Follow the below steps to use packages for manual tuning and auto-tuning based on Ziegler-Nichols method
Step 1: Clone the folders magnetometer_check, pluto_drone, task_3. The details of these packages can be found in their respective folders.
Step 2: In a terminal run the command roslaunch magnetometer_check mag.launch. Follow the instructions given in the readme of this package to check if the magnetometer of drone is working properly.
Step 3: Once you are sure of the magnetometers correct functioning, on a new terminal run the command roslaunch task_3.launch
Step 4: On a new terminal run the command roslaunch plutoserver drone_comb.launch
Step 4: Check if the drone is working correctly by pressing 'a'(without quotes) to arm it and 'd' to disarm it.
Step 5 : For manually tuned waypoint navigation/position holding run the command rosrun plutoserver for auto-tuned waypoint navigation rosrun plutoserver on a new terminal.
Follow the below steps to use packages for Iteration Based Auto-Tuning
Step 1: In a terminal run the command roslaunch magnetometer_check mag.launch. Follow the instructions given in the readme of this package to check if the magnetometer of drone is working properly.
Step 2: Once you are sure of the magnetometers correct functioning, on a new terminal run the command roslaunch task_3.launch
Step 3: On a new terminal use command rosrun plutoserver to start the auto tuning of pid controller for drone.