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Björn Teichmann edited this page Dec 19, 2013 · 2 revisions

All commands listed below must be prefixed with "trp" in the console, and "/trp" in the client chat. All commands must be entered on a single line.

  • Arguments surrounded by < and > represent values you must supply, like gate or server names.
  • Arguments surrounded by [ and ] represent optional arguments.
  • Arguments separated by | represent choices; use the argument on either side of the pipe.
  • All other command text is to be entered literally. However...

The plugin tries very hard to understand what you want when processing commands. For instance:

  • It supports partial command and option recognition, independent of case. This means that incomplete commands and arguments may be provided and the plugin will still understand what you want in most cases.
  • It recognizes partial server, design, and gate names, independent of case.
  • If any command argument requires the uses of spaces, surround the entire argument with double quotes (").


Command Console Client Permission Version Description
help [<pageno>] X X none All Lists the commands available in the current context. The output will be paginated when used from the client. Specify a page number to see pages beyond the first.
pin <pin> X none All Sets the player's gate pin. A gate pin can be any string with 20 or fewer characters. Remember to surround the pin with double quotes if it contains spaces. See Gates for more information about how pins are used.
reload [config|designs|gates] X X trp.reload.config trp.reload.designs trp.reload.gates All Reloads the specified items. Multiple items can be specified. If no items are specified, all the items the player has permission to reload will be reloaded.
save [config|gates] X X All Saves the specified items. Multiple items can be specified. If no items are specified, all the items the player has permission to save will be saved. All items are saved automatically when the MC server is stopped or reloaded.
list X X trp.list v7.0+ Lists all players, across all connected servers.
get <option>|* X X trp.option.get.<option> v7.0+ Displays the value of one or more global options. The option can be a regular expression to match multiple options. Only the options a player has permission to read will be displayed.
set <option> <value> X X trp.option.set.<option> v7.0+ Sets a global option. See Configuration for more information.
go [<gate>] X trp.go.<gate> v8.0+ Teleports the player to the specified gate, or the selected gate if no gate is specified.
send <player> [<gate>] X X trp.send.<gate> v7.8+ Teleports the specified player to the specified gate, or the selected gate if no gate is specified.
pm <player> <message> X X v7.8+ Sends a private message to the specified player. The player can be local or remote.
debug submit <id> X none v7.0+ Submits debug information to the developer's development server. This command should only be used when requested by the developer. The "id" parameter is normally something like your player name, but can also contain a suffix to distinguish it from other submissions you've made. Submitted information includes the plugin's config.yml, the output of the trp server list command, the output of the trp gate list command, the last 20KB of data from the server.log file, and some other odds and ends. None of this information is made available to anyone but the developer and only used for the purposes of debugging issues. This service is offered as a convenience to users to make it easier to submit the information necessary when asking for assistance, but will be withdrawn if it abused.


Command Console Client Permission Version Description
design list X X All Lists the available gate designs.
design build <name> X<name> All Builds the specified gate design at the player's current location. Precisely where the gate is built around the player is determined by the design's insertion point. Use of this command also requires the Configuration option "allowBuild" to be true.
design build undo X All Undoes the last gate build. Creating a gate clears the undo buffer. The undo buffer only remembers the last built gate.
design create <designname> <gatename> [<link> [rev]] X<designname> trp.create.<designname> v7.8+ Builds and creates a gate in a single step. A design name of "area" creates an AREA gate. A link can also be added at the same time (also the reverse link with the "rev" flag). Use of this command is required when building an AREA gate or a gate that doesn't include any screens since there won't be a sign to place to name the gate. There are no new permissions required to use this command since it relies on the all the permissions necessary to execute the component steps.


Permission nodes for most of the gate commands have the gate's name in the node name. The gate's full name (worldname.gatename) should be used.

