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replication dep view

drdr xp edited this page Sep 8, 2020 · 1 revision

2020 Aug 11

TODO change: relation between a and b: the order between a and b


Major simplifications with comparison to epaxos:

  • Removed livelock issue with infinite SCC from execution algo.

  • Removed seq thus recovery is significantly simplified. Add knows attribute to determine execution order. knows is a more generalized concept than seq and can be specialized to seq.

  • Accept-ed, Commit-ed status now are per-dep field.

  • deps now contains instance id and all instances it knows.

  • Get rid of defered recovery from recovery. Instead, one Prepare+Accept is quite enough.

  • Simplify the proof of correctness.

  • Recovery is the as simple as a Prepare and standard replication protocol.

  • When updating deps for FastAccept of a, add x into a.deps only when x does not depends-on a, i.e., x < a. This reduces some of the unnecessary cycle of depends-on.

  • Instances by a same leader has a depends-on relation. A later instance always depends on a former one. This is guaranteed by handling FastAccept request sequentially.

  • Ballot is a replica attribute, instead of an instance attribute.


  • R0, R1 ... or R[0], R[1]... : replica.

  • a, b ... x, y... : instance.

  • a₀: the value of a when a is initiated on its leader.

  • L(a), La, L(b), Lb: is the leader replica of an instance a or b.

  • f: number of max allowed failed replica that.

  • n: number of replicas, n = 2f+1.

  • Qc: classic quorum: |Qc| = f+1.

  • Qf: quorum of fast round:

    |Qf| = f+⌊|Qc|/2⌋
         = f+⌊(f+1)/2⌋
         = ⌊(3f+1)/2⌋
         = ⌊(3n-1)/4⌋
  • a ~ b: interfere: a and b can not exchange execution order in any instance(command) sequence.

  • a → b: depends-on: a interferes with b and has seen b.

  • a < b: do-not-know: a did not see b.

  • a ↦ b: exec-depends-on: a execute after b.

Protocol guarantees

  • G-consistency: two interfering instance a, b must have at least one relation established.

  • G-exec-linearizability

  • Safety

Execution guarantees

Definition instance space

The entire instance space is a 3d array:



  • i: replicaID.
  • j: replicaID.
  • idx: index of a instance.


  • R[i]: all data on replica i
  • R[i][j]: instances initiated by replica j those are stored on replica i.
  • R[i][j][idx]: idx-th instance initiated by replica j.

instance space layout

|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
|                    c     f             c     f              c    f     |
|              a     b     e       a     b     e        a     b    e     |
|              ----------------    ----------------    ----------------  |
| leader:      [0]   [1]   [2]     [0]   [1]   [2]     [0]   [1]   [2]   |
|              ================    ================    ================  |
| replica:     R[0]                R[1]                R[2]              |


Ballot is same as the ballot in paxos, except it is a vector and is used to protect a relation between two instance.

A replica has a attribute term, and a ballot is vector of the two leaders of a relation to decide: blt = {Ra: Ra.term, Rb:Rb.term}. In this way, operations on relation of a, b are serialized.

A replica remembers terms of all replicas, playing the same role of last_blt in paxos: Ri.last_blt = {R0: R0.term, R1: R1.term, ...}.

If the request blt is not greater-or-equal the replica last_blt, the reqeust is declined, i.e., a request will be served if blt[a] >= last_blt[a] and blt[b] >= last_blt[b].

  • blt does not decline a FastAccept request, because FastAccept does not change anything, it just reads an unknown value. TODO.

Ballot is used to identify a leader, just in the way paxos does. A recovery process Prepare with a higher blt to become the new leader of a replica. A replica seizes the leadership the same way.

E.g.: Initially La Lb have ballot 1, 2, FastAccept and Accept leader use this ballot to run. If a recovery process starts to recover b, it increment ballot of Lb to 3. Then run recovery with ballot 1, 3. (1, 3)

type Ballot HashMap<ReplicaID, i64>;


An instance is the internal representation of a client request.

type InstanceID(ReplicaID, i64)

type Knows HashMap<InstanceID>

type Dep {
    id: InstanceID;
    status: FastAccepted | Accepted | Committed,
    knows: Knows;

type Instance {

    id:        InstanceID;
    cmds:      Vec<Commands>;

    knows:     Knows;
    deps:      HashMap<InstanceID, Dep>;
  • id: is the instance id.

