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### Random Anime Quote Generator

This repository contains a three-tier microservices application that generates random anime quotes. The application is composed of the following tiers:

  • Frontend: Built with Golang and HTML
  • Backend: Golang API using the Gin framework
  • Database: MySQL


  • Frontend: Serves the HTML page and handles user interactions.
  • Backend: Provides API endpoints for fetching random quotes.
  • Database: Stores the anime quotes.

Technologies Used

Getting Started


Setting Up the Database

  1. Install MySQL and start the MySQL service.
  2. Create a database named quotes.
  3. Create a table anime_quotes with the following schema:
USE anime_db;

    Content VARCHAR(255)


  1. Insert some quotes into the anime_quotes table:
INSERT INTO quote (Content) VALUES
('The world is cruel but also very beautiful — Attack on Titan'),
('Revenge is just the path you take to escape your suffering — Bleach'),
('Simplicity is the easiest path to true beauty - Seishuu Handa Barakamon'),
('A dropout will beat a genius through hard work - Rock Lee'),
('Knowing what it feels to be in pain, is exactly why we try to be kind to others - Jiraiya'),
('Hurt me with the truth. But never comfort me with a lie - Erza Scarlet'),
('Power comes in response to a need, not a desire. You have to create that need - Goku'),
('Being lonely is more painful than getting hurt - Monkey D. Luffy'),
('I refuse to let my fear control me anymore - Maka Albarn'),
('Life is not a game of luck. If you wanna win, work hard- Sora');

Running the Backend

  1. Navigate to the backend directory.
  2. Install the required dependencies.
  3. Start the backend server.

Running the Frontend

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory.
  2. Create the necessary HTML templates.
  3. Start the frontend server.

Accessing the Application

Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8080 to access the Random Anime Quote Generator.

Project Structure


├── dockerfile
├── go.mod
├── main.go
└── template
    └── template.html

1 directory, 4 files


├── dockerfile
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── main.go

0 directories, 4 files


├── data.sql
└── Dockerfile

0 directories, 2 files

Backend (Gin API)

  • main.go: Initializes the Gin server and sets up the routes. Contains the database connection logic. Contains the logic for fetching random quotes from the database.

Frontend (Golang and HTML)

  • main.go: Serves the HTML page and handles requests.
  • templates/index.html: The HTML template for the frontend.

Multi-Branch GitHub Action Workflow

This repository contains a GitHub Action workflow to automate the process of building, scanning, and deploying Docker images across multiple branches. The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. Build a Docker image
  2. Scan the Docker image using Snyk
  3. Push the Docker image to DockerHub
  4. Update the manifest
  5. Notify in a Slack channel


  • A GitHub repository
  • DockerHub account with repository created
  • Snyk account and API token
  • Slack workspace and a webhook URL configured for notifications


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd DevSecOps-project
  2. Create and configure GitHub Secrets

    In your GitHub repository, go to Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions and add the following secrets:

    • DOCKERHUB_USERNAME: Your DockerHub username
    • DOCKERHUB_TOKEN: Your DockerHub token
    • SNYK_TOKEN: Your Snyk API token
    • SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: Your Slack webhook URL

Workflow Steps

GitHub Actions workflow file (.github/workflows/main.yml) that performs the above steps:

1. Build a Docker image

The first step in the workflow builds a Docker image from the Dockerfile in the repository.

    name: Build Docker Image
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      build_tag: ${{ github.sha }}
      JOB_STATUS: ${{ job.status }}

      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Build an image from Dockerfile
        run: |
          docker build -t${{ github.sha }} .
          docker save -o image.tar yuva19102003/backend:${{ github.sha }}

      - name: Upload Docker image
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: docker-image
          path: image.tar

2. Scan the Docker image using Snyk

In this step, the built Docker image is scanned for vulnerabilities using Snyk.

    name: Snyk Scan 
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: docker_build
        RESULTS_LENGTH: ${{ steps.no_of_vuln.outputs.RESULTS_LENGTH }}
        JOB_STATUS: ${{ job.status }}


      - name: Download Docker image
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
          name: docker-image

      - name: Load Docker image
        run: |
          docker load -i image.tar
      - name: Run Snyk to check Docker image for vulnerabilities
        uses: snyk/actions/docker@master
          SNYK_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SNYK_TOKEN }}
          image: yuva19102003/backend:${{ needs.docker_build.outputs.build_tag }}
          args: --sarif-file-output=snyk.sarif
      - name: Count total number of vulnerabilities
        id: no_of_vuln
        run: |
          RESULTS_LENGTH=$(jq '.runs[0].results | length' snyk.sarif)
          echo $RESULTS_LENGTH
          echo "::set-output name=RESULTS_LENGTH::$RESULTS_LENGTH"

      - name: Pass_or_Fail_the_job
        id: result
        run: |
            if [ "$RESULTS_LENGTH" != 0 ]; then         
                echo "Job Failed"
                exit 1
                echo "Pass"
      - name: image to tar
        run: |
          docker save -o scanimage.tar yuva19102003/backend:${{ needs.docker_build.outputs.build_tag }}