Command Console Client Permission Version Description
gate list X X trp.gate.list All Lists all know gates, both on the local server and any connected servers. Gate names are dot-separated strings. Local gates will have 2 name parts; world name and gate name, while gates from other servers will have 3 name parts; server name, world name, and gate name.
gate select <gate> X<gate> All Makes the specified gate the "selected gate" for other options requiring a gate name. An alternative way to select a gate is to "punch" it in the game.
gate info [<gate>] X X<gate> All Gets information of the selected gate including where it links to.
gate open [<gate>] X X<gate> All Opens the selected gate if it's closed.
gate close [<gate>] X X trp.gate.close.<gate> All Closes the selected gate if it's opened.
gate create <designname> <gatename> [<link> [rev]] X<designname> trp.create.<designname> v8.0 Identicle to the trp design create ... command.
gate destroy [<gate>] [unbuild] X X trp.gate.destroy.<gate> v6.9+ Destroys the selected gate. If the "unbuild" keyword is specified, all the gate's blocks are replaced with air.
gate rebuild [<gate>] X X trp.gate.rebuild.<gate> All Rebuilds the blocks that make up the gate. This can be used if the structure of the gate has been damaged, for instance by a player or an explosion.
gate rename <newname> [<gate>] X X trp.gate.rename All Renames the selected gate. Only the last part of the gate's name is needed for <newname>.
gate link add [<from gate>] <to gate> [rev] X X<gate> All Adds a new, outgoing link to the selected gate. If the "rev" keyword is specified, a reverse link will also be created.
gate link remove [<from gate>] <to gate> [rev] X X<gate> All Removes an outgoing link from the selected gate.
gate link next [<gate>] X X<gate> v7.8+ Changes the gate's current link to the next in it's link list.
gate pin add <pin> [<gate>] X X<gate> All Adds an authorized player pin to the selected gate. A gate may have any number of authorized pins. If a gate's "requireValidPin" option is true, a player must provide an authorized pin in order to travel through the gate. See the `pin` command.
gate pin remove <pin>|* [<gate>] X X<gate> All Removes an authorized pin from the selected gate.
gate ban item list [<gate>] X X trp.gate.ban.item.list.<gate> v7.7beta8+ List the banned items on the selected gate.
gate ban item add <item> [<gate>] X X trp.gate.ban.item.add.<gate> All Add a banned item to the selected gate. Banned items on the gate will prevent an entity from teleporting to this gate if it has any of the banned items in inventory. The <item> is the item name, optionally followed by a colon (:) and integer value representing the "durability" of the item to match. This can, for instance, be used to specify specific colors of wool. For a complete list of item names, see the "materials.txt" file in the plugin's directory.
gate ban item remove <item>|* [<gate>] X X trp.gate.ban.item.remove.<gate> All Remove a banned item from the selected gate. The special item, an asterisk (*), can be used to indicate all banned items should be removed from the list.
gate allow item list [<gate>] X X trp.gate.allow.item.list.<gate> v7.7beta8+ List the allowed items on the selected gate.
gate allow item add <item> [<gate>] X X trp.gate.allow.item.add.<gate> All Add an allowed item to the selected gate. This list acts as a "white-list" and overrides the banned item list. If a gate has any allowed items, the gate's banned item list will not be considered.
gate allow item remove <item>|* [<gate>] X X trp.gate.allow.item.remove.<gate> All Remove an allowed item from the selected gate.
gate replace item list [<gate>] X X trp.gate.replace.item.list.<gate> v7.7beta8+ List the replacement item map on the selected gate.
