MSM-Deluxe--- Tools_v0.93
Added TPL Support to the dump and pack apps :)
You can choose between two pack methods for TPL files:
-rebuild completely the arc with wszst (but if there's more than 1 texture in the same tpl file - that's the case for tpl in strap folder, wimgt will make the other texture RGB5A3)
-(I played with the arc format in hex) encoding to tex0 then transferring the data to the texture (without the needing of rebuilding the arc file -> faster) problem: tex0 format don't support palettes, so the arc file will be corrupted with my method if you're replacing a CI8/CI4 encoded texture
to sum up: use wszst with tpl files having only 1 texture in them
use "Yosh's hex replacing method" for everything except CI4/CI8 (even tpl files having more than 1 texture in them) so it'll work with TPL files in the strap folder