Releases: faircloth-lab/phyluce
phyluce v1.7.3
phyluce is available in several forms. See documentation for additional details. The preferred installation uses conda. phyluce is also available as a Docker container. Both options include all of the dependencies required by phyluce (which are numerous).
- Install Miniconda by following these instructions
- Then, for your operating system:
MacOS - M-Series CPU
wget # the next line must be run at the same time (e.g. do not split it up) - this sets up an x86 environment CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda create -n phyluce-1.7.3-x86 python=3.6 conda activate phyluce-1.7.3-x86 conda config --env --set subdir osx-64 # finally, install from the yml file conda env update --name phyluce-1.7.3-x86 --file phyluce-1.7.3-py36-macOS-conda.yml --prune # if you are finished conda deactivate
MacOS - Intel CPU
wget conda env create -n phyluce-1.7.3 --file phyluce-1.7.3-py36-macOS-conda.yml
wget conda env create -n phyluce-1.7.3 --file phyluce-1.7.3-py36-Linux-conda.yml
- Activate and use the environment:
conda activate phyluce-1.7.3 # or phyluce-1.7.3-x86 if using M-series CPU
- Pull the image from Docker Hub:
docker pull fairclothlab/phyluce:1.7.3
- See documentation for more specific details, but generally:
docker run fairclothlab/phyluce:1.7.3 <name_of_phyluce_program>
Bug Fixes
- fixed an issue concatenating phylip files (closes #307)
- updated a failing test (that resulted from changes in the BOLD database)
phyluce 1.7.2
phyluce is available in several forms. See documentation for additional details. The preferred installation uses conda. phyluce is also available as a Docker container. Both options include all of the dependencies required by phyluce (which are numerous).
- Install Miniconda by following these instructions
- Then, for your operating system:
MacOS - M-Series CPU
wget # the next line must be run at the same time (e.g. do not split it up) - this sets up an x86 environment CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda create -n phyluce-1.7.2-x86 python=3.6 conda activate phyluce-1.7.2-x86 conda config --env --set subdir osx-64 # finally, install from the yml file conda env update --name phyluce-1.7.2-x86 --file phyluce-1.7.2-py36-macOS-conda.yml --prune # if you are finished conda deactivate
MacOS - Intel CPU
wget conda env create -n phyluce-1.7.2 --file phyluce-1.7.2-py36-macOS-conda.yml
wget conda env create -n phyluce-1.7.2 --file phyluce-1.7.2-py36-Linux-conda.yml
- Activate and use the environment:
conda activate phyluce-1.7.1 # or phyluce-1.7.2-x86 if using M-series CPU
- Pull the image from Docker Hub:
docker pull fairclothlab/phyluce:1.7.2
- See documentation for more specific details, but generally:
docker run fairclothlab/phyluce:1.7.2 <name_of_phyluce_program>
Bug Fixes
phyluce 1.7.1
phyluce is available in several forms. See documentation for additional details. The preferred installation uses conda. phyluce is also available as a Docker container. Both options include all of the dependencies required by phyluce (which are numerous).
- Install Miniconda by following these instructions
- Then, for your operating system:
- MacOS
wget conda env create -n phyluce-1.7.1 --file phyluce-1.7.1-py36-macOS-conda.yml
- Linux
wget conda env create -n phyluce-1.7.1 --file phyluce-1.7.1-py36-Linux-conda.yml
- Activate and use the environment:
conda activate phyluce-1.7.1
- Pull the image from Docker Hub:
docker pull fairclothlab/phyluce:1.7.1
- See documentation for more specific details, but generally:
docker run fairclothlab/phyluce:1.7.1 <name_of_phyluce_program>
Bug Fixes
- fix an issue with feedback regarding removal of existing directories/files
- fix an issue with slicing fasta sequences from genomes (using twobit files)
- small formatting fix in documentation for harvesting UCEs
phyluce v1.7.0
phyluce is available in several forms. See documentation for additional details. The preferred installation uses conda. phyluce is also available as a Docker container. Both options include all of the dependencies required by phyluce (which are numerous).
- Install Miniconda by following these instructions
- Then, for your operating system:
- MacOS
wget conda env create -n phyluce-1.7.0 --file phyluce-1.7.0-py36-macOS-conda.yml
- Linux
wget conda env create -n phyluce-1.7.0 --file phyluce-1.7.0-py36-Linux-conda.yml
- Activate and use the environment:
conda activate phyluce-1.7.0
- Pull the image from Docker Hub:
docker pull fairclothlab/phyluce:1.7.0
- See documentation for more specific details, but generally:
docker run fairclothlab/phyluce:1.7.0 <name_of_phyluce_program>
- add unit tests for all critical operations and some non-critical operations
- add "workflows" for complex, multi-step jobs (replaces older code for phasing and coverage computation)
- add code to cleanup spades assemblies
Bug Fixes
- test for common error which would cause sqlite table formation to fail
- change RAM parameters for Spades runs (now a command-line option)
- update all code to work with python3.6 - no more python2 support
- update installation/build mechanisms for github actions
- update logs with some color for different events
- change notices to users for incompatible operations per operating system
- documentation re-organized and updated
- use smaller data sets in documentation examples
- update documentation
Major Removals
- trinity has been removed - recommend using
- the code for computing (trinity) coverage has been removed (see new workflow)
- the old phasing code has been removed (see new phasing workflow)
- all code formerly in
has been removed - most code for inferring gene trees has been removed (there are better options and this was mostly out-of-scope of phyluce)