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Automated test scenario: importing publications via WoS

Miet edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 4 revisions

Automated test scenario: importing publications via WoS

1. Log in on with my UGent account through KeyCloak

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2. Navigate to publications via left hand navigation bar

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3. Click top right on "Add Publication"

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4. Select "Import from Web of Science" from radio button list

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5. Click "Add publication(s)" on top right

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5. See screen to upload files, via interface (clicking) or dropzone (drop file)

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6. Use interface or dropzone to upload a WoS file with multiple publications (exported full text, full records, from WoS according to the guidelines)

File example:


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6.1. Uploading feedback

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Editing possibilities

7.a [Success scenario] See an overview of all records that were imported

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7.a.1. Get possibility to view publication (different scenario)

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7.a.2. Get possibility to remove publication (different scenario)

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8. Imported editing possibilities

8.a.3. Get possibility to edit Description, People & Affiliations, Full text & Files (different scenario)

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8.b [? Failed scenario – does not exist yet] Get message of failed records (and which ones specifically)

8.b [? Doubles scenario – does not exist yet] Get message of double records (and which ones specifically)

Opt out whenever possible

8. Saving and publishing possibilities

8.a. Get possibility to save all records as a draft and get redirected to search overview

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8.b. Get possibility to publish all records

Go to step 9

9. Validate records before publishing, and give people the possibility to go back to edit the records to let them validate or save them as drafts

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