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Project Structure

Lars Waage edited this page May 25, 2023 · 1 revision

Project Structure

  • frontend contains the web application, written in TypeScript with React and Next.js.
    • src contains the source code of the frontend.
      • pages contains page components, where each file corresponds to a URL on the website. For example, pages/about/board.tsx is the component that is rendered at Files/folders in [brackets] are variables in the URL, so pages/about/organizations/[slug].tsx gives access to the slug variable in that page component, which is e.g. rubberdok in
      • components contains React components used to build up the website.
        • pages (under components) are components for specific pages. The folder structure here mirrors the folders in the top-level pages, so components for the pages in pages/events are in components/pages/events.
        • Other folders here are for components used across pages.
      • layouts contains React components that are part of the base website layout on every page, e.g. the navigation bar and footer.
      • graphql contains GraphQL requests that the frontend uses to talk to the backend API.
        • The folders here are grouped by backend app, so graphql/events contains queries/mutations for the backend app in backend/apps/events.
        • Each folder has:
          • queries.graphql for requests that only fetch data.
          • mutations.graphql for requests that change data.
          • fragments.graphql for GraphQL fragments: a selection of fields on one of our API types, that can be reused across different queries/mutations to ensure consistent types. Whenever you see a ...Fragment type from generated/graphql, that type has been generated from a fragments.graphql file.
      • generated contains output from code generation.
        • graphql.ts is the output from graphql-codegen, the tool we run with yarn generate. It reads our GraphQL schema (backend/schema.json), and our queries, mutations and fragments (from the graphql folder), to generate TypeScript types and data for making requests to our backend API.
      • types contains shared types used across the app.
      • theme contains customizations for Material UI, the styled component library we use for React.
        • components contains customizations for specific Material UI components.
      • lib contains functions defined by us to make it easier to work with some of our libraries.
      • utils contains utility functions.
    • .husky configures Husky, the tool we use for pre-commit hooks (checks that run on each Git commit).
    • content contains files for static content used by our React components.
    • cypress defines our Cypress end-to-end tests, which essentially involve a robot clicking through our website to check that everything works as expected.
    • public contains public files, such as images, served by our frontend.
    • package.json lists the TypeScript dependencies of the project, and also defines the scripts for use by Yarn. Running yarn installs the dependencies listed here, while running e.g. yarn dev runs the command in "scripts": ... "dev":.
    • .eslintrc.json configures ESLint, our linter (a tool to enforce code standards) for TypeScript.
    • .prettierrc configures Prettier, the tool we use to format our TypeScript code.
    • codegen.yml configures graphql-codegen, the tool we use to generate TypeScript code from our backend's GraphQL API schema and the .graphql files we write in our frontend. This is what runs in the yarn generate command.
    • tsconfig.json configures the rules TypeScript should enforce when type checking our code.
    • .env files define the environment variables for the different environments of the project (development, production, testing).
      • To override environment variables for your local development environment, add a .env.local file with your variables. This file is ignored by Git.
  • backend contains the backend server at, written in Python with Django and Graphene.
    • api/auth contains the logic for authenticating users on their requests.
    • apps contains the different Django apps (essentially modules) for the backend. Each app follows this structure (or at least parts of it):
      • fixtures contains example data for local development, loaded through python loaddata initial_data.
      • migrations contains Django files for migrating (updating) the database after every change to a Django model in the app. Most of these are generated through the python makemigrations command, though some are custom-written for more complex updates of the database. The code in these files is what runs when you do python migrate.
      • configures what parts of the app should be shown in the Django admin panel.
      • configures the app.
      • contains constant values used by the app.
      • contains custom logic for loading data for particular GraphQL queries (read more here).
      • defines the Django models of the app, which is how objects of the app are stored in the database.
      • defines classes for each GraphQL mutation in the app's API (GraphQL requests that change data), and their arguments.
      • defines methods for resolving each GraphQL query in the app's API (GraphQL requests that only fetch data).
      • defines the GraphQL schema for the app's API. It imports the mutations and query resolvers from and, and defines the types for the queries.
      • contains Django signals, which are functions that run on a specific trigger (e.g. when an object of a particular model is saved to the database).
      • contains tests of the app's logic.
      • defines the GraphQL API types for models in the app. You can think of a type in this context as how an object is represented in our API (to our frontend), while a model is how it is represented in the database. An API type typically inherits from Graphene's DjangoObjectType and bases itself on the fields of its corresponding Django model. However, it can also add custom fields that are not on the database model, in which case it defines a resolve_[field_name] on the type with the logic for resolving that field.
    • config configures the Django project, and ties together the different apps.
      • settings contains Django settings for the project.
        • has settings for every version of the project.
        • has settings for local development of the project.
        • has settings for the production environment (the live website) of the project.
      • urls defines the URL endpoints of the backend server. It follows the same file structure as settings.
      • defines the GraphQL schema for the whole API of the backend. It simply imports each app's schema from their files, and combines them.
    • decorators defines our custom Python decorators, which are the functions used with the @ syntax.
    • entrypoints contains scripts for running the backend, used by Docker and our Continuous Integration pipelines.
    • requirements list the Python dependencies of our project, to make it easier to install with e.g. pip install -r requirements/local.txt.
      • base.txt contains the main dependencies for all versions of the project.
      • local.txt includes our Python formatter and linter for development.
      • production.txt includes a library for logging production errors to Sentry, our error logging service.
    • static contains static content served by our backend.
    • templates contains Django templates, which is HTML but with slots for inserting values in Python.
    • utils contains shared utility classes and functions for use by our backend.
    • schema.json is a JSON representation of the backend's GraphQL API schema defined in our files. It is generated with the python graphql_schema command, and can then be used by our frontend to generate TypeScript code for interacting with our API. So you can essentially think of schema.json as a language-agnostic "translation step" for letting the TypeScript frontend use the API types from our Python backend.
    • mypy.ini configures MyPy, a type checker for Python.
    • pyproject.toml configures Black, the tool we use to format our Python code.
    • tox.ini configures flake8, our linter (a tool to enforce code standards) for Python.
    • .env files contain the environment variables for the different environments of the project (development, production, testing).
      • To override environment variables for your local development environment, add a .env file with your variables. This file is ignored by Git.
  • .gitignore tells Git which files should not be included in the repository (these are grayed out in VSCode's file explorer).
  • docker-compose.yml configures the Docker containers that can be run with the docker compose command. Our frontend and backend also have a Dockerfile each for configuring their Docker containers.
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