👨💼 Currently working at Showseeker
⚙️ Studying Control and Automation Engineering - University of Brasília
⚡ Learning about backend and improving my frontend skills
- Front End Development → ReactJS, React-Native, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, Cypress, Jest, testing library, Storybook;
- Worked in college with Robotics → C/C++, ROS;
- Interested in Machine Learning
- Some facts about me → I love to playing guitar, singing and see series
😄 Feel free to contact me:
💼 https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriel-castro-a4b776111/
You can check my resume on link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NTJjUhXWh_6WLX9Q-tsLzHOrRll_jPBk/view?usp=sharing