These instructions will walk through downloading and setting up the following repositories that are required to run the ZInvisible framework.
The ZInvisible framework also uses configuration files from the StopCfg and TopTaggerCfg repositories. Here are links to the available releases.
First follow the instructions here. Once you are done, you should have a CMSSW area setup that contains the TopTagger, TopTaggerTools, and SusyAnaTools repositories.
TopTagger for Standalone (edm free)
If you want to install the TopTagger for Standalone (edm free), follow the instructions within CMSSW here, but exclude the commands you have already done (don't repeat CMSSW setup and cloning TopTagger repository).
Go your CMSSW area which you should have already setup (see instructions here. We recommend using CMSSW_10_2_9, which has support for uproot. The command cmsenv will need to be run during every new terminal session.
cd CMSSW_10_2_9
WARNING: It is unwise to rename the path of your CMSSW area (e.g. any directory in your path before the CMSSW_10_2_9 directory) after checking out a CMSSW release. It will cause things to break because CMSSW_BASE will still be set to the old directory name.
Checkout the ZInvisible repository.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone [email protected]:susy2015/ZInvisible.git
cd ZInvisible/Tools
Checkout the NanoSUSY-tools repository and make softlinks of the trigger efficiency root files.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone -b postpro_v3.0 [email protected]:susy2015/NanoSUSY-tools.git PhysicsTools/NanoSUSYTools
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/ZInvisible/Tools
ln -s $CMSSW_BASE/src/PhysicsTools/NanoSUSYTools/data/trigger_eff/*.root .
Go to the ZInvisible/Tools
directory and checkout the config files using and
The top tagger implementation has changed between v5 and v6 ntuples. Use the config files described bellow.
Configuration files for using v5 ntuples:
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/ZInvisible/Tools
mkdir ../../myTopTaggerCfgs
mkdir ../../myStopCfgs -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2016_V1.1.0 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_Tensorflow_2016.cfg -o -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2017_V1.1.0 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_Tensorflow_2017.cfg -o -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2018_V1.1.0 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_Tensorflow_2018.cfg -o -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2016_V2.0.0 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_DiscriminatorFilter_2016.cfg -o -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2017_V2.0.0 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_DiscriminatorFilter_2017.cfg -o -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2018_V2.0.0 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_DiscriminatorFilter_2018.cfg -o -d ../../myStopCfgs -t PostProcessed_StopNtuple_v5.0.1 -o
Configuration files for using v6 ntuples:
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/ZInvisible/Tools
mkdir ../../myTopTaggerCfgs
mkdir ../../myStopCfgs -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2016_V1.1.2 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_Tensorflow_2016.cfg -o -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2017_V1.1.2 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_Tensorflow_2017.cfg -o -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2018_V1.1.2 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_Tensorflow_2018.cfg -o -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2016_V2.0.1 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_DiscriminatorFilter_2016.cfg -o -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2017_V2.0.1 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_DiscriminatorFilter_2017.cfg -o -t DeepCombined_DeepCSV_GR_fromStop0lPostProc_2018_V2.0.1 -d ../../myTopTaggerCfgs/ -f TopTagger_DiscriminatorFilter_2018.cfg -o -d ../../myStopCfgs -t PostProcessed_StopNtuple_v6.1.1 -o
There are more detailed instructions that you can reference here.
Make sure that you checkout the configuration files in the $CMSSW_BASE/src/ZInvisible/Tools
directory (with softlinks if you use and You may specify a different directory for the area where the release is downloaded, as the softlinks will point to that location.
Run the following commands to get additional dependencies.
Get the top tagger releases used in post-processing and create soft links to top tagger efficiency root files. -n -t DeepResolved_DeepCSV_GR_nanoAOD_2016_v1.0.6 -n -t DeepResolved_DeepCSV_GR_nanoAOD_2017_v1.0.6 -n -t DeepResolved_DeepCSV_GR_nanoAOD_2018_v1.0.6
ln -s TopTaggerCfg-DeepResolved_DeepCSV_GR_nanoAOD_2016_v1.0.6/tTagEff_2016.root .
ln -s TopTaggerCfg-DeepResolved_DeepCSV_GR_nanoAOD_2017_v1.0.6/tTagEff_2017.root .
ln -s TopTaggerCfg-DeepResolved_DeepCSV_GR_nanoAOD_2018_v1.0.6/tTagEff_2018.root .
Get json library to use json files in C++.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone [email protected]:nlohmann/json.git
cd json
git checkout v3.7.3
Get EstToolsSUSY repository which has the unit bin json file dc_BkgPred_BinMaps_master.json.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone [email protected]:mkilpatr/EstToolsSUSY.git
cd EstToolsSUSY
git checkout SBv4
Make a softlink to dc_BkgPred_BinMaps_master.json.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/ZInvisible/Tools
ln -s $CMSSW_BASE/src/EstToolsSUSY/SUSYNano19/dc_BkgPred_BinMaps_master.json .
