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Threads WG Meeting 01 19 2023

Naveen Namashivayam Ravichandrasekaran edited this page Jan 19, 2023 · 2 revisions

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Discuss active topics and plans for reading
  2. Discuss priority items for next discussion


Ravi, Naveen; Ozog, David M; Stewart, Lawrence; Sikich, Danielle; Jim Dinan; Barmawer, Syed Ismail Faizan; Okuno, William; Eberius, David; Manjunath Gorentla Venkata; Holland, Kieran; Rahman, Md; Potter, Brandon

Active discussion items

PRs available - waiting for official reading/vote:

  • Signals
    • PR #489
    • Danielle is planning to take this up for reading
  • PE-fence
    • PR #315
    • Change in use-case and less perf benefits
    • Not part of OSM-1.6 milestone
    • Planning to move into backlog
  • Block interleaved communication
    • PR #448
    • Convert strided to support block strided
    • Jim still planning for OSM-1.6
  • Noncontiguous communication
    • Issue #365
    • Owner - Jim
    • After discussion with spec committee
      • On-hold due to lack for applications
      • Need input from committee
    • Currently not part of OSM-1.6 milestone
  • Sessions
    • Owner - Dave
    • PR #493
    • Planning to read during next meeting
    • Plans to improve wording before the official read
  • Non-blocking Collectives
    • PR #456
    • Manju plans to read for OSM-1.6
    • Need reviews

Active topics needs write-up

  • Local complete
    • Owner - Naveen
    • Potential to be part of OSM-1.6
  • Performance variables
    • Owner - Wasi/David E
    • Plans for OSM-1.6


  • Missing allreduce datatypes - No active issue created - general question on team allreduce datatype support - Some datatypes were missing
    • Need a note/errata againt the changelog
    • Jim clarified the reason for removing it from spec
      • Looks like short, unsigned char, char were removed for AND,OR,XOR based on language requirements
  • PR #466
    • Missing changelog entry
    • Davi planning to fix the change log entry

Long-term active proposals:

  • Memory Spaces
    • Active
    • Delayed and waiting for doc to be public
    • Jim, Dave, Wasi interested in the proposal
  • Message aggregation
    • Important topic - but not sure about OSM-1.6
    • Looks like we will have multiple proposals
    • Need to discuss and evaluate all proposals
    • SHMEM Queues
      • Manju plans to setup a session
      • Need more discussion
    • HPE prposal - needs presentation
  • GPU extensions
    • No official proposals yet
    • Only documentation on ROC_SHMEM and NVSHMEM
    • AMD interested in standardization
    • Portability seems questionable - need more discussion

Future topics for discussion and todo items:

  • Asymmetric allocations, Wasi
  • SHMEM Queues presentation, Manju
  • Priority to cover GPU extensions, Brandon and Jim
  • To send updated spaces proposal, Naveen
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