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Meg Staton edited this page Dec 9, 2020 · 153 revisions

Welcome to EPP622, Fall 2020!

The purpose of this site is to provide a resource for students and instructors participating in the course. Its easier for me to update and build labs than Canvas.

Syllabus Version 2

Additional information about absences due to COVID-19

Quick commands for the ACF ISAAC

The ACF has been rebranded to ISAAC. ISAAC has a new website.

Log in


Get an interactive node with only 2Gb of RAM

qsub -I -A ACF-UTK0138 -q debug -l walltime=1:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=1,advres=epp622.13776185

Get an interactive node with 4Gb of RAM

qsub -I -A ACF-UTK0138 -q debug -l walltime=1:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=2,advres=epp622.13776185

or if the reservation isn't working or is full

qsub -I -A ACF-UTK0138 -q debug -l walltime=1:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=2

For beacon nodes the amount of memory per core is 16G, so use feature=beacon and ppn=1 to get the minimum of 16 GB memory:

qsub -I -A ACF-UTK0138 -q debug -l walltime=1:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=1,feature=beacon

Go to your folder in the course directory:


Load python

module load python/3.6.1

Course Materials

Wednesday, August 19 - Day 1

Monday, August 24 - Day 2

Wednesday, August 26 - Day 3

Monday, August 31 - Day 4

Wednesday, September 2 - Day 5

Monday, September 7 - Day 6

Wednesday, September 9 - Day 7

Racism and Injustice in the US - Academia and UT resources

Scholarship requires thoughtfulness about the society in which our science takes place, and how that society shapes, steers, or, in some cases, impedes the best science and best outcomes for individual scientists. In tandem with a national teach-in about racism, I'd like to provide you with resources on the impact of racism and injustice and also how we can all personally contribute to positive change. These are thought-provoking materials specifically related to being in academia and/or at UTK, and in many cases link to peer-reviewed literature on both the existence of racism and its harmful impacts.

Monday, September 14 - Day 8

Vols Vote

Learn how to register, vote by mail, see a sample ballot and more.

Wednesday, September 16 - Day 9

Monday, September 21 - Day 10

Wednesday, September 23 - Day 11

Monday, September 28 - Day 12

Wednesday, September 30 - Day 13

Monday, October 5 - Day 14

  • Python II
  • Continuing with Python for Biologists

Wednesday, October 7 - Day 15

Monday, October 12 - Day 16

Wednesday, October 14 - Day 17

Monday, October 19 - Day 18

Wednesday, October 21 - Day 19

Monday, October 26 - Day 20

  • No Lecture/Lab - Work on Test 2

Wednesday, October 28 - Day 21

Monday, November 2 - Day 22

Wednesday, November 4 - Day 23

Monday, November 9 - Day 24

Wednesday, November 11 - Day 25

Monday, November 16 - Day 26

Wednesday, November 18 - Day 27

  • No Lecture/Lab - Work on Test 3

Monday, November 23 - Day 28

  • No Lecture/Lab - Work on Test 3

Wednesday, November 25 - Day 29

  • No Class Day
  • Test 3 due
  • Final Survey for Course through SAIS

Test 3 answers

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