Copy these root files.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/ZInvisible/Tools
cp /uscms/home/caleb/nobackup/SusyAnalysis/CMSSW_9_4_4/src/ZInvisible/Tools/2016_trigger_eff.root .
cp /uscms/home/caleb/nobackup/SusyAnalysis/CMSSW_9_4_4/src/ZInvisible/Tools/2017_trigger_eff.root .
cp /uscms/home/caleb/nobackup/SusyAnalysis/CMSSW_9_4_4/src/ZInvisible/Tools/2018_trigger_eff.root .
cp /uscms/home/caleb/nobackup/SusyAnalysis/CMSSW_9_4_4/src/ZInvisible/Tools/shapes_njets.root .
Go to your working area and then setup the TopTagger environment. This will need to be run after running cmsenv
in every new terminal session. Use the command for your shell (bash or tcsh). Type "echo $SHELL" to check your shell if you don't know it.
Go to working area:
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/ZInvisible/Tools
For bash users:
source $CMSSW_BASE/src/TopTagger/TopTagger/test/
For tcsh users:
source $CMSSW_BASE/src/TopTagger/TopTagger/test/taggerSetup.csh
Now compile.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/ZInvisible/Tools
mkdir obj
mkdir plots
make -j8
You will need to compile after making changes to the source code (.cc, .h, Makefile, etc). If you change the Makefile, you will need to run make clean
and then make
Copy the following root files from Caleb's area. These files will need to be updated for our full Run 2 analysis (if we still use them).
cp /uscms/home/caleb/nobackup/SusyAnalysis/CMSSW_9_4_4/src/ZInvisible/Tools/effhists_GJets.root .
cp /uscms/home/caleb/nobackup/SusyAnalysis/CMSSW_9_4_4/src/ZInvisible/Tools/syst_all.root .
Now try running makePlots.
time ./makePlots -D DYJetsToLL_HT_400to600_2016 -Y 2016 -E 1000 -R Data_MET_2016 | grep -v LHAPDF
The -D
option is for the dataset. The -E
option is for number of events to process.
This script should output some pdf/png plots. The -st
options can be used for only saving the root file and not making pdf/png files.
time ./makePlots -st -D DYJetsToLL_HT_400to600_2016 -Y 2016 -E 1000 -R Data_MET_2016 | grep -v LHAPDF
If makePlots
succeeds it will create a file named histoutput.root
. You can open this file with a TBrowser either on cmslpc or by copying it to your machine.
Here is an example of using rsync to copy a root file to your computer. Replace USERNAME with your cmslpc username. Replace WORKINGAREA the cmslpc path to the root file which you can get with pwd
rsync -avz [email protected]:WORKINGAREA/histoutput.root .
Here is an example of this command.
rsync -avz [email protected]:/uscms/home/caleb/nobackup/SusyAnalysis/CMSSW_9_4_4/src/ZInvisible/Tools/histoutput.root .
Open the root file in TBrowser and click on the directories to view histograms.
root histoutput.root
TBrowser b
You can also replace ZJetsToNuNu with DYJetsToLL, TTbarDiLep, TEST, and other datasets. The "-l" option will make lepton plots, and the "-g" option will make photon plots.
./makePlots -D DYJetsToLL -E 1000 -l
./makePlots -D GJets -E 1000 -g
There is also a script for running over multiple samples and a small number of events without using condor. The year is the only argument.
./ 2016
./ 2017
./ 2018
Different samples and number of events can be specified by editing
You can also try running the moneyplot script.
The moneyplot script should create some text, pdf, and png files that contain moneyplot in the name. The plots show the the central value of the ZInsibile background estimation for each of the 84 search bins and the accosiated uncertainties. The text files show the contents of each bin and the associated unertainties.
If you have reached this point, you probably want to try running on condor. You can use mutliple MC and Data sets on condor, and you can run many jobs to run over a lot of data. Condor will return multiple root files. These can been added together and then plotted.
First you need to setup your CMS voms proxy. Here is the command for setting up a one week long proxy (168 hours).
voms-proxy-init --valid 168:00 -voms cms
Here is the command for checking your current proxy and remaining time.
Here is an example of submitting a condor job.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/ZInvisible/Tools/condor
# list available sample sets
python -l
# submit specific sample sets
python -d GJets,ZJetsToNuNu
Here are some useful condor commands.
condor_q check condor jobs
condor_rm USERNAME remove all condor jobs (replace USERNAME with your username)
condor_userprio check condor priority (lower values are better)
watch "condor_q | tail" watch job status; use CRTL-C to stop
Your condor jobs should produce log, stdout, and stderr files for each job in the logs directory. You can check these for errors.
- All Data and MC for Run 2: Electron, Muon, and Photon Control Regions
- Use TTbarNoHad (leptonic ttabr) for the lepton control region and TTbar (inclusive ttbar) for the photon control region.
