Releases: liqd/a4-meinberlin
Releases · liqd/a4-meinberlin
- add captcha to bplan statement form
- Cache for public projects, external projects and plans duplicating the view projects-list
- Scheduled resetting cache for public projects, external projects and plans every hour
- add select_related to external project queryset to save a query per project
- add select_related and prefetch_related to plans
- add topics to prefetch_related for projects
- add max resolution (650, 650) to organisation logo
- add settings to restrict upload file size for django-ckeditor-5
- added management command to create fake comments for testing
- removed no longer required
from wagtail pages
- fix form submit for document / text commenting dashboard view not reloading on submit
- incorrect version pin of djlint
- replaced the old datepicker with flatpickr
- make flatpickr instances aware of each other (e.g. for start and end phase of
a module, you can't choose an end date which is earlier than the start date) - add a time-only datepicker to the time field
- make the captcha js listen to both DOMContentLoaded and a4.embed.ready
- update celery to 5.4.0
- make post_save and post_delete signal for external projects, plans and
projects reset the cache instead of deleting it. - use delay_on_commit() to call celery tasks to prevent race conditions, adjust
tests - update django-ckeditor-5 to v0.2.13-liqd
- refactor ParagraphForm.jsx to work with the changed api in django-ckeditor-5
- update wagtail to 6.0.x
- update wagtail to 6.1.x
- update djangorestframework to 3.15.1 as required by wagtail 6.1.x
- update wagtail to 6.2.x
- update wagtail to 6.3.x LTS
- replace wagtails ImageChooserBlock with the more accessible ImageBlock
- update django-allauth to 65.x
- rename and adapt
- update django-allauth settings to the new style
- update stylelint to 16.11.0
- update stylelint-config-standard-scss to 13.1.0
- fix new stylelint warnings
- Translations update from LIQD Weblate
- migrate renovate config
- update babel monorepo
- update dependency @testing-library/react to v16.1.0
- update dependency babel-loader to v9.2.1
- update dependency beautifulsoup4 to v4.12.3
- update dependency black to v24.10.0
- update dependency django to v4.2.16 [security]
- update dependency django-celery-beat to v2.7.0
- update dependency django-debug-toolbar to v4.4.6
- update dependency django-filter to v24
- update dependency django_csp to v3.8
- update dependency djangorestframework to v3.15.2 [security]
- update dependency djlint to v1.36.3
- update dependency easy-thumbnails to v2.10
- update dependency factory-boy to v3.3.1
- update dependency faker to v33
- update dependency flake8 to v7.1.1
- update dependency freezegun to v1.5.1
- update dependency gunicorn to v23
- update dependency hiredis to v3
- update dependency husky to v9.1.7
- update dependency lint-staged to v15.2.10
- update dependency postcss to v8.4.49
- update dependency psycopg to v3.2.3
- update dependency pytest to v8.3.4
- update dependency pytest-cov to v6
- update dependency pytest-django to v4.9.0
- update dependency pytest-factoryboy to v2.7.0
- update dependency python-dateutil to v2.9.0.post0
- update dependency redis to v5.2.0
- update dependency requests to v2.32.3
- update dependency rules to v3.5
- update dependency sentry-sdk to v2.19.0
- update dependency stylelint to v16.11.0
- update dependency stylelint-config-standard-scss to v14
- update dependency stylelint-declaration-strict-value to v1.10.6
- update dependency urllib3 to v2.2.3
- update dependency wagtail to v6.3.1
- update dependency webpack to v5.97.1
- update dependency webpack-merge to v6
- update dependency whitenoise to v6.8.2
- update dependency xlsxwriter to v3.2.0
- update dependency zeep to v4.3.1
- update eslint packages
- update dependency @fortawesome/fontawesome-free to v6.7.1
- update dependency @maplibre/maplibre-gl-leaflet to v0.0.21
- update dependency @maplibre/maplibre-gl-leaflet to v0.0.22
- update dependency acorn to v8.14.0
- update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.20
- update dependency css-loader to v7
- update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.9.2
- update dependency postcss-loader to v8.1.1
- update dependency react-bootstrap-typeahead to v6.3.4
- update dependency react-cookie to v7.2.2
- update dependency react-router-dom to v6.28.0
- update dependency sass to v1.82.0
- update dependency sass-loader to v16.0.4
- update dependency shpjs to v6
- update dependency swiper to v11.1.15
- update react monorepo to v18.3.1
- update react-router to v7
Hotfix release
Custom template for verify_email
missing (added in the last version of allauth package).
Full Changelog: v2402.1...v2402.1.1
- celery beat for configuring scheduled tasks from django admin
- pyenv version in gitignore
- djlint linter for django templates to ensure code cosistency and avoid issues when using external code e.g. incorrect quotation marks
- adds support for celery task queues with a redis message broker
- adds makefile commands for starting and status checking of celery worker processes
- settings: move A4_PROJECT_TOPICS to Enum class
- apps/plans: topics as an m2m relation to plans, replacing django-multiselectfield
- apps/projects: topics from TopicEnum, topic form and serializer for projects
- logger in apps init file
- management command devtools for creating fake data for testing API performance.
