rendering
  • Fixed performance issues when painting heightmap
  • Fixed performance issues when painting stratum layers
  • Increased performance of water reflections
  • Some small UI fixes


20 Nov 10:10
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v0.510-alpha Pre-release
  • Fixed broken scenario file when saving with map name containing " ' " character
  • Changed heightmap paint strength (from 0.02 to 0.005)
  • Fixed props not being updated when heightmap change was undone
  • All shaders now works with HDR rendering
  • Changed camera FoV to 40 (from 50)
  • Changed fresnel of water sun reflection
  • Fixed wrong normal maps conversion of terrain stratum textures
  • Added in heightmap import support for *.r16 file format (For importing from World Machine)
  • Fixed disabled selection when removing selected object
  • Fixed markers names refresh when undoing removed markers
  • Decals now update position when changing heightmap
  • Changed in decals are now saved to *.scmap
  • Slope data are now refreshed after loading new map
  • Editor will wait with saving map for all invoked processes to finish (delayed update of markers, props and decals)
  • Editor will stop all invoked processes when loading new map
  • Loading resources from custom path






15 Nov 19:50
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v0.509-alpha Pre-release
  • Added new marker type: Auto path node (automatically creates land, naval and amphibious path markers)
  • Importing stratum mask files from *.raw and *.bmp file
  • Exporting stratum mask files as *.raw
  • Visibility of stratum layer ("V" / "H" button)
  • Move stratum layer up/down
  • Fixed importing of heightmap *.raw file, added *.bmp format support
  • Fixed exporting of heightmap
  • New Decals rendering (deferred rendering + gpu instancing)
  • Fixed water realtime reflections
  • Fixed crash when creating new map


18 Aug 09:55
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v0.508-alpha Pre-release
  • Changed file browser to native system file browser (thanks to: )
  • Fixed flipped imported stratum mask
  • Fixed flipped preview of stratum masks
  • Added basic water settings
  • Changes in water shader (support for all water settings)
  • Improved generating of water data texture
  • Editor now generate and render terrain normal texture
  • Reduced terrain precision (thanks to terrain normal texture, for faster painting)
  • Generating of water and normal texture is now done in background (no lag after finishing painting)
  • Removed tilling of stratum and water masks (wrong mask color at borders of the map)
  • New slope tool
  • New bloom post process effect (more similar to FA)
  • Added bloom value in lighting settings
  • Fixed changing pages in resource browser
  • Changed cursor when dragging textures from resource browser
  • Changed UI rendering to pixel prefect



31 Jul 20:17
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v0.507-alpha Pre-release
  • Fixed broken armies save
  • Fixed not displayed markers connections
  • Fixed missing 'graph' value in path node markers
  • Removed 'hint' value from transport marker
  • Added importing stratum mask from *.bmp image (with re scaling if size is wrong).
  • Fixed wrong height value for cursor position
  • Fixed wrong height values for Min and Max values in heightmap painting
  • After changing marker name markers list and graphics will now be forced to repaint
  • Refresh marker connections when loading another map
  • Generate mipmaps for textures that don't have them (strong looking textures when camera is zoomed out)
  • Fixed crash when creating new map
  • Fog is rendered again
  • Many changes with water rendering (imports most of water settings like water mask, water color, normal textures, animation, scale, foam)