(Using Semantic Versioning)
- Encode utf-8 before returning decoded for Python 3 @djangosecure.cryptolib.decrypt()
- Removed all functions, refactored to classes, breaking version compatibility (still at 0.0... so no mayor version increase required)
- DjangoDatabaseSettings
- DjangoSecretKey
- EncryptedStoredSettings
- BugFixes
0.0.2 - 2017-01-22
- BugFixes
0.0.1 - 2017-01-21
- Python 3.5 compatibility
- Unittest
- Modify prompts to enable testing
- TODO: Seed the random number generator
- get_database() bug: with cryptokey as parameter & return decrypted on file creation
- hidden_setting() bug: with cryptokey as parameter & return decrypted on file creation
- Unnecessary files (admin.py, models.py, views.py)