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Files generated by OpenNAS

Daniel Gutierrez-Galan edited this page Apr 1, 2019 · 3 revisions

What do the files generated by OpenNAS mean?

Sources folder

.vhd files

This folder contains the .vhd files (hardware description language files) which describe a full NAS architecture. Those files should not be modified unless you are interested in add new VHDL/Verilog modules to the original NAS design.

Constraints folder

.ucf or .xdc files

Depending on the chip you select, a constraints file will be generated. In the one hand, if an ISE supported chip is selected, a .ucf file will be created. In the other hand, if a Vivado supported chip is selected, a .xdc file will be created. If "OTHER" option is selected, a .xdc file is generated by default, so the user has to configure his own constraints file by indicating a pin for each signal.

Project folder

.tcl script file

Through this script, a NAS project is configurated and created automatically. It also is able to run the "Generate configuration file" to obtain the .bit file, which is needed to program the FPGA.

NAS summary

.xml file

This file collects all the NAS parameters with the values have been set by the user. It is a summary of the NAS architecture generated by the application.