Releases: Scarlaid/P-QoL
Releases · Scarlaid/P-QoL
v3.0.0 (might be the last)
Some mods added:
- Custom Star for improved Optifine star mimics
- Nicer Sky because who doesn't like nebula at night? Also highly improved scenary
- WaxedNotWaxed to tell if the copper block is waxed or not
- BrokenLeadWarner so you won't lose your untamed/not tamable pets
- ChatWalk gives you the ability to walk while chatting
- OptionReload adds F3+O to reload your
- ModernWorldCreation & WorldNameGen for improving world creation
- BetterAddServer for more, reliable
- HelpfulHitboxes to help with fences/rails/bars/etc...
- ToggleElytra to turn the Elytra on/off with a keybind
- BetterFPSDist to make your view distance circle, which should have been the case
- Bedrock Water to mimic Bedrock biome-based water textures
- ToggleNameTag & Hide Players to, welll.... hide/show players and nametags client-side
- SkinPartsRefresher because sometimes skins don't load when joining a server
- MoreMouseKeybind for AFK Farming
- FishHelp for fishing, I guess?
- BreakFree to prevent losing progress by (accidentally) changing tools
Removed a lot of QoL and putting only useful stuff, smol QoL still remains because it impacts no performance and looks nice
No config folder sharing for now
Some mods added:
- FroggyFlies for fireflies around frogies
- Adaptive Tooltip replacing **ToolTipFix because it's better
- JsonEM for reading textures in Json?
- BetterHandBobbing to separate hand/body bobbing into two separated options
- NoFlyingDisable just to prevent fly state when touching the ground
- No String Attached because I found strings to be really hard to see and toggle-able
- Log More Info and MixingTrace replacing Not Enough Crashes because it's trash
- FastAnim, FastLoad and FastQuit for your best Sonic experience!!11!1
Also added my config folder so have fun.
A LOT of mods were removed, especially Sodium fixes because NVIDIA latest driver broke them
I recommend going down to 522.xx version in order to use Litematica, or please use Optifabric+Optifine
Updated the pack to 1.19.2, again
Now with marked mods name inside the modpack, and here is the list for new mods
- TPS-Hud to show servers' TPS
- TitleFixer to fix big /tellraw covering your whole screen
- Rainglow to change glow squids' colors to any of your favors
- DudeWhatsMyGePeUwU to show what GPU you are using, useful for Laptop with MUX Switches or PCs with more than one GPU
- Hudium because I hate MiniHUD now lol
- NoMorePurple to customize your enchantment glints
- DingOnProjectileHit for a ding! everytime you hit a target with projectiles
- **DisableMessageDeletion"" to prevent some jackarse delete your message on a vanilla server with secured chat on
- DistinguishedPotions for showing better potion details also removing the enchantment glints
- ImmediatelyFast is just, load faster
- GraphUtil for better TPS/FPS Graph (Alt+F3)
- WorldTime for showing real-time clocks
- LessGlintyThings for glint removal (written books)
- BobberGone to remove the fishing bobber when got hooked
- Custom Scoreboard + Toggle Scoreboard + Compact Scoreboard for scoreboard customization, replacing Ugly Scoreboard Fix in the meantime because no further fixes
- USBBF and Sodium Crash Fix for fixing Sodium crashes that haven't been resolved
- GUIFollowers to show which pets following you with useful informations
- MemoryLeakFix + MoreCulling for optimizations
- Exordium because who even render the inventory at 1k fps
- Interactic for epic spinning physics
- idwtialsimmoedm for showing enchantment informations without any library mods
- FastLoad because Fast world load, like Krysis
- WI-Zoom because its better and replacing Logical Zoom
- Very Many Players to optimize many players on screen
- EntityCollisionFix to fix FPS drops from looking at entities in one spot colliding
Turn off Auto-Revive from MineQuery for no crashes
v1.2.0 hotfix (last release)
Quick hotfix
