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Run nano 2.9.8 on ISAAC

Beant Kapoor edited this page Nov 4, 2020 · 2 revisions

To run this version of nano, please follow these instructions on ISAAC. On terminal, type -

nano ~/.bashrc

This will open up the .bashrc file which is in your home directory. If there is already some code in that file, DO NOT change it. Go to the last line of the file and copy and paste the following code in that file -


export PATH

Save this file and exit out. Then type the following command on terminal -

nano ~/.nanorc

This will open up a file called .nanorc in your home directory. Copy and paste the following code in that file -

include "/lustre/haven/proj/UTK0138/software/nano-2.9.8/usr/share/nano/*.nanorc"

Save the file and exit. Then type the following command on terminal -

source ~/.bashrc

You should be all set now. If you type nano --version on terminal you should see an output like this -

GNU nano, version 2.9.8
 (C) 1999-2011, 2013-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 (C) 2014-2018 the contributors to nano
 Email: [email protected]	Web:
 Compiled options: --disable-libmagic --enable-utf8

Voila! Enjoy the beautiful colors!