This repo is about detailed steps for reproducible research in computational science, including computational biology, immunogenomics, single-cell multi-omics data integration, and transformative research.
We recommend every lab member from the Zhang Lab to first read through these documents to understand the contents, which will help you to have a productive and successful experience here.
⭐ First Day in lab for new members: You should first read through this document and configure your server and computer with necessary software.
⭐ Getting started with Alpine: This will help new members get aquainted with the CU Research Computing (CURC) High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster.
⭐ Handboook for reproducible computational research: This handbook provides guidance of conducting reproducible computational research.
- Have a read of high-impact papers we organized covering single-cell omics, statistical modeling, machine learning, and computational genomics with code examples.
- Welcome to learn the tips of writing grants.
⭐ Lab principles: We believe in collaborations, encourage sharing, promote diversity, and maintain scientific integrity to pursue high-quality science.
⭐ Lab activities: We manage our lab time in multiple meetings to help you gain great research skills and advance career development.
⭐ Expectations and achievements: To achieve your research goals, we highly encourage all lab members to submit abstracts, publish papers, and/or present our work in public.
Last Update: Feb 14, 2024