Mallow's Adventure
Healing red potion to recover health
Score when hitting enemies
Checkpoint autosave
Map checkpoints teleportation
Ghost boss
Intro scene
Gameplay HUD with the player health, score, key collected and timer.
Screen pause menu
Setting menu
Die screen
Win screen when defeating last enemy
Previous problems fix
Optik integration
Better code optimization
Interactive buttons on menu/settings/pause
Health bar of the enemies above him
Buttons with custom sound effects when hovering and clicking
Load entities from map dynamically
LEFT ARROW -> Move the player to the left
RIGHT ARROW -> Move the player to the right
UP ARROW -> Move the player up while climbing
DOWN ARROW-> Move the player down while climbing
SPACE -> Jump and double jump
A -> Player normal hit
D -> Player special hit
SPACE + A -> Player hit while jumping
LEFT CTRL -> Player crouch
Debug Keys
F1 -> Load tutorial level
F2 -> Load second level
F3 -> Restart current level
F4 -> Load third level
F5 -> Save game
F6 -> Load game
F7 -> Change between checkpoints
F8 -> Visualize buttons
F9 -> Toggle collisions, logic and pathfinding
F10 -> God Mode
F11 -> Toggle FPS cap to 30
You can’t perform that action at this time.