Secure Django settings (Works with other Python scripts)
This module creates a cryptokey outside the django project directory, encrypts with that cryptokey your django sensible settings and stores the encrypted values.
You can use it at your project file
- Note: Before running the django site with gunicorn or similar for the first time, you must run somme manage command to be prompt for the sensible settings
- Developed for Linux/Python2.7, Python3.5
Linux required packages: python-dev (python3.5-dev if python==3.5) libgmp-dev gcc
pip install djangosecure
from djangosecure import DjangoSecretKey
SECRET_KEY_FILE_PATH = '/some/path/to/store/file.secret'
secret_key = DjangoSecretKey(SECRET_KEY_FILE_PATH)
SECRET_KEY = secret_key.key
- Note: If the secret key file path does not exist it will try to create it. (write permissio required @SECRET_KEY_FILE_PATH origin)
- Note: The secret file will be automatically created the first time you call secret_key.key
- The cryptographic key is stored by default at ~/.private/django_secure.key you can change this by passing crypto_key_file=
to the DjangoSecretKey constructor:
secret_key = DjangoSecretKey(SECRET_KEY_FILE_PATH, crypto_key_file='path/to/your/cryptokey')
DjangoDatabaseSettings and EncryptedStoredSettings accept crypto_key_file parameter too.
The first time you run python runserver you will be prompted for your database settings. They will be saved encrypted with the generated cryptokey generated by django-secure module.
You can have as many database configurations, change the parameter to change the configuration and running
python runserver
you will be prompted again for the new settings
from djangosecure import DjangoDatabaseSettings
databases = DjangoDatabaseSettings(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'databases.cnf'), crypto_key_file='path/to/your/cryptokey)
'default': 'default': databases.settings('production'),
To encrypt any other setting use EncryptedStoredSettings, for example:
from djangosecure import EncryptedStoredSettings
encripted_settings = EncryptedStoredSettings('./hidden/settings/path'))
CELERY_BROKER = 'amqp://{0}:{1}@localhost//'.format(
encripted_settings.get('celery', 'broker_username', config_file="config/file/path/here.cfg"),
encripted_settings.get('celery', 'broker_password')
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-html
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-html --cover-inclusive --cover-package=djangosecure
- Note: File and path are automatically created at first call