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Project Installation

Lars Waage edited this page Sep 11, 2023 · 3 revisions

Table of Contents


The project consists of a frontend application running Next.js, and a Python server running Django. In this document, you will find detailed instructions for setting up the project on MacOS/Unix-like operating systems, and Windows.

There are multiple ways of running the project locally, our recommendations depend on which operating system you're running.

Code blocks prefixed with $ are meant to be run in Terminal (MacOS) and CMD (Windows). Do not include the $ when copying the code.


MacOS/Unix-like (recommended)

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Running the project locally with MacOS or other Unix-like operating systems is comparatively straight forward, and the most straightforward approach is to run the server with Docker, and the frontend locally.


Running Server with Docker


Running Nextjs (frontend)


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Unfortunately, running the server with Docker on Windows effectively requires you to run the entire project using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). While it requires some configuration initially, it enables you to easily run the project using Docker, which also more closely mirrors the production environment.

If WSL is not an alternative for you, we recommend that you run the project without Docker.


Running Server with Docker (prerequisite: WSL)

Running Server without Docker


Running Nextjs (frontend)



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Homebrew 🍺

Homebrew is a package manager, which greatly simplifies and manages the installation of packages on your behalf. While it is not required, the installation instructions for MacOS will assume that you have Homebrew.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


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To run the project with Docker, refer to Microsoft's documentation for setting up WSL.



brew install git

Windows (contributions welcome)


Github Configuration

Refer to Getting started with Git.

Installation Instructions

Server (Django)

With Docker (Recommended)

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  1. Download, install, and start Docker Desktop. Refer to Docker Desktop for installation instructions.

    • With Homebrew
    brew install --cask docker
  2. Using the command line (e.g. Terminal or CMD) navigate to the folder where you want to store the project on your computer, e.g. mkdir -p dev/rubberdok && cd dev/rubberdok.

  3. Clone the project and navigate to the project folder

    git clone
    cd indok-web
  4. Build the project

    docker compose build backend
  5. Run the project

    docker compose up backend
  6. Migrate the database (i.e. create the tables needed for the server)

    docker compose exec backend python migrate
  7. Seed the database, which sets up some test users and example data.

    docker compose exec backend python loaddata initial_data
  8. The server is now accessible on localhost:8000/admin and localhost:8000/graphql for the admin pages and GraphQL API, respectively.

Without Docker

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This method requires you to manually keep your project structure up-to-date and similar to the environment in Docker. If you are running MacOS, see Running the Server With Docker instead. For Windows, consider setting up WSL. Support for this setup is not actively maintained. Since this method is only recommended for Windows userse without WSL, MacOS specific instructions are not included.

  1. Using PowerShell navigate to the folder where you want to store the project on your computer, e.g. mkdir -p dev/rubberdok && cd dev/rubberdok.

  2. Clone the project and navigate to the project folder

    git clone
    cd indok-web
Setting up the PostgreSQL Database

The project uses PostgreSQL as its database. Even when running the frontend and backend outside of Docker, we still recommend running Postgres through Docker, since you don't need hot reloading there and it makes the setup simpler.

To set up PostgreSQL in Docker, follow these steps:

  1. Download, install and start Docker Desktop
  2. Open the indok-web folder in VSCode
  3. Make a new file called .env inside backend
  4. Paste the following line in that file, and save:
  1. Navigate to indok-web in the terminal (cd indok-web)
  2. Type docker compose up postgres

Now Postgres should be up and running! Leave the terminal window open to keep the database running in the background.

If you want to close the database, press Ctrl + C in the terminal running Postgres, or type docker compose down inside the indok-web folder in another terminal. To start Postgres again, type docker compose up postgres, also in the indok-web folder (and make sure Docker Desktop is running!). If you want to clear the database, go to the Volumes tab in Docker Desktop, and delete indok-web_postgres_data.

If you still want to run Postgres without Docker, download and install it from here instead: Then follow steps 2-4 as above.

  1. Navigate to the project folder, indok-web.

  2. (recommended) Download and install pyenv-win, a Python version manager . Refer to their documentation for installation instructions.

  3. Install the project's Python version

    pyenv install 3.9:latest
    pyenv local 3.9:latest
  4. Set up and activate a virtual environment, a way of scoping Python packages so that you do not install them globally on your computer, which could lead to conflicts with other projects.

    python -m venv .venv
    source .\.venv\bin\activate
  5. Install dependencies

    1. Install the GTK3 runtime using the .exe from here:

    2. Install Python packages

      pip install -r backend/requirements/local.txt
  6. Set environment variables

  7. Start the Django server

    python backend/ runserver
  8. Open a new shell (leaving the one running the server open), activate the virtual enviroment using source .\.venv\bin\activate and migrate the database.

    python backend/ migrate
  9. Load example data and local users

    python backend/ loaddata initial_data
  10. The server should now be running on localhost:8000. The admin page is accessible at localhost:8000/admin, and the GraphQL API at localhost:8000/graphql.

  11. To stop the server, press CTRL + C in the shell where it runs (i.e. the same place you ran runserver).

Application (Next.js)

Without Docker (Recommended)

Click to expand Unlike the server, our frontend application does not use Docker in production, and installing the project locally is required for code completion, so these steps are required regardless, and it's not a pain to get it running on Windows. Therefore, it is easier to run the frontend outside Docker.
  1. (Recommended) Install a version manager for Node, see their respective documentation for installation instructions.

    • MacOS/Unix-like: nvm
    • Windows: nvm-windows
      • Scroll down on that page to find nvm-setup.exe, and download it
      • Open the terminal as administrator (PowerShell/Command Prompt/Windows Terminal)
      • Use cd to navigate to where you downloaded the .exe file (e.g. cd downloads)
      • Type .\nvm-setup.exe, and go through the installer
  2. Install and use the most recent long-term support (LTS) version of Node

    nvm install --lts
    nvm use --lts
  3. Install yarn, the package manager we use.

    npm i -g yarn
  4. Nagivate to indok-web/frontend

  5. Install dependencies

  6. Run the application

    yarn dev
  7. The application should now be running at localhost:3000. To stop the application, press CTRL/CMD + C in the same shell.

With Docker

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  1. Refer to steps 1-3 in Running the Server with Docker

  2. Build the Docker image

    docker compose build frontend
  3. Start the Docker container

    docker compose up frontend
  4. The application should now be running at localhost:3000. To stop the application, press CTRL/CMD + C in the same shell.

Next Steps

Refer to local development setup and workflow


If you encounter issues during the project setup, please create a new issue and describe the problem in detail, including the steps you took, the error messages you received, and the operating system you are using.

We aim to make the project setup as seamless as possible, if you encounter steps that are unclear, please reach out or create a new issue describing the problem.