Releases: Scarlaid/P-QoL
Mods updated
Inventory Profiles Next
Mods Removed
Inpsecio because too much animation logging
Client Tweaks for logging offhand items, why?
Hydrogen because no more compatible with FerritCore
Added mods
Better Darkmode: Fix dark inventory text and others
BetterTaskbar: Progessing taskbar
Detailed Debug Pie: Pie chart now more... understandable
Spectater: Fix spectator mode bug
No Teleport Cooldown: Removes pearl/chorus teleportation cooldown
No Nether Portal Overlay: Removes annoying portal effects
Parry: 1.7 sword blocking, works with shield
Memory Usage Screen: Show memory usage during loading screen
mcpppp: McPatcherPatcher's patches (lol)
CapeTweaks: Some cool motions for capes
Replaced Mods
Some Ordinary Tweaks replaced BetterMountHUD and ClientTweaks shield/offhand-hider options
Inventory Profier replaced Mouse Wheeliee because anticheat flags
Inspecio replaced MiniHUD shulker/map pewview
OF Cape replaced Cape Mod because incompatibility with CapeTweaks and supports illegal capes
Removed Mods
Why Am I On Fire because fire overlay issue isn't fixed
MiniHUD because unoptimized
Dont Drop It!, since Inventory Profier has better inventory lock
Resource Pack Option since it's useless
Window Title Changer because OBS can't recognize the custom window
Mods added
ViaFabric: Changing versions ingame
Mod Manager: A Mod Menu addons to check for latest mods updates
HatList: Show hats in tablist
Windows Title Changer: Change your game windows title and icon, like this
I Am Very Smart: Open all recipe and disable tutorial hints
Resource Pack Option: Resource Pack GUI
FabricSkyboxes: Adds custom skybox support to Minecraft
DCCH: No chat history clear when reconnecting/relogging
Chat Head: No need to tab, you can see who are you chatting with by displaying a head next to the chat
Enhanced Attach Indicator: Proper item cooldown display as Attack Indicator which meant to use for tools/weapon only
Keep Head Names: Show playerhead tags and lore tags to fix MC-164496
Mods updated
Sodium Extra to v0.3.9
Starlight to v1.0.0+fabric.d0a3220
TieFix to v1.9.0
There are more but currently these are the essential updates for the modpack
Mods that currently might be buggy
Why Am I On Fire is not displaying fire
EnhancedBlocksEntities is still not compatible with Dashloader because of pending pull request
FerritCore v4.1.1 can crash the game, please stay in v4.0.0 only and DO NOT update the mod with Mod Manager
Mods added
Better Biome Blend: Speeds up biome color blending and fixes related bugs in vanilla
Farsight: Keeps the already vistied chunks on sight without reloading it
Blanket: Fix many client-side bugs, also has some QoL improvements and tweaks
Updated mods
C2ME: alpha.6.53 to alpha.6.54
Fabric API: 0.46.2 to 0.46.4
Mods Added
ClickThrough: Allows you to open chest through sign/item frame
Boat Item View: Show what you're holding while riding a boat
PingList: Display the ping in tablist as numbers instead of bars
Status Effect Timer: Shows timer in Vanilla effect display
WhyAmIOnFire: Removes fire layout on player model while having fire resistance/in creative mode/in godmode/etc...
Advancement Debug: Prevents StackOverflowErrors with advancements, helps checking advancements faster
Nether Portal Fix: Prevents generating a 3rd Nether portal while going back-n-front through two generated portal
Night Vision Flash Be Gone: Removes the flashing effect when Night Vision effect ending
Dimensional Threading: Rendering dimension in independance threads