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Deploying payments (membership and h branding) features

Patrick Bolger edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 11 revisions

This is the proposed process for deployment to production (all steps occur on production server):

  1. Deploy latest release using usual procedure

  2. Run migrations

  3. Bootstrap member status and 2017 payments:

rake shf:users:set_member_status
rake shf:payments:membership_2017
rake shf:payments:branding_2017

Results should be see in stdout. Also, confirm by checking logs:


Confirm data changes by checking:

- User member status in users `index` view.
- Member payment status in user `show` view.
- Company payment status in company `show` view.
  1. Test membership payments using dev/test HIPS account (use test SHF (member) account or admin account)

    • In .env, set these ENV vars to the values for the dev HIPS account:

    • Start the app, login, go to user show view, execute membership payment using HIPS test credit card

    • Confirm expire date has been advanced to Dec 31, 2018.

    • Confirm webhook activity in HIPS.log.

    • In rails console, delete the Payment record created by this test.

  2. Test branding payments using dev/test HIPS account

    • Procedure essentially same as step 4, except using company show view.
  3. Test membership payments using real HIPS account (using Test sales channel)

    • Procedure same as step 4, except using public and private keys for "real" SHF HIPS account, Test sales channel.
  4. Test branding payments using real HIPS account (using Test sales channel)

    • Procedure same as step 5, except using public and private keys for "real" SHF HIPS account, Test sales channel.
  5. Set ENV values for real HIPS account, Live sales channel.

    • Confirm payment form for membership payments appears
    • Confirm payment form for H-Branding payments appears
  6. Optional: test payment(s) using real HIPS account (_Live) channel) and process actual payment

    • Credit card, invoice, SWISH
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