  • cmds is the commands a client wants to execute.

  • knows is all instances an instance knows and is used to determines order between instances when there is cycle of depends-on. a.knows = {a} ∪ a.deps[0].knows ∪ a.deps[1].knows ∪ ...

  • deps is the set of intefering instances that a depends-on: a.deps = {x : a → x} with additional paxos related info.

    Two dependencies are different if: != or x.knows != y.nows


Instances proposed by a same leader have a natural depends-on relationship: A newer instance depends-on all preceding ones.

This serializes execution of instances of a same leader but doesnot affect the out-of-order commit feature.

Proof: all replica have the same view of committed instance

TODO move down

There is only one value could be chosen to be safe.

∴ finally an instance is committed the same value on all replias.

∴ All replicas have the same set of instances and relations.

Replication protocol


A value of something is safe if: it has been forwarded to enough replicas and constituted a quorum(Qf or Qc) so that no other process(command leader or recovery process) would choose other value for it to commit.


The action commit is to broadcast to all replica about what value is safe.

Commit an instance

With this protocol we need to ensure two info to be safe, before committing an instance a:

  • What to execute: a.cmds.

    To commit a.cmds, forwards it to a Qc, because a.cmds never changes.

  • and the orders between a and all other interfering instances.


For the order of two interfering instances a ~ b, there are 3 legal relation pairs:

a → b and b < a: a depends-on b and b doesnot knows of a;
a → b and b → a: a b depends-on each other;
a < b and b → a: a doesnot knows of b and b depends-on a;

a < b and b < a is not allowed: From G-exec-linearizability, two interfering instance must have at least one relation established. Otherwise a and b can be executed in arbitrary order.


A leader is the process that initiates an instance. La initiates a then tries to commit one of a → b or a < b. Lb initiates b then tries to commit one of b → a or b < a.


Round-1, aka the FastPath, La reads the relation stored on every replica. If a value that is safe is observed, FastCommit it. Otherwise, run into Round-2, aka, the SlowPath, follow the paxos protocol, Accept then Commit.

Initially a replica stores relationship for every pairs of instance, but in a unknown status.

The a read it first, a replica decides the order is a < b.


FastAccept only read the value on a replica, If a replica doesnot have a or b on it, the first arived decide the order: e.g., if a arives first, the replica decides a < b.

Otherwise the replica returns the Commit-ed order.


If a value is FastCommit-ed, i.e., committed with one round, The protocol must guarantees recovery always choose this value.

∴ we have:


The chosen value for FastCommit must be seen by any other quorum, i.e., A FastQuorum has intersection with every Qc.


The value in a FastQuorum must be all the same to FastCommit:


If a Qc can choose a value v by seeing some v and some other different value, then the other values are not needed.

∴ all values in FastQuorum are all the same.


If two interfering instances a ~ b are both FastCommit-ed, the value of b can be determined from the value of a: a < b ⇔ b → a.


a ~ b are both FastCommit-ed, from Def-basic-idea, TODO the FastAccpet request respect the existent relation. Thus there is at least one replica on which the order is a → b and b < a.

∴ From Lemma-FastCommit-all-equal, that a is FastCommit-ed with a → b implies that b is FastCommit-ed with b < a and vice versa.


TODO define recovery goals.


TODO define recovery-safety. TODO define recovery need only a Qc.


If a recovery process reached either of leader of a(La) or leader of b(Lb), it is able to find the relation between a, b from the leader.

From Lemma-FastCommit-entanglement, We only need to recover an order when it does not reach either of La and Lb. This places demands on the definition of FastQuorum:


A FastQuorum is a set of replicas to which La forwarded that guarantees recovery-safety.

A FastQuorum requires: |Qf'(a, b)| > |Qc|/2 + |Qc| - 3, where Qf'(a, b) = Qf(a) \ {La, Lb}, i.e., Qf(a) without leader of a or b.


Assumes La and Lb have chosen their FastQuorum as Qf(a) and Qf(b). Recovery process has chosen a classic quorum Qc for recovery.

From Recovery-without-leaders, {La, Lb} ∩ Qc = ø.

To satisfy FastCommit-guarantee, in a Qc, only one of a < b and b < a is allowed to constitute a FastQuorum.

Qf(a), Qf(b) must satisfies: Qf'(a, b) ∩ Qc and Qf'(b, a) ∩ Qc must have intersection.

