Releases: liqd/a4-meinberlin
Releases · liqd/a4-meinberlin
- plans: make cost field required
- plans: add created & modified to export
- plans: change helptexts and field order in form
- plans: add contact fields, show them on detail page and add to export
- polls: add weight for choice in data migration for old polls
- plans: add freetext filter to bplans, plans, external projects dashboard list
- plans: remove left navigation from plan form
- plans: use richtext field from a4 for description
- plans: add tile image
- plans: enable to save draft before publishing, add preview
- maps: fix three dots menu
- plans: add pagination to dashboard list
- polls: delete old poll models and their tables from database
- modules: fix permissions for publish and delete view
- plans: use progress line for create and update
- polls: migrate content type of actions to new poll app from a4
- polls: translate label of other choice to browser language
- polls: validate that there can only be one vote per choice per user
- polls: allow to remove answer for multiple choice
- projects: align dashboard contact form with other forms
- polls: adapt link/button text to whether user has already voted and disable vote button when no changes are made
- polls: use module.get_detail_url in for absoulte_url
- many updates
- many tests
- adds a fix for module delete and publish permissions
- poll: added freetext answers and "other" choice
- poll: added an export
- poll: data and code migration to a4
- poll: refactoring and improvements
- poll: save all answers with one button
- wording changes
- styling improvements
- more tests
- update bootstrap to v5
- lots of smaller updates
- added reference of items to comment exports
- allow admins to change organisations only
- restyled of filters for item lists and maps
- disabled creation of new containers for initiators, only allow for admins
- updates
- new translations
- issue and bug fixes
- more tests
- allows longer project image names
- updated wording module blueprints
- updated wording phase descriptions
- removed project block option from wagtail landing page
- improved webpack setup
- added contact fields to budgeting proposal form
- a11y improvements
- styling fixes
- embed fixes
- backend fixes
- translations
- package updates
- update a4 to fix comment answer bug
- revert webpack improvements
- lots of updates (including wagtail, webpack)
- storefront: use users timezone for date shown on tiles
- plans: add new field duration/Laufzeit, reorder fields in form
- plans: move export from view to exports
- plans/exports: add duration and reference number to export and change export order
- tests/plans: add duration to test data
- budgeting: add new phases for Bürgerhaushalt with 2 phases
- blueprints: add new Bürgerhaushalt with 2 Phases including image, update wording of old Bürgerhaushalt and change order of templates in blueprint list
- assets: js cleanup, rely less on global jQuery
- assets: use new maps export function from A4
- show map credits/attribution
- add new translations
- plans: only show topics if they are set and catch key error for old topics
- tests/budgeting: add tests for new phases
- plans: improve styling of detail page (break long titles, change table behaviour for mobile)
- project detail page: allow category filter to overflow
- plans/assets: use passive scroll listener
- projects/modules: add time left property for under 1 second
- exports: export empty string for None values and add this to tests
- phases: only check overlapping for existing phases, make sure both start and end date or none is there