gate replace item add <olditem> <newitem> [<gate>] X X trp.gate.replace.item.add.<gate> All Add a replacement item mapping to the selected gate. This mapping defines items that will be replaced in an inventory when this gate receives a player or storage minecart.
gate replace item remove <olditem>|* [<gate>] X X trp.gate.replace.item.remove.<gate> All Removes a replacement item mapping from the selected gate.
gate ban potion list [<gate>] X X trp.gate.ban.potion.list.<gate> v7.7beta8+ List the banned potion effects on the selected gate.
gate ban potion add <potion> [<gate>] X X trp.gate.ban.potion.add.<gate> All Add a banned potion effect to the selected gate. Banned potion effects on the gate will prevent an player from teleporting to this gate if they have any of the banned potion effects. The <potion> is the potion effect name. For a complete list of potion effect names, see the "PotionEffectType" class in the Bukkit API.
gate ban potion remove <potion>|* [<gate>] X X trp.gate.ban.potion.remove.<gate> All Remove a banned potion effect from the selected gate. The special potion effect, an asterisk (*), can be used to indicate all banned potion effects should be removed from the list.
gate allow potion list [<gate>] X X trp.gate.allow.potion.list.<gate> v7.7beta8+ List the allowed potion effects on the selected gate.
gate allow potion add <potion> [<gate>] X X trp.gate.allow.potion.add.<gate> All Add an allowed potion effect to the selected gate. This list acts as a "white-list" and overrides the banned potion effect list. If a gate has any allowed potion effects, the gate's banned potion effect list will not be considered.
gate allow potion remove <potion>|* [<gate>] X X trp.gate.allow.potion.remove.<gate> All Remove an allowed potion effect from the selected gate.
gate replace potion list [<gate>] X X trp.gate.replace.potion.list.<gate> v7.7beta8+ List the replacement potion effect map on the selected gate.
gate replace potion add <oldpotion> <newpotion> [<gate>] X X trp.gate.replace.potion.add.<gate> All Add a replacement potion effect mapping to the selected gate. This mapping defines potion effects that will be replaced when this gate receives a player. The special potion effect "NONE" may be used as <nopotion> to indicate the potion effect should be removed.
gate replace potion remove <oldpotion>|* [<gate>] X X trp.gate.replace.potion.remove.<gate> All Removes a replacement potion effect mapping from the selected gate.
gate resize <num>[,<direction>] [<gate>] X X trp.gate.resize.<gate> v8.0 AREA gates only Resizes the portal volume of the gate the specified number of blocks in the specified direction. Valid values of "direction" are: ALL (the default), UP, DOWN, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST. Negative values of "num" are allowed.
gate corner 1|2 [pick] [<gate>] X trp.gate.corner.<gate> v8.0 AREA gates only Sets the specified corner of the portal volume for the gate to where the player is standing. If the "pick" keyword is used, the corner is set to the block being looked at by the player.
gate go [<gate>] X trp.gate.go.<gate> v7.0+ Teleports the player to the specified gate. This command is meant mostly for admins as it circumvents some of the normal permission checks done when a player walks into a gate for travel. If no gate is specified, the player's currently selected gate is assumed.
gate get <option>|* [<gate>] X X trp.gate.option.get.<gate>.<option> All Displays the value of one or more options on the selected gate. The option can be a regular expression to match multiple options. Only the options a player has permission to read will be displayed.
gate set <option> <value> [<gate>] X X trp.gate.option.set.<gate>.<option> All Sets an option on the selected gate. See Gates for more information.