      - name: Upload Docker image
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: scanned-docker-image
          path: scanimage.tar

3. Push the Docker image to DockerHub

After scanning, the Docker image is pushed to DockerHub.

    name: Push Image to Dockerhub
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: [docker_build, snyk_scan]
      JOB_STATUS: ${{ job.status }}
      final_tag: ${{ needs.docker_build.outputs.build_tag }}


      - name: Download Docker image
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
          name: scanned-docker-image

      - name: Load Docker image
        run: |
          docker load -i scanimage.tar
      - name: push it to dockerhub
        run: |
          docker login -u $DOCKER_USERNAME -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD
          docker push yuva19102003/backend:${{ needs.docker_build.outputs.build_tag }}

4. Update the manifest

The manifest file in the repository is updated with the new image details.

    name: update eks yml and version file
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: push_image
      JOB_STATUS: ${{ job.status }}
      commit: ${{ github.sha }} 

    - name: Checkout repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
        ref: 'manifest'
        token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }} # Checkout the 'manifest' branch

    - name: Set up Git
      run: |
        git config --global "[email protected]"
        git config --global "GitHub Actions"

    - name: Make changes to deployment.yml
      run: |
        sed -i "s+yuva19102003/backend:.*+yuva19102003/backend:${{ needs.push_image.outputs.final_tag }}+g" backend/deployment.yml
        git add backend/deployment.yml
        git commit -m "Update deployment configuration"
        git push origin HEAD:manifest

5. Notify in a Slack channel

Finally, a notification is sent to a specified Slack channel with the details of the build and deployment.

    name: notify in slack channel
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: [docker_build, snyk_scan, push_image, update_file]
    if: ${{ always() }}

      - name: Send notification on Slack using Webhooks
        uses: slackapi/[email protected]
          payload: |
                 "text": "*GITHUB ACTION FROM BACKEND TIER MICROSERVICE *\n\n*The Docker Build job Status : ${{ needs.docker_build.outputs.JOB_STATUS }}*\n*The Docker image name : yuva19102003/backend:${{ needs.docker_build.outputs.build_tag }}*\n\n*The Snyk scan job status : ${{ needs.snyk_scan.outputs.JOB_STATUS }}* \n*Number of vulnerabilities : ${{ needs.snyk_scan.outputs.RESULTS_LENGTH }}*\n\n *Push image to Dockerhub job status : ${{ needs.docker_build.outputs.JOB_STATUS}}*\n*Docker Command : docker pull yuva19102003/backend:v${{ needs.docker_build.outputs.build_tag }}*\n\n*Update EKS manifest job status : ${{ needs.update_file.outputs.JOB_STATUS}}*\n*Mainfest Branch Commit id : ${{ needs.update_file.outputs.commit}}*\n\n*Detail*:${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}"
          SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.slack_webhook_url }}

Provisioning an EKS Cluster Using Terraform

Graph structure

the graph sturcture of the whole terraform main configuration and the modules.

terraform graph |dot -Tpng > terraform-graph.png

Setup Instructions

Step 1: Clone the Repository

First, clone the repository containing the Terraform configuration files.

git clone
cd terraform-eks

Step 2: Configure AWS Credentials

Make sure your AWS credentials are configured. You can set up AWS CLI credentials by running:

aws configure

Step 3: Initialize Terraform

Initialize the Terraform configuration. This step downloads the necessary provider plugins and prepares the working directory.

terraform init

Step 4: Review and Edit Variables

Review the file and edit the values as necessary. You can also create a terraform.tfvars file to set these values.

Step 5: Apply the Terraform Configuration

Apply the Terraform configuration to create the EKS cluster and associated resources.

terraform apply

Review the changes and type yes to confirm and start the provisioning process.

Step 6: Configure kubectl

After the Terraform apply command completes, configure kubectl to connect to your new EKS cluster. Terraform outputs the necessary configuration commands.

aws eks --region <region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name>

Replace <region> and <cluster_name> with your specified values.

Step 7: Verify the EKS Cluster

Verify that your EKS cluster is up and running by listing the nodes and svc:

kubectl get svc

You should see the worker nodes listed.

Cleaning Up

To destroy the EKS cluster and all associated resources, run:

terraform destroy

Confirm the action by typing yes.

Note: Ensure that you have adequate IAM permissions for creating and managing EKS resources, and that your AWS account is not subject to any restrictions that might prevent the successful creation of these resources.


Install Vault cluster

Diagram for k8s cluster

Using Helm install Vault on a local instance of minikube. Vault is installed it's own virtual cluster called a namespace.

If you have not already, add the HashiCorp Repo.

$ helm repo add hashicorp

In order to have the latest version of the HashiCorp Helm charts, update the repo.

$ helm repo update

Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories......Successfully got an update from the "hashicorp" chart repository...Successfully got an update from the "open" chart repository...Successfully got an update from the "bitnami" chart repositoryUpdate Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈

Details of the output might differ, the important thing is the Update Complete message.

