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vc replication

drdr xp edited this page Sep 8, 2020 · 1 revision


f : max failure replicas Q : quorum, |Q| = f + 1


Instance a add all seen instance into a.deps.


Broadcast a to a Q. On other replica, if there is a x: x ∉ a.deps is seen, response x to leader of a La.

La commit a if no such x replied.

Otherwise, La creates an empty instance a₁, with all such x included in a₁.deps and run FastAccept with a₁.


All a.deps must be executed before a. Then a is ready to execute, but cant execute it yet.

a can be executed when there is a z depends-on a: a ∈ z.deps.


If x ∈ a.deps and a wait too long for x to be present. A recovery process is started to increment ballot and run paxos to commit an empty x.


An instance a only depends-on instances that are initiated before a. ∴ there is no cycle of depends-on.


a wont change after initiated. ∴ all replicas have the same view of all instances.


periodically propose execution seed by every leader. seed interferes with each other.