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chanwit edited this page Jul 1, 2011 · 2 revisions

Gon Framework - Release Notes 0.1

This is the 0.1 release notes for the Gon Framework, an MVC framework for Go lang.

Fixed Issues

We are heavily working on architecturing and re-structuring the framework. So, it is still unstable at the moment. This release intends to be an early milestone to let the team to continue working on the track.

  • We forked Godag and tuned it to fit Gon needs. The version of Godag used by Gon is called MGD. Call mgd to compile and fix errors, mgd test or script/test-app to test the app and script/run-app to start the built-in server (at port 8080).
  • We now have the default page. Browsing to will show it to you. The main page is at app/view/main.m. You can also put images, JavaScript files and style sheets in the directory web-app.
  • Basic dependency injection and controllers work. Controllers are in app/controller and bean definition can be placed into app/conf/bean.go.
  • We have the BootStrap method in app/conf/bootstrap.go.

Enjoy Gon, the rapid Web development for Golang!

the Gon Dev Team.

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