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Philip Crotwell edited this page May 18, 2015 · 1 revision


winstonclient is an example client for direct access of a Winston style MySQL database that returns miniseed data or a syncfile. See the miniseed section for an example of how to process the returned miniseed data records.

The network, station, location and channel arguments accept regular expressions. Also, a lone asterisk, '', is converted to the regular expression '.'.


To generate a syncfile for a channel:

bin/winstonclient -b 2012-01-01 -e 2012-01-02  --sync -p Winston.config -n CO -s '*' -l 00 -c '.H[ZNE]' > winston.sync

and to retrieve miniseed data:

bin/winstonclient -b 2012-01-01T12:34:56 -e 2012-01-01T12:56:32  -p /ra/scsn/winston/Winston1.1/Winston.config -n CO -s '*' -l 00 -c '.H[ZNE]' -o winstondata.mseed

The usage is:

java [-n net][-s sta][-l loc][-c chan][-b yyyy-MM-dd[THH:mm:ss.SSS]][-e yyyy-MM-dd[THH:mm:ss.SSS]][-d seconds][-o outfile][-m maxpackets][--verbose][--version][--help][-p <winston.config file>][-u databaseURL][--sync][--steim1][--recLen len(8-12)]
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