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Philip Crotwell edited this page May 18, 2015 · 1 revision


SeisFile supports parsing of FDSN StationXML . StAX (Streaming API for XML) is used internally for this parsing.


Reading an stationXML file from an FDSN station web service could be done like this:

            FDSNStationQueryParams queryParams = new FDSNStationQueryParams();
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
            queryParams.area(30, 35, -83, -79)
            FDSNStationQuerier querier = new FDSNStationQuerier(queryParams);
            FDSNStationXML xml = querier.getFDSNStationXML();
            if (!xml.checkSchemaVersion()) {
                System.out.println("WARNING: XmlSchema of this document does not match this code, results may be incorrect.");
                System.out.println("XmlSchema (code): " + QuakeMLTagNames.CODE_MAIN_SCHEMA_VERSION);
                System.out.println("XmlSchema (doc): " + xml.getSchemaVersion());
            NetworkIterator nIt = xml.getNetworks();
            while (nIt.hasNext()) {
                Network n =;
                System.out.println("Network: " + n.getCode() + "  " + n.getDescription());
                StationIterator sIt = n.getStations();
                while (sIt.hasNext()) {
                    Station s =;
                    System.out.println(s.getLatitude() + "/" + s.getLongitude() + " " + s.getCode() + " "
                            + s.getSite().getName() + " " + s.getStartDate());
                    List<Channel> chanList = s.getChannelList();
                    for (Channel channel : chanList) {
                        System.out.println("        " + channel.getLocCode() + "." + channel.getCode() + " "
                                + channel.getAzimuth() + "/" + channel.getDip() + " " + channel.getDepth().getValue()
                                + " " + channel.getDepth().getUnit() + " " + channel.getStartDate());

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