Determine the latest version of Vault.

$ helm search repo hashicorp/vault


hashicorp/vault 0.23.0          1.13.1          Official HashiCorp Vault Chart

Vault Secrets Operator supports for the latest three versions of Vault. Please see Supported Vault versions for details.

Using the YAML file in /vault install Vault on your Minikube cluster

$ helm install vault hashicorp/vault -n vault --create-namespace --values vault/vault-values.yaml

The output should resemble the following:

NAME: vaultLAST 
DEPLOYED: Fri Mar 31 09:37:42 2023
STATUS: deployed
NOTES:Thank you for installing HashiCorp Vault!Now that you have deployed Vault, you should look over the docs on usingVault with Kubernetes available here: release is named vault. To learn more about the release, try:
$ helm status vault
$ helm get manifest vault

Configure Vault

setup Vault cluster

Here you connect to the Vault instance on minikube, enable and configure Kubernetes authentication, KV secrets engine, a role and policy for Kubernetes, and create a static secret.

Connect to the Vault instance. Until you exit you will be executing from inside the Vault instance.

$ kubectl exec --stdin=true --tty=true vault-0 -n vault -- /bin/sh

Enable the Kubernetes auth method.

$ vault auth enable -path demo-auth-mount kubernetes

Success! Enabled kubernetes auth method at: kubernetes/

Configure the auth method.

$ vault write auth/demo-auth-mount/config \

The output should resemble the following:

Success! Data written to: auth/demo-auth-mount/config

Enable the kv v2 Secrets Engine.

$ vault secrets enable -path=kvv2 kv-v2

Success! Enabled the kv-v2 secrets engine at: kvv2/

Create a read only policy.

$ vault policy write dev - <<EOF
path "kvv2/*" {   
   capabilities = ["read"]   

The output should resemble the following:

Success! Uploaded policy: dev

Create a role in Vault to enable access to secret.

$ vault write auth/demo-auth-mount/role/role1 \
   bound_service_account_names=default \
   bound_service_account_namespaces=app \
   policies=dev \
   audience=vault \

The output should resemble the following:

Success! Data written to: auth/demo-auth-mount/role/role1

Notice that the bound_service_account_namespaces is app, limiting where the secret is synced to.

Create a secret.

$ vault kv put kvv2/webapp/config USER="root" PASS="root" DB="anime_db"


===== Secret Path =====
 ======= Metadata =======
 Key                Value
 ---                -----
 created_time       2023-04-03T16:35:56.1103993Z
 custom_metadata    <nil>
 deletion_time      n/a
 destroyed          false
 version            1

Exit the Vault instance.

$ exit

Install the Vault Secrets Operator Vault Secrets Operator

Use helm to deploy the Vault Secrets Operator.

$ helm install vault-secrets-operator hashicorp/vault-secrets-operator -n vault-secrets-operator-system --create-namespace --values vault/vault-operator-values.yaml

NAME: vault-secrets-operator LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Mar 31 10:00:29 2023 NAMESPACE: vault-secrets-operator-system STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1

Examine the file vault/vault-operator-values.yaml:

$ cat vault/vault-operator-values.yaml

enabled: true
address: "http://vault.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200" skipTLSVerify: false...

The defaultVaultConnection sets up the default connection to Vault. This is used if no other connection is set. address is the address on the Kubernetes cluster. skipTLSVerify set to false enables TLS certificate verification.

Deploy and sync a secret

Create secret in App pod

In this section you set up a namespace with a Kubernetes secret. That secret is managed through the Vault Secrets Operator.

Create a namespace called app on your Kubernetes cluster.

$ kubectl create ns app

namespace/app created

Set up the Kubernetes authentication for the secret.

$ kubectl apply -f vault/vault-auth-static.yaml created

Create the secret names secretkv in the app namespace.

$ kubectl apply -f vault/static-secret.yaml created

This repo is a companion to Static secrets with the Vault Secrets Operator on Kubernetes found on the HashiCorp developer site.


Install manually

helm repo add argo

. update the repo

helm repo update

. install argocd

helm install argocd --namespace argocd --create-namespace --version 5.46.8 --values values/argocd.yaml argo/argo-cd

. deploy the manifest

kubectl apply -f argocd-notifications-secret.yaml -f argocd-notifications-cm.yaml

. frontend , backend and database

kubectl apply -f frontend.yaml -f backend.yaml -f database.yaml

. get pods and svc

kubectl get pods -n argocd 
kubectl get svc -n argocd

. login to argocd

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server 8081:80 -n argocd

pods and svc provisioned by argocd

Network Load Balancer

Target group

argocd notification in slack channel


monitoring aws resources using cloudwatch and grafana


Add helm repo

helm repo add grafana

Update helm repo

helm repo update

Install helm

helm install grafana grafana/grafana

Expose Grafana Service

kubectl expose service grafana --type=NodePort --target-port=3000 --name=grafana-ext

getting admin password

kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

monitoring ec2

monitoring network load balancer


Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


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