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chanwit edited this page Jul 1, 2011 · 6 revisions

This page explains how to prepare a machine to develop gon.

Things you need:

  • Go. If you have installed Go already we recommend you to use the weekly update of Go. Go is a very fast changing language.
  • Gccgo Gccgo might requires some of the dependencies such as Gold link. If you're using a Mac you could install to have Gcc ready for you.
  • MGD is now the official way to compile and test Gon.
  • Godag This is for compiling gon.
  • Gonrun This is the modified gorun for windows environment, but you can use it for Unix/Mac as well. I also recommend you using this.
  • mustache.go
  • web.go This is the modified version of web.go, because the latest web.go could not build on the latest Go.
  • Mongodb This version of gon relies on Mongodb which will change in the coming version. You have to start the mongodb demon before running gon.
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