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pastika edited this page Feb 26, 2016
30 revisions
#Welcome to the ZInvisible wiki!
- b-tag scale factors + uncertainty
- top-pt reweighting + uncertainty
- add nb >= 2 and nt >=1 loose Data/MC plots
- Make table of prediction with uncertainties, follow existing format
- Make summary table of systematics
- Add scale syst plot
- Add lines on search bin plots
- investigate met systematic weirdness
- Do tight <-> loose systematic
- Decide how to describe MT2>0 for the shape systematics
- Propagate trigger efficiency to prediction (plot exists)
- Update MC stats for gamma statistics
- Finish documentation
##To Do For Dec 17
- Make slides
- njet weights: data/mc in mumu, emu (g1b) and resulting DY/Z weight in nice plot
- nsearchbin plot with final prediction + any systematics we have
- normalization weight in tight region
- MC closure in backup
- shape variations: HT etc
- 0b tight control region, data vs mc, nsearchbin
- Method
- Njet weight systematic
- Nb=0 normalization
- shape unc from loose region
- Final prediction
- Make signal region BG estimate for comparison plots for Zhenbin (https://gist.github.com/zhenbinwu/ce4e9034971dac4236f1)
- Loose HT plots (200, 300, 400, 500 GeV HT cuts)
- Systematics
- Tight N(b) = 0 nSearchBin plot for data and MC
- Apply normalization weight to DY (make new histo file, and run makeplots)
- After Njet weighting get Data/MC shape factors for
- MET: rebin according to signal region bin edges (can be done in fitter)
- MT2
- Njet
- Nb
- Nt
- Jet Pt
- Muon Pt
- Ht
- NJet weight uncertainties
- N(b) normalization scale uncertainties
##To Do Thanksgiving
- check data vs MC
- Check MC closure in relaxed cut region
- Implement cutflow functionality
- Create plots of Inclusive DY MC
- Implement lhe HT
- Implement minituples for systematics
- Implement code to analyse minituples and create systematic outputs
##To Do List
plots we want to see
- real b fraction (gen b) of each sample
- harder than it sounds, insufficient gen info in NTuples
- CSV values of faked jets
- Kinematic properties/n-jet in low vs. high CSV range
- Kinematic n-jet in 0,1,2,3 b bins
Ntuple production
- Run over singlemuon data
- Run over TTZ MC
Code work
- Table dump for cutflows
- Update samples.cc with latest sample information
- Make Hongxuan stop using samples2.h
- Top tagger b-faking improvements - full combinatorics (do later)
- Implement lepton efficiencies
- Implement b-tag scale factors
- Implement trigger efficiencies
- Write small fitter for the shape systematics
- Improve structuring of makePlots
- Add Plotter functionality to use variable bin widths
- Check photon cleaning around muons
- Is this really the muon cleaning bug?
- check closure, particularly in high Zpt/MET and N(b) = 0 -> N(b) > 0
- data/MC comparison
- raw kinematic quantities (ttbar and DY)
- compare DY->mumu MC to data samples
- ttbar selection using emu selection
- leading/sub-leading jet pt/dR issues
- recalculate acceptance, and efficiency corrections with Spring15 samples
- recalculate gen z-smearing + do it for electrons
- Check closure of b-faking method in loose region, in particular data
- Decide how to deal with double counting of uncertainties between normalization unc and bin-by-bin data stat unc.
- Fix MC closure for electrons
- Do systematics for loose <-> tight
- Normalize scale and pdf uncertainty inputs in the 0b region
- do it!!!