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Developer Guide

marekrzytki edited this page May 18, 2022 · 1 revision

Webhooks locally

It's possible to receive real webhooks from Mollie, even if you develop locally.

This is especially useful when developing features that trigger workflows after a webhook has been received.

The Mollie plugin allows you to add a custom shop domain, which will then be used when building webhook URLs for a payment.

This domain should forward requests to your local development environment. So Mollie will push data to this domain, which is then received by your local instance.

We highly recommend services like NGROK for this.

Sign up for an account, download NGROK and run a command such as this:

./ngrok http --host-header=rewrite localhost:443

This will start the NGROK service that forwards all requests to your local HTTPS port and rewrites the headers to match the one from your local Sylius shop configuration.

It gives you a public URL such as this:

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