- 2017 is split into Periods B-E and F
- 2018 is split into PreHem and PostHEM
year="2016"; period=""; python -d Data_SingleElectron_${year}${period},Data_SingleMuon_${year}${period},Data_SinglePhoton_${year}${period},DYJetsToLL_${year},TTbarNoHad_${year},SingleTopZinv_${year},Rare_${year},TTZ_${year},Diboson_${year},GJets_${year},QCD_Photon_${year},WJetsToLNu_${year},TTbar_${year},tW_${year},ZJetsToNuNu_${year} -n 2 -y ${year}${period} -r Data_MET_${year}${period}
year="2017"; period="_BE"; python -d Data_SingleElectron_${year}${period},Data_SingleMuon_${year}${period},Data_SinglePhoton_${year}${period},DYJetsToLL_${year},TTbarNoHad_${year},SingleTopZinv_${year},Rare_${year},TTZ_${year},Diboson_${year},GJets_${year},QCD_Photon_${year},WJetsToLNu_${year},TTbar_${year},tW_${year},ZJetsToNuNu_${year} -n 2 -y ${year}${period} -r Data_MET_${year}${period}
year="2017"; period="_F"; python -d Data_SingleElectron_${year}${period},Data_SingleMuon_${year}${period},Data_SinglePhoton_${year}${period},DYJetsToLL_${year},TTbarNoHad_${year},SingleTopZinv_${year},Rare_${year},TTZ_${year},Diboson_${year},GJets_${year},QCD_Photon_${year},WJetsToLNu_${year},TTbar_${year},tW_${year},ZJetsToNuNu_${year} -n 2 -y ${year}${period} -r Data_MET_${year}${period}
year="2018"; period="_PreHEM"; python -d Data_EGamma_${year}${period},Data_SingleMuon_${year}${period},DYJetsToLL_${year},TTbarNoHad_${year},SingleTopZinv_${year},Rare_${year},TTZ_${year},Diboson_${year},GJets_${year},QCD_Photon_${year},WJetsToLNu_${year},TTbar_${year},tW_${year},ZJetsToNuNu_${year} -n 2 -y ${year}${period} -r Data_MET_${year}${period}
year="2018"; period="_PostHEM"; python -d Data_EGamma_${year}${period},Data_SingleMuon_${year}${period},DYJetsToLL_${year},TTbarNoHad_${year},SingleTopZinv_${year},Rare_${year},TTZ_${year},Diboson_${year},GJets_${year},QCD_Photon_${year},WJetsToLNu_${year},TTbar_${year},tW_${year},ZJetsToNuNu_${year} -n 2 -y ${year}${period} -r Data_MET_${year}${period}
There is now a script to submit all Run 2 Data and MC with one command.
The script will create a json file in the runs directory that lists the condor submission directories. This json file will be used again to process the output of the condor jobs.
First get This is a script that uses multithreading to add histograms together by applying hadd in parallel.
mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/bin
[email protected]:pastika/Alex-Hadd.git
ln -s Alex-Hadd/ .
Add ~/bin
to your path. I also have SusyAnaTools/Tools/scripts/
in my path. You can add this line to your ~/.bash_profile using your USERNAME and PATH_TO_WORKING_AREA.
export PATH="$PATH:/uscms/home/USERNAME/bin/:/uscms/home/USERNAME/PATH_TO_WORKING_AREA/SusyAnaTools/Tools/scripts/"
Then source your ~/.bash_profile to apply this change to your PATH.
source ~/.bash_profile
If your condor jobs complete successfully, the jobs will output root files to the condor directory. We have a script called to hadd the output files, which adds the root histograms together and produces one file.
WARNING: The script moves all root files from your current directory to a new directory and adds them together. Make sure your condor directory only contains root files that were output from condor and that you want to add together.
The script requires two arguments in this order: name, year . The name will be used to create the directory that stores all the root files. The year should be 2016, 2017, or 2018 corresponding to the Data/MC year.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/ZInvisible/Tools/condor
Here is an example.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/ZInvisible/Tools/condor
./ ZJetsToNuNu 2016
The script will
- create a new directory with the name you provide, the date, and a version number for that date (1,2,3...).
- move all root files from current directory to the new directory and hadd them (checking for broken files)
- copy the resulting root file to ZInvisible/Tools
- run MakePlots using this root file
This should generate some pdf and png files in the ZInvisible/Tools/plots directory, which you may rsync and view as desired.
Process 2016 results:
./ PhotonAndMuonControlRegionSelection_2016 2016
Process 2017 results:
./ PhotonAndMuonControlRegionSelection_2017 2017
There is now a script to process all Run 2 output from condor. It accepts a json file containing the condor submission directories (and created by as an input.
python python/ -j runs/submission_2019-08-28_14-24-48.json
Use the script to run modules to calculate the normalization and shape factors, as well as the Z to invisible prediction in the validation and search bins.
python python/ -j runs/submission_2019-08-28_14-24-48.json
Use the script to calculate systematic uncertainties in the validation and search bins.
python python/ -j runs/submission_2019-08-28_14-24-48.json
If everything has worked up to this point, you have arrived at The End... for now. You will go far, my friend. Otherwise, don't worry. Keep trying and contact an expert if you cannot resolve the issues. Feel free to post issues on the issues page of this repository. Also, you are welcome to help solve the current issues if you have time.