Releases: ozonexo3/FAForeverMapEditor
Releases · ozonexo3/FAForeverMapEditor
- Armies: Fixed crash when creating new map and Armies tool is open
- Armies: Added notification in Map/Scenario to remember about setting spawn points to be Odd/Even
- Terrain Type: Additional features for TerrainType (pipet, erase, current layer) [by Zkov]
- Textures: Fixed wrong proportion between map and brush size in some cases
- Textures: Fixed undo for moving layers up and down
- Textures: Fixed undo for albedo and normal size sliders
- Markers: Editor can now load NavalExclude marker
- Props: Fixed clipping area not updated when map don't have any areas
- Props: Removed random scale from props, because it don't work in game
- Props: Fixed error on props without size and mesh
- Props: Props without mesh and material will now render as default white box
- Decals: Added total decal cont and screen decal count
- Units: Fixed unit rotation
- Files: Editor will now automatically change map version to be the same as suffix in folder name
- Files: Editor now not allow for changing map version manually. Use "Save as new version" instead.
- Files: Editor will now fix paths to stratum textures if they are in lower case
- Files: Improved "Save as" and "Save as new version" file version control check
- Files: Fixed crash on creating new map, when other map were loaded before with v60 selected
- Files: Fixed wrong file format in marker presets
- Undo: Rewritten undo system
Sorry for such much releases last days, but there are many new users and they found a lot of new bugs and I want to fix them as fast I can ;)
- Terrain Type: HotFix Change property name in shder for TerrainTypes [by Zkov]
- Markers: Fixed crash on undoing markers remove/add
- Adaptive: Fixed UI crash when exiting Adaptive tab when no tables were loaded
- Props: Fixed crash when importing brush set, when there are props on the list
- Units: Fixed units naming bug
- Resource Browser: Fixed crash when opening Browser when it was not initialized
- Files: Editor will now inform about crash and errors
- Files: Fixed "save as..." path issues ("four corners bug")
- Files: Fixed crash when rendering with File/Render
- Armies: Added all of army settings in Map/Armies
- Terrain: Added editor message when height difference is too big
- Water: Fixed window, added ScrollBar & ContentMask [by Zkov]
- TerrainType: Added terrainType editor in Terrain/Type [by Zkov]
- Textures: Fixed texture layers not properly updated when using "move up" and "move down"
- Textures: Visibility is now restarted when loading map
- Paint: Fixed brush not being updated when switching between Terrain and Textures
- Lighting: Added reset buttons for all lighting categories
- Lighting: Fixed bugs in undo history
- Markers: Editor can now load/save Effect markers
- Adaptive Script: Added missing comma [by CookieNoob]
- Decals: Fixed water depth rendering bug
- Units: Unit groups
- Units: Units placement mode
- Units: Army colors
- Units: Improved shader
- Units Browser: Added Units Browser
- Resource Browser: Fixed crash on loading some assets from FAF nx2 files
- Resource Browser: Map folder is now always updated when resource browser is opened
- Resource Browser: Window is now hidden when map is loaded/saved
- UI: Fixed undo register of sliders and color fields
- UI: Keyboard shortcuts will no longer works when we are focused on input field
- Debug: Added Build grid switch (bigger grid for placing buildings)
- Files: New maps now have TTerrainXP shader enabled by default
- Files: Saving map as new one will now copy "env" folder with it content if it exist
- Files: Fixed correction of paths for custom assets
- Editor allow again to load map by selecting non-scenario files
- Fixed heightmap import/export
- Window title is updated when using "save as" or "save as new version"
- Fixed water depth mask display
- Added shortcut to editor log in Help/Editor log
- Added "Clear all" option for props
- Fixed wrong prop statistic values when removing props
- Fixed new map window not being hidden when map is created
- Added warning in resource browser if prop is not reclaimable
- Props reclaim values in resource browser are now colored by their value
- Added small info message when map is loaded, saved or successfully exporting files
- Updated adaptive script and options to new version
- Editor will now remember last browsing path by type
- Fixed square and pyramid brushes
- Added target value to stratum brush
- Added texture names in Textures/Layer
- Fixed spawn markers not being created when creating new map
- Editor now fix paths to custom assets when loading and saving map
- Fixed rendering preview when water is disabled
- Editor now loads FAF nx2 files, and use them instead if file exist
- Added more explanation to the adaptive map options file
- Props painting is now clamped by current area (use Hide option in Map/Areas if you want to paint outside)
- Fixes in Map/Areas UI
- Fixed units snap to ground/water (uses values from blueprint)
- Added link to UnitDB under Help/Unit Data Base
- Fixed water sorting order
v0.522-alpha: WIP8 v0.600
- Scrolling now works in Resource browser
- Fixed default empty normal map texture
- Fixed game crash on maps saved in v60 file format
- Fixed Heightmap import/export/set/add bug
- Fixed update of Textures tool when undoing stratum changes
- Changed layout of brushes
- Added new feature: "File/Save as new version" that will duplicate map but with version changed to higher value
- Changed recent maps to recognize different version of same map
- Added air path node presets for 5x5, 10x10 and 20x20 maps in FAForeverMapEditor_Data/Structure/MarkerPresets (thanks to svenni_badbwoi and uveso)