The plugin needs to comminicate on the network when using server-to-server capabilities. See ServerToServer for more information.

Command Console Client Permission Version Description
network ban add <pattern> X X v7.0+ Adds an address ban to the global ban list. Incoming plugin connections from addresses that match the regular expressions in the list will not be permitted to connect.
network ban remove <pattern>|* X X v7.0+ Removes the specified pattern (or all patterns) from the ban list.
network ban list X X v7.0+ Lists all the banned address patterns.
network get <option>|* X X<option> v7.0+ Displays the value of one or more network options. The option can be a regular expression to match multiple options. Only the options a player has permission to read will be displayed.
network set <option> <value> X X<option> v7.0+ Sets a network option. See Network for more information.


Configuring multiple servers to communicate can be tricky. See ServerToServer for more information.

Command Console Client Permission Version Description
server list X X trp.server.list All Lists all known configured servers and information about their current connection state.
server add <name> <pluginAddress> <key> X X trp.server.add All Adds a server with the given name, plugin address, and key. The plugin address can optionally specify a non-default port. When a new server is added, the plugin will attempt to connect to the server within a few seconds.
server connect <server> X X trp.server.connect All Connect to a configured server. If a connection cannot be made, a new connection attempt will be made approximately every minute (unless the "reconnectInterval" configuration option has been changed in the Configuration).
server disconnect <server> X X trp.server.disconnect All Disconnect from a configured server and stop trying to reconnect.
server enable <server> X X trp.server.enable All Enable a previously disabled server.
server disable <server> X X trp.server.disable All Disable a enabled server. No connections will be made to, or accepted from, a disabled server.
server ping <server> X X All Send an echo message to the connected server and report how long the roundtrip took.
server refresh <server> X X trp.server.refresh All Sends a request to a connected server to send it's info. This mainly consists of a list of gates on the server.
server remove <server> X X trp.server.remove All Remove a configured server. The server will be disconnected if it's already connected.
server exec <server> <cmd> [<args>] X X trp.server.exec.<cmd> v8.2beta1 Execute a command on a remote, connected server. The required permission allows permissions for individual commands to be controlled.
server mexec <cmd> [<args>] X X trp.server.mexec.<cmd> v8.6 Execute a command on all connected servers. The required permission allows permissions for individual commands to be controlled. Only servers whose "mExecTarget" option is true will receive the command.
server get <server> <option>|* X X trp.server.option.get.<option> v7.0+ Displays the value of one or more options for the specified server. The option can be a regular expression to match multiple options. Only the options a player has permission to read will be displayed.
server set <server> <option> <value> X X trp.server.option.set.<option> v7.0+ Sets an option on the specified server. See Servers for more information.


Command Console Client Permission Version Description
world list X X v6.9+ Lists the currently loaded worlds and their environments.
world add <world> [<env>[/<gen> [<seed>]] X X v7.0+ Adds a world with the specified name, creating it if it doesn't exist. Valid environments are NORMAL, NETHER, and THE_END. If not specified, NORMAL is assumed. As of v7.4, you can specify a chunk generator by adding a slash and the generator name after the environment. The generator name is the name of the plugin that provides the generator followed by an optional colon (":") and generator ID. See here for more information from the bukkit folks, and here for a bunch of generator plugins.
world remove <world> X X v7.0+ Removes a previously added world.
world load <world> X X v6.9+ Loads an existing world with the given name.
world unload <world> X X v6.9+ Unloads a previously loaded world with the given name.
world go [<coords>] [<world>] X v6.9+ Teleports the player. If no coordinates are specified (as a comma separated list of 2 or 3 values), the player is teleported to the world's spawn location. If 2 ordinates are given, they specify X and Z, and a suitable Y value is found so the player won't be teleported into solid material. If 3 ordinates are given, the player will be teleported with no check for solid material. If no world is specified, the player's current world is assumed.
world spawn [<coords>] [<world>] X X v6.9+ Sets the spawn location for a world. If no coordinates are specified (as a comma separated list of 2 or 3 values), the player's current location is used as the new spawn location. If 2 ordinates are given, they specify X and Z, and a suitable Y value is found so player's won't be teleported into solid material. If 3 ordinates are given, players will be teleported with *no check* for solid material. If no world is specified, the player's current world is assumed.
world get <world> <option>|* X X<option> v7.0+ Displays the value of one or more options for the specified world. The option can be a regular expression to match multiple options. Only the options a player has permission to read will be displayed.
world set <world> <option> <value> X X<option> v7.0+ Sets an option on the specified world. See Worlds for more information.


Command Console Client Permission Version Description
realm enable X X trp.realm.enable v8.0beta3+ Enables realm support.
realm disable X X trp.realm.disable v8.0beta3+ Disables realm support.
realm get <option>|* X X trp.realm.option.get.<option> v8.0beta3+ Displays the value of one or more realm options. The option can be a regular expression to match multiple options. Only the options a player has permission to read will be displayed.
realm set <option> <value> X X trp.realm.option.set.<option> v8.0beta3+ Sets a realm option. See Realms for more information.


Command Console Client Permission Version Description
tablist update [<player>|all] X X trp.tablist.update v8.14 Forces an update to a player's tab list. If no player is specified, updates the current player's list. The word "all" may be used to update all players' lists.
tablist get <option>|* X X trp.tablist.option.get.<option> v8.14 Displays the value of one or more tab list options. The option can be a regular expression to match multiple options. Only the options a player has permission to read will be displayed.
tablist set <option> <value> X X trp.tablist.option.set.<option> v8.14 Sets a tab list option. See TabList for more information.
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