- custom migration to make iframes work with ckeditor5
- added dependency beautifulsoup4
- add helptext to paragraph form in documents/text review
- add helptext for maptopicprio ckeditor5 field
- add helptext for topicprio ckeditor5 field
- add helptext for offlinevent ckeditor5 field
- enables caching for api endpoints
- caches are expired by signals and by periodic tasks, for details, see
- pyenv support for the make clean command and removing python packages in the README
- test helper for getting emails by email address and subject
- Django from 3.2.20 to 4.0
admin short description to admin desplay decorator
delete custom function moved to the method form_valid according to Delete Generic Views upgrade
url patterns
USE_L10N is by default enabled
ENGINE from postgresql_psycopg2 to postgresql
new migrations for relations - Django from 4.0 to 4.1
- Django from 4.1 to 4.2
settings/ change to STORAGES
apps: add update_fields for models' custom save()
apps/votes: change index_together to indexes (generates a migration)
requirements: update psycopg to v3 - Updated pull request template for improved clarity and efficiency.
- Introduced "Describe your changes" section.
- Added items to "Tasks" checklist.- replace django-ckeditor with django-ckeditor5
- disable browser-side form checks for forms which use ckeditor by adding
to them This is necessary as ckeditor form fields which are
required will block form submission otherwise. - update and move helptext for plans ckeditor5 field from model to form
- update and move helptext for newsletter ckeditor5 field from model to form
- update and move helptext for plattform email ckeditor5 field from model to form
- update a4 to aa44c6c7f75428cc54988762ad333001596c6019
- add image validator which validates that all img tags have the alt attribute
set to all ckedito5 fields - made follow button always shown, not just when logged in
- redirect to login page when clicking follow button and not logged in
- classes and styling class ref for buttons so they work with new a4-prefix classes and follow refactor
- apps/livequestions: remove richtext templatetag from module description in
question_module_detail.html - wagtail upgrade from 4.1.6 to to 5.0 gradually
- 4.2
- WagtailImageField extend's Django ImageField to use Willow, new migrations
- wagtail/images/migrations
- 0025_alter_image_file_alter_rendition_file
- wagtail/migrations
- 0079_rename_taskstate_page_revision
- 0080_generic_workflowstate
- 0081_populate_workflowstate_content_type
- 0082_alter_workflowstate_content_type_notnull
- 0083_workflowcontenttype
- meinberlin/apps/cms/migrations
- 0042_upgrade_wagtail_image_related
- wagtail/images/migrations
- .wagtail-userbar style change to web component
- assets/scss/print.scss line 4
- 5.0
- New field for choosing css themes
- wagtail/users/migrations/
- 5.02
- Migrate FieldPanel to TitleFieldPanel for slug field sync functionality
- meinberlin/apps/cms/models/
- Migrate FieldPanel to TitleFieldPanel for slug field sync functionality
- wagtail: upgrade to 5.1.x (7634)
- wagtail: upgrade to 5.2.x (7634)
- django-filters: upgrade to 23.5 as required by wagtail 5.2 (7634)
- captcha becomes optional depending on project settings (from a+ issues: #2449)
- deprecated warnings
- remove default_app_config in apps
- add a mock for session middleware get_response which cannot be none
- replace deprecated ifequal with if tag in templates
- replace active_phase with active_phase_ends_next in cms
- add linebreaks templatetag to bplan statement email template to display
newlines and paragraphs properly again. - fix contribution count on module tiles didn't include child comments (#5220)
- fixed non-standard plain text email signature delimiter to use the established
dash dash space delimiter - error json cannot be NULL by setting homepage empty body to {} in an earlier migration
- add custom template for pasword reset done
- background_task_completedtask and background_task tables
- background_task app from the settings
- background_task app from the requirements
- removed kiezkasse from list on
- help text about forgot password in login form (coming from allauth)
- BREAKING CHANGE remove most of the project container app in preparation of
the full deletion. This removes all existing project containers from the
database. Make sure to export project container data or backup your database
if you still need them. Only project containers are deleted, the projects they
contain will be left untouched. - BREAKING CHANGE removed
and associated styling. - apps/servicekonto: servicekonto provider
- captcha becomes optional depending on project settings (from a+ issues: #2449)
- deprecated warnings
- remove default_app_config in apps
- add a mock for session middleware get_response which cannot be none
- replace deprecated ifequal with if tag in templates
- replace active_phase with active_phase_ends_next in cms
- add linebreaks templatetag to bplan statement email template to display
newlines and paragraphs properly again. - fix contribution count on module tiles didn't include child comments (#5220)
- fixed non-standard plain text email signature delimiter to use the established
dash dash space delimiter - error json cannot be NULL by setting homepage empty body to {} in an earlier migration
- add custom template for pasword reset done
- background_task_completedtask and background_task tables
- background_task app from the settings
- background_task app from the requirements
- removed kiezkasse from list on
- help text about forgot password in login form (coming from allauth)
- BREAKING CHANGE remove most of the project container app in preparation of
the full deletion. This removes all existing project containers from the
database. Make sure to export project container data or backup your database
if you still need them. Only project containers are deleted, the projects they
contain will be left untouched. - BREAKING CHANGE removed
and associated styling. - apps/servicekonto: servicekonto provider
- update a4 to mB-v2308
- update translations
- update dependency stylelint to v15.10.2 by @renovate in #5212
- update dependency bootstrap to v5.3.1 by @renovate in #5122
- update dependency postcss to v8.4.27 by @renovate in #5215
- Revert "fix(deps): update dependency bootstrap to v5.3.1" by @philli-m in #5219
- fixed inconsistent comment count
- fixed infinite comment scrolling