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Technische stack

Arvin Wijsman edited this page Sep 5, 2024 · 4 revisions


Component Functie
Azure SQL Server 2022 Database
Azure App Service Python web app
Azure file storage static web file server
Geoserver 2.14 Server for geospatial data
PDOK-Geolocator Locatieservice
Azure Cloud Cloud computing platform


Component Functie
React ^18.0.1 Front-end framework
axios JS library to make HTTP requests
Babel JavaScript Compiler
FontAwesome (Gratis variant) Iconen en fonts
Tailwindcss CSS Framework
Quill WYSIWYG Editor
Sass CSS pre-processor
Typescript Programmeertaal


Zie ook de repositories 'Omgevingsbeleid-API' en 'Omgevingsbeleid-DSO'

Component Functie
Python 3.10 Programmeertaal
SQLAlchemy 2.0.32
FastAPI 0.112.2
Jinja2 3.1.4
OpenAPI Spec OAS 3.0
Insomnia REST-API request application
Docker Development containers


Component Functie
Git 2.33.0 Sourcecode beheer
GitHub Sourcecode repository
Azure DevOps Beheer User Stories


Component Functie
Jest Testing Library
React Testing Library Testing Library
Cypress Testing Library
Pytest Testing Library
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