Set of more than 20 python scripts used to edit Mario Sports Mix files or any Wii game !
I wrote these scripts alone and keep maintaining them up to date by adding new scripts/fixing bugs/adding features/cleaning code
You will need Wiimms SZS Tools, Wiimms ISO Tools, and python 3.X.
for the modules pyperclip, win10toast and Pillow, the installer should install them automatically. If not, in cmd or your terminal type
pip install Pillow
pip install requests
pip install pyperclip
pip install win10toast
pip install win10toast_click
(linux users have to do it with pip3, and probably install tkinter)
if you plan looking at the source code, be aware that they are written to be used in C:/Yosh. the installer's job is to edit these paths (and also add assets) the reason why path is not relative is because the tools are being added to %path% environment variable, in order to be used everywhere you can easily change the language with #language.txt or from the main menu
All scripts have a special utility, sometimes it's just for fun, or very useful
they are all independent scripts, they just need to access the config file named 'a' (bstick + checkbuttons), or some png (especially for msmhelp, I made all these png) and of course the icons and #language.txt
if you want to know what's happening when you launch an app by the explorer navbar, it simply run an exe that will run a vbs which will state wether or not the app needs a console, make that console associated with the app on the taskbar, and will make it an alone process by launching a .lnk shortcut file of the python script, so there's a custom icon on the taskbar
check what the console says if it instantly closes, run "run this if installer doesn't open.bat" and check what the console says the last option is to get in contact with me (yosh) either by discord, or your preferred way.
in order for the scripts to be launched from everywhere, I needed to use files with an extension in %pathext% BUT explorer.exe has a modified pathext environment variable that we can't edit, and it only contains .exe, .com, and .bat therefore, I developped programs in C that would launch the apps. It's been automated in a python scripts, but the two .c files in the source code are not automated and manually edited to launch if any arg has been added after the exe name. (yep, I programmed my own version of strcat, you shouldn't rely too much libraries if you're doing C programming, as strcat was splitting args randomly after a dot or some other characters) if you plan to use .bat instead of exe, you will need to type "" instead of msm in order to use the command line tools. ----------- arc extract and compress, creates U8 archive with/without compression
brsar.pyw ------- Every Game Brsar Patcher
bstick.pyw ------ Change bstick colour ------------- Compress files in cwd -------- Dump all textures to png --------- Convert decimal to hex-float --------- MSM iso/wbfs extract and compress ----------- MSM files extract and compress
map.pyw -------- MSM Symbol Map Viewer
msm.pyw -------- Mario Sports Mix Modding App Menu
msmhelp.pyw ---- Help pictures I made ---------------- Png texture replace (CLI no png extension) ------------- Pack all edited png's dumped with into a brres, or an arc file (also works with TPL files !) -------------- Png texture replace (CLI with png extension) ----- CaPiTaLiSe
sizeC.pyw ----------- Prints C:\pagefile.sys, C:\hiberfil.sys, and C:\swapfile.sys filesize -------------- Change a character slot by renaming all its files in cwd (it will close automatically after start if no character mot or mdl files are found in the cwd) ----------------- Encoded texture replace (CLI) --------------- Encode png to tex0 -------------- Fix all textures to version 3 --------------- Change root bone attributes ------- V a p o r w a v e
web.pyw ------------ Website ----------------- Extract files in cwd
yt.pyw --------------- YT Videos Thumbnails Download