- Removed SmartHUD because of significant FPS drop
- Replaced with DurabilityViewer
- Removed CR-ArrowInfo and Bear's ArmorHUD
- Updated FastOpenLinksAndFolder to 1.1.1
Mods added
- ArrowInfo to show the amount of arrow you had
- Enderman Shut to shut enderman up 🔥
- HorseBuff for client-side transparent horse for clear views
- Memory Leak fix for fixing memory leaks, it does work, no worries
- TooltipTweaks to replace F3+G tooltip with better informations
- NoJumpscare to completely removes jumpscares in Minecraft (e.g Elder Guardian)
- Custom Skin Loader to load your custom local skin or premium skin depends on the name and API
- Toggle Name Tags to toggle other nametags without F1
- Command Block IDE for command block users, for me it's good
- Better Block Outline for better block outlines
- Bucket Warning to not spam you warnings about full inventory whenever you want to fill up buckets
- Damage Tilts for better tilts
- Eating Anmation, for good-looking, no performance impact
- Inventory Tabs for containers acceleration
- Dynamic Lights to go with LambdaDynLight
- Pling to notify game startup
- PandaInfo to show panda info (e.g level and breading)
- Straighten Up to not Italic custom item names
- Draggable Resource Packs, just like Lunar Client
- LoudLeads for louder lead sounds
- Resounding for epic gamers sound effects, go into a cave and you will know why
- Multiple Server List to keep your server list organized
- QuickReplant to quick replant crops with rightclicks
- Sheep Consistency change sheep texture as how they should be intended
- Right Click Clear to clear the textbox in a single right click
- Texture Fix to fix textures like Vanilla Tweaks
- Chest Search for item searching
- Dyn Access Generator for generating dynamic asset*, yeah
- Recipe Unlocker to unlock all the recipe both multiplayer and singleplayer
Mods removed
- AuthMe for security concerns
- Cosmetica bcuz it lags
Mods replaced
- TNTTimer replaced with TimeToLive
- CullLeaves replaced with Cull Less Leaves (intergrated into Sodium settings)
- CompactChat replaced with ChatUtils and MoreChatHistory
Added mods
- Compact Chat (1.17 ported to 1.18.2) for chat compact like Lunar Client
- FriendlyFarmer to prevent breaking crops that not fully grown (Hold Shift to break it if you like, applies to sugar cane and bamboo)
- Ugly Scoreboard to fix the scoreboard by removing the numbers and customize it
- Makes Bubbles Pop to resolve MC-132067 :kekw:
- Rebind Narrator so you guys can rebind the narrator hotkey, or just remove it
- Visible Barriers to show barriers without holding one
- Entity Textures Feature for entity textures support
- Inventory Pause, just like Menu Pause but for inventory
- Auth Me to fix invalid sessions and swtich accounts easily (remove if you feel unsafe)
- (Optional to keep) NoLanCheats to remove LAN Allow Cheats option in Open LAN
Updated mods
- C2ME to Alpha.7.12
- Fabric API to 0.50.0
- Architecury to 4.1.39
- Cull Leaves to 2.3.2 with 1.18.2 pack support
Added mods
- TNT Time for TNT countdown, Sk1ler port to newer versions of Minecraft
- Silence to silent your game while unfocused/toggle (F12 is default kebind)
- ClearHitboxes to show the hitbox less thick and customizable
- No Telementary to stop Mojang recieving our data
- Don't Clear Chat History (DCCH) to save your lastest written chat in the chatbar
- MoreMCMeta for more texture animations (like optifine but better)
- Clientside Noteblocks, why not
- ShowMyName to show your nametag
Replaced mods
- Hide Armor replaced with Armor Visibility (hotkey is in Control settings)
- CatEyes replaced with Gamma Utils because gamma change > night vision
- WPIT replaced with Pet Owner (tamed mounts wont work on servers)
Updated mods
- Debugtify to v1.6.0
Have to remove ForgetMeChunk, Shadowed Action Bar and FastOpenLinkAndFolders because the mod already fixed those
Removed mods
- Clear Skies
- StatusEffectTimer