Updated the pack to 1.19.2, again
Now with marked mods name inside the modpack, and here is the list for new mods
- TPS-Hud to show servers' TPS
- TitleFixer to fix big /tellraw covering your whole screen
- Rainglow to change glow squids' colors to any of your favors
- DudeWhatsMyGePeUwU to show what GPU you are using, useful for Laptop with MUX Switches or PCs with more than one GPU
- Hudium because I hate MiniHUD now lol
- NoMorePurple to customize your enchantment glints
- DingOnProjectileHit for a ding! everytime you hit a target with projectiles
- **DisableMessageDeletion"" to prevent some jackarse delete your message on a vanilla server with secured chat on
- DistinguishedPotions for showing better potion details also removing the enchantment glints
- ImmediatelyFast is just, load faster
- GraphUtil for better TPS/FPS Graph (Alt+F3)
- WorldTime for showing real-time clocks
- LessGlintyThings for glint removal (written books)
- BobberGone to remove the fishing bobber when got hooked
- Custom Scoreboard + Toggle Scoreboard + Compact Scoreboard for scoreboard customization, replacing Ugly Scoreboard Fix in the meantime because no further fixes
- USBBF and Sodium Crash Fix for fixing Sodium crashes that haven't been resolved
- GUIFollowers to show which pets following you with useful informations
- MemoryLeakFix + MoreCulling for optimizations
- Exordium because who even render the inventory at 1k fps
- Interactic for epic spinning physics
- idwtialsimmoedm for showing enchantment informations without any library mods
- FastLoad because Fast world load, like Krysis
- WI-Zoom because its better and replacing Logical Zoom
- Very Many Players to optimize many players on screen
- EntityCollisionFix to fix FPS drops from looking at entities in one spot colliding