I.e., |Qf'(a, b) ∩ Qc| > |Qc|/2 for any Qc.

∴ |Qf'(a, b) ∩ Qc|         > |Qc|/2
∴ |Qf'(a, b)| - (n-2-|Qc|) > |Qc|/2 
∴ |Qf'(a, b)|              > |Qc|/2 + |Qc| - 3


  • For 5 replicas, Qc=3, |Qf'(a, b)|=2.
  • For 7 replicas, Qc=4, |Qf'(a, b)|=4.
  • For 9 replicas, Qc=5, |Qf'(a, b)|=5.


If b is committed with b < a, then a can only be FastCommit-ed with a → b , because a must see a a → b.

If b is committed with b → a, then only a < b will be FastCommit-ed. because a → b can be committed only when b is committed. From TODO.

a    a→b   a→b  a<b   b
La                    Lb

If a is FastCommit-ed with a→b, Lb still can SlowCommit b→a


La != Lb, otherwise no distributed algo is required.

  1. La sends FastAccept request to a Qf(a). So does Lb.

  2. If La received identical replies from Qf(a), e.g., a → b or a < b, FastCommit it.

  3. If incompatible order is seen, e.g., a → b and a < b, run into Accept.

From Lemma-entanglement-with-committed, If Accept-ed b → a is seen, b < a is not FastCommit-ed.

A SlowCommit-ed b < a must have constituted a Qc thus only a → b can be committed.

TODO: b → a can be SlowCommit-ed.

From Lemma-entanglement-with-committed, If Commit-ed b < a is seen, La can just FastCommit a → b. Because two FastCommit-ed value is entangled from FastCommit-entanglement. and SlowCommit-ed b < a always has intersection with another Qc thus it can be recovered.

And this directly infers epaxos fast commit condition:

Inference: the value of relationship between a, x, If x is committed with x < a, then only a → x can be FastCommit-ed. ∴ A more strict conclusion is:


From Lemma-entanglement-with-committed, another FastCommit condition is: seeing a committed b, and forwarded a to a Qc.

Conditions must be sastisified to commit on FastPath:

  • For every updated a → x, the leader received at least one reply with committed x.

  • a → x constitutes a fast-quorum.

FastCommit: One RTT commit conditions

All following statements requires FastAccept are sent to a Qc(including the leader).

  • condition-1 a < b constituted a Qf'(a, b): commit a < b. The same for a > b.
  • condition-2 Accept-ed a < b constituted a Qc(including leader): commit a < b. The same for a > b.
  • condition-3 a > b are Commit-ed: commit a > b.

Otherwise, SlowPath:

  • send Accept a < b if a > b is not seen.
  • send Accept a → b if a > b is seen.

FastQuorum without the other leader

Excluding a, b, FastPath requires at least |Qc|/2 + |Qc| - 2 replicas, i.e., ⌊f+1⌋/2 + F-1. Including the leader itself, it is ⌊f+1⌋/2 + f. as epaxos specified.

FastCommit with other leader

If FastAccept of a reached Lb, Lb does not provide any info to recovery. Thus it requires some other constrain, to commit with no more replicas. E.g. using the condition-3, a committed relation.

∴ The FastPath requirements are:

  • If Lb ∈ Qf(a): |Qf(a)| >= f+1 and b is committed.
  • If Lb ∉ Qf(a): |Qf(a)| >= ⌊f+1⌋/2 + f.

The coresponding recovery is: after prepare:


  • a:A/C: commit a.
  • b:A/C: commit b.

If only one is committed, from Lemma-entanglement-with-committed to choose the other value and commit.

  • a:no-A and b:no-A: a or b can only be FastCommit-ed with condition-1. If some value has more than half of |Qc|, choose it and commit.

  • Otherwise, no value is FastCommit-ed. run SlowPath.

And epaxos is a special case of this protocol, epaxos strengthened the condition to be: Always requires b to be committed Always use |Qf| = ⌊f+1⌋/2 + f.


∴ From Def-depends-on-previous, If L(a) == L(b) and a < b, only b → a can be committed, a → b or a ↔ b can never be committed.