- Brush now become less visible when we start painting
- Added window state restore when starting app (by Zkov)
- Fixed heightmap brush behavior when heightmap was clamped
- Fixed creation of new map, when other map is already loaded
- Resource browser switch to Decals when selecting empty decal
- Fixed editor behavior when loading not existing recent map
- Fixed water deep and abyss
- Add blocking chars to input fields (by Zkov)
- Changing rotation symmetry steps not updating selection
- Added water to Undo history
- Added Sun Reflection in water settings
- Map folder name is now displayed in window title when map is loaded
- You can now drag/drop files into editor window
- Added heightmap sampling of Target, Minimum and Maximum for heightmap brush (CTRL + LMB/RMB/MMB)
- Prop brush has now minimum display size, to always know where it is, even with size 0
- Fixed prop brush snap to grid
- Prop reclaim statistics are now updated when painting
- Fixed strange prop list behavior when removing props from it
- Changed props brush algorithm, to retain constant density for any brush size
- Units rendering using GPU Instancing (support for up to 4096 per unit type)
- Units can now be moved and rotated
- Units now update when heightmap change
- Fixes in fog rendering
- Added Ctrl+S shortcut for saving map
- Fixed lags when painting heightmap near map borders
- Updated adaptive script, options and tables to new version
- Changed UI layout of Adaptive tool
- Brush textures are now clamped
- Path nodes of different type, can no longer be connected (but can be disconnected)
- Fixed terrain normal not updating in some cases
- Fixed wrong minimum numbers for heightmap brush size and strength
- Reduced strength of heightmap brush for values lower than 20 (should give more control)
- Added option "Player count" to creating new map
- Editor now create army markers when creating new map. New map can now be played by default.
- Fixed initial height when creating new map
- For new maps editor will add extra armies "ARMY_17" and "NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN"
- WIP builds will now inform, if final release is available
- Clean units when unloading/loading map
- Fixed markers with number < 10 not loaded to some adaptive table types
- Fixed crash on loading map with "maxPlayerOnMap" value in tables file
- Fixed "maxPlayerOnMap" not being properly added to tables file when saving
- Ctrl + s now work properly
- Fixed crash on loading some units that can't be found in gamedata (like new FAF units)
- Fixed crash on Marker/Chains when loading new map
- Fixed crash on rendering path nodes when loading new map
- Marker warnings are now updated when creating new markers
- Fixed clipped heightmap and stratum brush when painting near borders
- Fixed brush shape for every diagonal symmetry
- Fixed wrong shape of stratum painting brush
- Fixed not working linear brush
- Updated "Edit Armys Spawn IDs" tool
- Fixed Undo history for SetHeight, AddHeight, ImportHeightmap
- Fixed Undo for ImportStratumMask
- Added ClearLayerMask for stratum layers under Paint
- Fixed display of Normal Scale of Lower Stratum
- Editor now load water reflection cubemap
- Changes in water shader (slope, reflection, sky cubemap)
- Added missing fog to terrain shader
- Small props rendering changes
- Fixed wrong default normal map texture when prop has no normal texture assigned
- Improvements in bloom effect
- Changed values of slope debug
- Added button to clear 2nd texture of the decal
- Fixed decals rendering when there are no normalmap decals on map
- Added support for maps with heights bigger than 128 (now max is 256)
- Fixed heightmap saving bug (rounding error)
- Fixed crash on creating new tables file with more than 5 armies
- Added warning if mass point or hydrocarbon is closer than 8 units to map border
- Editor now remove "gamedata/" from installation path if gamedata was selected instead of main folder.
- Removed snap to water height when creating new mass point or hydrocarbon
- Removed broken empty area in Areas Tool
- Added Playable Area Rounding option in Areas Tool. Displays area how they will look in game (because they are rounded to 4)
- Fixed missing some of the mipmaps for loaded textures for some formats (DXT3)
- Added support for BGR24 texture format (fix for many normal maps)
- Lowered brightness and saturation for slope colors
- Editor now reads and save tables.lua
- Added Markers/Adaptive tool for choosing to what tables markers are assigned to
- Editor can now create adaptive script.lua and options.lua file
- Added latest adaptive files in '/FAForeverMapEditor_Data/Structure/AdaptiveMap/' if someone will need them
- Fixed heightmap painting bug with symmetry selected
- Fixed heightmap undo
- Undo history is now cleared when loading map
- Fixed missing mipmaps for stratum textures where some of them have different resolution
- Fixed decals rendering when no additional textures are applied
- Fixed props always saved width scale 1
- Fixed -renderPreviewImage command line
- Added command lines: -renderPreviewImageNoProps, -renderPreviewImageNoDecals, -renderPreviewImageNoPropsDecals
- Debug lines are now not rendered in preview
- Fixed crash on showing popup window
- Disabled IL2CPP because of instability on some devices
- Fixed light flipped at Z axis when entering lighting menu
- Stratum textures from map folder are now correctly loaded when loading map
- Workaround for Armies and Areas prefabs UI bug
- Fixed terrain performance issues when camera is far away
- Generating terrain normal texture speed and overhead is now based on real time calculations take (allowed 0.02s max per frame)