Replication workflow

The previous section discussed how to determine the order of two instances. But execution requires more to determine the order. E.g., a cycle a ↔ b or a → b → c → a. From TODO, we use knows to determine execution order. With knows, if b₁.knows != b₂.knows, b₁, b₂ are different instances. thus the two instance protocol applies to a ~ b₁ and a ~ b₂.

fn interferings(a):
  rst = {}
  for x in local_instances:
    if x ~ a:
  return rst

fn new_dep(x):
  return Dep{
    accepted: false,
    committed: false,
    knows: x.knows,
    ballot: 0,

fn update_dep(a, b):
  a.deps[].knows ∪= b.knows
  if b.committed:
    a.deps[].committed = true
  if b.accepted:
    a.deps[].accepted = true

fn union(a, b):
  c = {}
  c.deps.keys = a.deps.keys ∪ b.deps.keys
  for id in c.deps:
    update_dep(c.deps[id], a.deps[id])
    update_dep(c.deps[id], b.deps[id])
  return c

Fast path

  1. Leader: Initiate instance a₀: fill a₀.deps with all local instances that interferes with a₀. Then forward a₀ to all other replicas.

  2. NonLeader: handle FastAccept request: initiated a' the same way the leader initiates a₀. Then union a' and a₀: a₁ = union(a', a₀).

    Reply a₁.

  3. Leader: Handle FastAccept replies: For every instance x in replied a.deps, i.e., x: x ∈ a.deps, if it satisfies FP-condition: commit x. Otherwise enter SlowPath.

Slow path

  1. Leader: union() at least |Qc| replies to build a₂. Send Accept request with a₂ to replicas.

  2. NonLeader: handle Accept request: If the ballot in request is not smaller than the ballot in instance a locally, req.blt >= last_blt, accept it. Then reply the last_blt

  3. Leader: Handle Accept reply: if at least |Qc| OK replies are received, commit it.

Replication workflow

|                                         |
| Leader                                  | Non Leader
| ---                                     | ---
| fn init(a₀):                            | ---
|   a₀.deps = {}                          |
|                                         |
|   for x in interferings(a₀):            |
|     a₀.deps.insert(, new_dep(x))    |
|                                         |
| init(a₀)                                |
| forward(a₀)                             |
| ---                                     | ---
|                                         | fn handle_fast_accept_request(req):
|                                         |   a₀ = req.a₀
|                                         |   a' = a₀; a'.deps = {}
|                                         |   init(a')
|                                         |   a₁ = union(a', a₀)
|                                         |   reply(a₁)
| ---                                     | ---
| fn handle_fast_accept_replies(replies): |
|                                         |
|   dep_ids = { x ∈ replies[i]}      |
|   for dep_id in dep_ids:                |
|     same = true                         |
|     committed = false                   |
|     for repl in replies:                |
|        r0 = replies[0].deps[dep_id]     |
|        r  = repl.deps[dep_id]           |
|        same = same and r0 == r          |
|        if r.committed:                  |
|          committed = true               |
|                                         |
|     if same:                            |
|       if (r0 == a₀.deps[dep_id]):       |
|         commit(a, replies, dep_id)      |
|       else if committed:                |
|         commit(a, replies, dep_id)      |
|       else:                             |
|         slowpath(a, replies, dep_id)    |
|     else:                               |
|       slowpath(a, replies, dep_id)      |
|                                         |
| ---                                     | ---
| fn slowpath(a, replies, dep_id):        | ---
|                                         |
|   for repl in replies:                  |
|     update_dep(a, repl.deps[dep_id])    |
|   a.deps[dep_id].accepted = true        |
|                                         |
|   send_accept(a, dep_id)                |
| ---                                     | ---
|                                         | fn handle_accept_request(req):
|                                         |
|                                         |   a = req.q; dep_id = req.dep_id 
|                                         |   if req.blt >= last_blt:
|                                         |     save(a.deps[dep_id])
|                                         |     last_blt = req.blt
|                                         |     reply(OK)
|                                         |   else:
|                                         |     reply(last_blt)
|                                         |
| ---                                     | ---
| fn handle_accept_replies(replies):      |
|   ok = 0                                |
|   for repl in replies:                  |
|     if repl.ok:                         |
|       ok++                              |
|   if ok >= Qc:                          |
|     commit(a, dep_id)                   |
|                                         |
| ---                                     | ---
| commit(a, dep_id)                       |
|   a.deps[dep_id].committed = true       |
|   send_commit(a, dep_id)                |


Order is defined as:

  • a.knows ⊃ b.knows : exec a after b. From Def-after, if a.knows ⊃ b.knows, execute a after b guarantees linearizability.

  • Otherwise: exec a and b in instance id order.




  • The instance to recover is a.
  • The leader of a La is R0
  • The recovery process is P(P != R0).


Recovery-1: increment ballot: blt₁ = blt₀; blt₁[La]++

Recovery-2: Send FastAccept of a with blt₁.

Recovery-3: If conflicting ballot is returned in last_blt, update local ballot and retry from Recovery-1.

Recovery-4: Cases not need to recover:

After Preparing on a quorum(Qc):

  • If P saw La, exit and wait for La to commit a.

  • If P saw a Commit-ed a: broadcast a and quit.

  • If P saw a Accept-ed a: run Accept with this value and quit.

P need to continue recovery only if all of a it saw are in FastAccept-ed.

Recovery-5: Recover FastAccept-ed instance

P tries to choose an order for every instance b: b ∈ a.deps one by one.

Recovery-5.1: choose the value to recover

P could see different values of b: b ∈ a.deps.

For two value x, y(e.g. a → b and a < b are different, a → b₁ and a → b₂ are different, where b₁, b₂ have different knows):

If P reached Lb, wait for Lb to commit b:

  • If b is committed with bᵢ < a, choose a → bᵢ. From TODO, only a → bᵢ can be FastCommit-ed.
  • If b is committed with bᵢ → a, From TODO, only a < b can be FastCommit-ed. to determine which is committed, just prepare and accept with a < b to see if there is a conflict value.

If P didnot reach Lb: From Def-FastQuorum: FastCommit requires ⌊|Qc|/2⌋+1 identical FastAccept-ed value in a Qc: {La, Ly} ∩ Qc = ø.

∴ choose the value that has at least ⌊|Qc|/2⌋+1, run Accept, and finally commit.

Recovery-6 commit

Use the value of a in Recovery-5, run Accept and Commit.

From Ballot-helps-relation, No other z < a can be Accept-ed, because La increments its ballot. ∴ If Accept-ed, no other a → z can be FastCommit-ed.


Vector ballot ensures interfering instances can not Accept.



On implementation, a.deps is split into N subset, where N is number of replicas. Every subset contains only instances from leader Ri: a.deps[Ri] = {x | x.replicaID == Ri and a → x}.

And a.deps[Ri] records only the max instance id.

This way, Dep.accepted Dep.committed are all recorded with a int. Because only Accept-ed a implies all instances on La before a are also Accept-ed. So is Commit-ed.


Prepare with a new ballot and FastAccept can be combined.

only one of a, x need Accept

optimization maybe:

a a a→x a←x a←x x x

a always knows x knows a, so a does not need to know x.

exclude non existent

When handling FastAccept, need to exclude instance known but not on local replica. This guarantees only need to check the highest interfering instance when recovery.

No way. a after b requires a knows of all b knows of.

prepare and FastAccept together

Prepare and FastAccept can be done together Because Accept only check ballot. FastAccept does not change existent FastAccept.

inexistent FastAccept-ed value can be treat as existent value but dont know what it is.

∵ FastAccept never change a value. ∴ reading an old value does not need to be protected with Ballot.

FastAccept does not need to check ballot

seeing a Accept-ed instance: A recovery always choose a possibly FastCommit-ed value. ∴ accept this FastAccept request wont let any other one to choose a different value.

As an optimization, respect the accepted value is more efficient. re-populating an Accept-ed value does not break consistency.


Instance.knows is a virtual attribute and is not need to be persisted on disk. Because it can be calculated dynamically from deps: a.knows = {a} ∪ a.deps[0].knows ∪ a.deps[1].knows ∪ ...

reduce knows to seq

no deps updated on same leader

From Def-depends-on-previous, Because newer instance on La always depends-on older instance, ∴ a.deps[La] will never change thus do not need to recover it.

Removed features(from previous version)

FastAccept request do not need to forward commit status of other instances.

If x is FastCommit-ed:

  • If a reached Lx, then a know if x is committed, because Lx is the first to commit. Although there is chance x is committed after a reaches Lx, Lx broadcasts x is committed very likely earlier than another instance brings x is committed through its FastAccept request.

  • If a did not reach Lx, then a must have reached g - {La, Lx}, this prevent other value of a > y to commit. ∴ a > x is safe to FastCommit.

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